@Hatsy Sorry to be that guy, but I noticed you put 72 to 66 MYA. No T-Rex fossils have been found in rock older than 68 MYA. Other than that, the only thing I can see wrong twith the skeleton is that the Gastrelia should be flatter, rather than slanting up. Check out the new mount of Sue.
@Hasty Wel... Anatosaurus and Anatotitan are synonyms of Edmontosaurus. As far as I know, only Edmontosaurus Regalis has a crest. E. Annectens has no evidence for it (it would have been preserved in the dino mummy).
@ItsTomcatTuesday I was so disappointed with how it performed, 'cause I thought it was going to be one of the best. You should totally make improvements to it and re-upload this beautiful thing.
@TRD6932 nah. I never include a part count. As far as your other question; I was referring to the fact that a car belongs in my old hybrid challenge. Planes should have wheels of course.
Congrats on winning a sandbox game! How is that possible?
+3@dekanii This will disappear from the front page of everyone's jet stream in about a week, then We'll all forget about it.
+2@IAlsoBuildPlane I didn't think of that. Ask @JamesPlanesii about how to make one of those.
+2Huge clapping noises!
+2Useful target there! Weather report: Rain of explosive death! Stay out today!
+2how is the wing loading THAT?
+2@QingyuZhou Did you say fire?
+2@Kentheman Dude! You guys are going ALL OUT with this thing aren't ya!
+2@Kerbango Can we add external wings etc?
+1I'm starting to wonder if anyone's actually building anything on this.
+1Those rules are loose as.
+15 months is REALLY long.
+1@Hatsy No prob
+1@Hatsy Sorry to be that guy, but I noticed you put 72 to 66 MYA. No T-Rex fossils have been found in rock older than 68 MYA. Other than that, the only thing I can see wrong twith the skeleton is that the Gastrelia should be flatter, rather than slanting up. Check out the new mount of Sue.
+1@Hatsy i think that there would be evidence on the Dino Mummy 'Dakota'. That specimen preserves a heap of the skin, and the front leg 'hoof'.
+1@Hasty Wel... Anatosaurus and Anatotitan are synonyms of Edmontosaurus. As far as I know, only Edmontosaurus Regalis has a crest. E. Annectens has no evidence for it (it would have been preserved in the dino mummy).
+1@cruiseman101 I believe you owe me something
+1@TheUltimatePlaneLover Lagwing?
+1@Majakalona Gullah colours
+1Very snazzy. Nice
+1@HuskyDynamics01 Any threes that have no leaves and just look like a dead stick are the solid ones.
+1@HuskyDynamics01 I seem to find all the non slid trees.
+1@HuskyDynamics01 well. That's convenient.
+1fair description... I guess.
+1This is beautiful!
+1@ItsTomcatTuesday I was so disappointed with how it performed, 'cause I thought it was going to be one of the best. You should totally make improvements to it and re-upload this beautiful thing.
+1@ItsTomcatTuesday I once spent over a day designing a gate. Welcome to the club.
+1@FRIGGLES sure
+1@TRD6932 I was thinking more about planes, but I could slightly change the rules.
+1@TRD6932 nah. I never include a part count. As far as your other question; I was referring to the fact that a car belongs in my old hybrid challenge. Planes should have wheels of course.
+1@L3dg3ndary Yeah, I figured that. I just did it for fun.
+1@winterro The claws should be a bit longer and the tail fan is to big, I think.
+1This is a joke, right...
+1@ACEPILOT109 awesome!
+1@FlagsWorldwide nice.
+1@Simulatestars you're welcome.
+1@Sm10684 :D
+1interesting car name.
+1cool that you can already use Overload!
+1ONLY 140 parts?
+1Everything about it is great except the hands are facing the wrong way.
+1Happy birthday Minecraft!
+1Not this again!