2,722 FuRiOuSpLaNeS Comments

  • Better braking? 8.8 years ago

    I just put reverse thrusters on my planes.

  • What's the difference between propeller types? 8.9 years ago

    It's purely cosmetic

  • Holographic Cockpit 3.6 years ago

    am gay 4 u

  • Prague Airport 7.3 years ago

    This is cool. Reminds me of my time in Czech republic.

  • I'm back from the dead! 7.4 years ago

    @APimpNamedSlickback lit fam

  • I'm back from the dead! 7.4 years ago

    @APimpNamedSlickback I think maybe. Don't worry I'm not totally dead.

  • xml modding 7.7 years ago

    @LightningTreeSavor ???

  • You've gotta stop asking guys... 7.8 years ago

    @MaximusTheMinimus Gotcha

  • You've gotta stop asking guys... 7.8 years ago

    @MaximusTheMinimus Sorry m8, i don't follow?

  • You've gotta stop asking guys... 7.8 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 Probibly a good idea :)

  • You've gotta stop asking guys... 7.8 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 My dad and i call the crazy feminists "Feminazis"

  • You've gotta stop asking guys... 7.8 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 @DeezDucks Its all those feminists and liberals :) jk

  • You've gotta stop asking guys... 7.8 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 Lucky

  • You've gotta stop asking guys... 7.8 years ago

    @DeezDucks I think it happens to everyone at some point.

  • You've gotta stop asking guys... 7.8 years ago

    @DeezDucks Yes, Had a few of those situations. some times my emotions get the best of me and i end up saying something i don't mean.

  • You've gotta stop asking guys... 7.8 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 Thanks.

  • You've gotta stop asking guys... 7.8 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 i wasnt saying what you said i was just saying that you kinda had a point. sorry for the bad wording :)

  • You've gotta stop asking guys... 7.8 years ago

    @DeezDucks @Cedy117 I am sorry, I just have been having a rough day today. I understand that they are in a group because they have good quality builds, but @MechWARRIOR57 does have a point. If people want to be in a group then sure, go for it. Embrace freedom of assembly. But please dont make tons of posts about it and then tell us that we can't be in it. It really makes people sad and angry (Hence my previous comment, Sorry). I hope that you can accept my apology because i didn't really mean MOST of what i said. I was thinking with my mouth instead of my brain. Sorry.

  • You've gotta stop asking guys... 7.8 years ago

    Ya know, This Really makes me mad. The only reason that this "Group" is a thing is because the "Top 50 Players In SP" think that they are better than everyone else because they need the reassurance that they are above all of us peasants. I think we should say no and make our own club. The "Any one can join our club unless you are a SP Master Club". i personally think that we should attempt to boycott everyone in the SP Idiots
    (Masters) club.

  • How do you view Germans? 8.0 years ago

    They are definitely not as laid back as Austrians, Germany's are like america and Austrians are like Canada. But I still enjoy watch Germans each other on the streets.

  • Beacon Programming 8.0 years ago

    I don't

  • Kindle Fire website bug 8.0 years ago

    This happens to me too

  • Guys... Trump hit Syria with Tomahawks... 8.0 years ago

    @helilover03 Sorry, this is actually politics

  • Controlling & Propelling Boats 8.0 years ago

    I might be able to help here. First off, you want to use VTOL, not jets or props. Make a set of rudders (wings) underneath the boat and put some fuselage blocks on the ends, but don't put the engines (nozzles) on the ends. Put the engines at the back of the boat behind the rudders. You have to remember that the heavier and bigger the boat the more power you need to turn it. Make the VTOL nozzels the things that turns the boat, the rudders are to keep the boat straight. I hope this helps.

  • I'm back from the dead! 8.0 years ago

    @EliteIndustries1 @Botfinder nice to meet you to. You might not know me because I have not been here for 7/8 months.

  • I'm back from the dead! 8.0 years ago

    @ChaMikey thanks, glad to be back

  • Cargo Aircraft 8.0 years ago

    I think someone copied your plane

  • Cargo Aircraft 8.0 years ago

    From what I can tell, this is a near exact copy of @ztq123 's plane with the same name and everything. You might want to take this down before the mods/devs find out. This can get you banned. I don't know how to link the rules to this but you should not copy other people's planes.

  • WW2 designs 8.0 years ago

    Ya, what he said

  • New president 8.2 years ago

    Hillary could have easily "Deleted" Trump's chance of winning:) see what I did there.

  • generic tank hull (Wip) 8.6 years ago

    @APimpNamedSlickback no

  • New Roleplay 8.6 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen two mines

  • New Roleplay 8.6 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen can I have two mines

  • New Roleplay 8.6 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen private

  • New Roleplay 8.6 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen My teams name will be the"United Furii"

  • SP is to Mundane 8.6 years ago

    @PINK we are thinking about it

  • How do I become a moderator? 8.6 years ago

    @LuKorp @Mox it is 16

  • SP is to Mundane 8.6 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen ok

  • SP is to Mundane 8.6 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen ya, should we talk in private or no?

  • SP is to Mundane 8.6 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen great idea. I haven't thought about how teams will work, you can also help run the rp

  • SP is to Mundane 8.6 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen that would be reasonable, and Im thinking about like a future/modern strategy role play. Each team could get like 5 points each day and number of parts would determine how many points it take to make something, but you could also use points to get mines so you can make more points everyday. Just an idea

  • SP is to Mundane 8.6 years ago

    @Clawsome ok

  • SP is to Mundane 8.6 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen I just don't want people making multiple teams, so maybe we could have it so you have to be a certain rank, but I don't want rank to be determined by points or how popular you are.

  • SP is to Mundane 8.6 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen I think infinite teams would be great

  • SP is to Mundane 8.6 years ago

    @KnightOfAraluen if you want to help make it all you can. Im thinking about having 4 teams. Yeager, Bandit, Wright, and snow stone.

  • No one make successers of my planes without permission 8.6 years ago

    @KingDeadshot I understand completely but still

  • No one make successers of my planes without permission 8.6 years ago

    Only make them want to make successor planes more

  • No one make successers of my planes without permission 8.6 years ago

    That's not gonna stop anyone