@TheCommentaryGuy there are some cases it might not be considered "a fan" Anymore. Like guys having body pillows, all the way to games with AI tech to simulate a mate.
I would say a fan* might be an understatement, they are really invested into it. This is just how our brains work, we are meant to find a mate, since just like before, goal of a living creature is to continue making a successor of itself.
Gen Z are growing up, most of us are 14-17 years old, it's uncommon for such things to happen since we are hard wired in our brain to look for mates, I mean, that's the point of a living creature right? Grow and grow and grow, until some broken grand-grandchildren decides not to continue growing.
4 years and this will dissolve, trust
@Monarchii fun fact: this Truck in real life doest have airbags
It ejects you out somewhere first so it saves you from being crushed (this has happened irl)
@Graingy ...
(Each per cookies)
60grams wheat flour
10grams butter
20grams sugar
5ml vanilla
Cookies with milk
If you don't like it, you ain't having a good childhood...
First YouTube video is 20 years ago.
+1I did the deed
Your order is up my bro
Chatgpt ahh comment
+2Can this steal a multi billion top secret project documents owned by Lockheed Martin?
+3Tags: @TTL
+1Simply: remove all mass from the body (fuselage of the custom missile), remove all drag, disable aircraft collisions, and it's overall good
+1@TTL oh you are NOT making it longer.
+1No, please don't.
There is fault in my name
And there's redeem in my name
^ that doesn't matter
Ye I guess we get bored building stuff when we can just use it
@YarisSedan school and coding rabbit hole. Maybe a little bit of hobbies too.
This forum post probably won't go anywhere lmao.
First, yay
+1@TheCommentaryGuy there are some cases it might not be considered "a fan" Anymore. Like guys having body pillows, all the way to games with AI tech to simulate a mate.
I would say a fan* might be an understatement, they are really invested into it. This is just how our brains work, we are meant to find a mate, since just like before, goal of a living creature is to continue making a successor of itself.
@TheCommentaryGuy unless we get addicted to it (a very possible chance)
@Graingy it may will, and possibly even longer if we get addicted to it.
But once our generation starts to work, it might go away (20-30 years old)
Gen Z are growing up, most of us are 14-17 years old, it's uncommon for such things to happen since we are hard wired in our brain to look for mates, I mean, that's the point of a living creature right? Grow and grow and grow, until some broken grand-grandchildren decides not to continue growing.
+14 years and this will dissolve, trust
@AWESOMENESS360 thanks!
@TateNT34 man when did I comment?
@Allegro369 umm 7 months? Almost a year, that's pretty long
@Allegro369 yes..? It's funny tho
@Majakalona yay
+1Pun intended?
+1@NtgTrent4503 no problem
Crackers, but without holes.
@Stealth117 they are the same
Ery wide
Heya, remember me?
+1@GeneralUnitedSTATS yes
+1Hmm whats that monoplane
@themouse Cybertruck kinda suck tbh, but i think the only good think about it is that you can safely drive through the opps' hood
+1c o m e n t r y
@SBACERT belum jadi cuma teaser
@Allegro369 thats foul bro
Thats some really big wings
@Graingy Gra-ing-ii
@Monarchii fun fact: this Truck in real life doest have airbags
It ejects you out somewhere first so it saves you from being crushed (this has happened irl)
Nice thinking engineers!
+2@oldmate52 thank you
Is it just me or you are everywhere?
@Graingy how about now?
First one boi
@LunarEclipseSP ong
+2Hes fine, just look at his newest comment.
Cant say its true but hella