2,755 GeneralPatrick2 Comments

  • Update Galore and Steam Sale 1.5 years ago

    I'm sad to hear that this is the last update, but I have high hopes for what you guys make in the future. thanks for what you've created, I've loved every second of it.

  • Update Galore and Steam Sale 1.5 years ago

    @IWANTBLUEPRINTHEHE chill out, dude. good lord.

  • Quad 350mm Battleship Main Turret - Weapon Challenge 2 1.7 years ago

    I think I might remake this. Tweak a few details, adjust the overall design, add some more details...

  • The rules for curation 1.7 years ago

    very proud of myself for managing to meet the criteria for curation despite not knowing that curation was a thing and that there were criteria :3

  • J-12 Black Widow 1.7 years ago

    @Rodrigo110 it's possible i posted at a bad time, or the lack of an interesting thumbnail put people off. or it could just be that i haven't posted in a while. could be any number of things, really, but i'm glad you took an interest in this!

  • How to make cannons with timed-fuse shells at specified distances, for anti-air and recreational use 1.7 years ago

    @adiman52888 likely you'd have to mess around with Funky Trees coding for that kind of shenanigans.

  • Cursed Bush Plane 1.7 years ago

    cursed bush plane walked so choo choo charles could run.

  • What happened to BogdanX? 1.7 years ago

    @MrShenanigansSP well, i assumed as much, i just... want to know WHY he left. and, especially, why he decided to delete his account rather than just go inactive.

  • flak 88 anti aircraft artillery 2.0 years ago

    @TrippinMidget11222211 aye, i'll be sure to do so, though i've got to repair my computer first

  • flak 88 anti aircraft artillery 2.0 years ago

    @TrippinMidget11222211 I dunno if I have it anymore but if it's still broken I can see if I can fix it again? haven't played in 2 years but I still have some skills

  • SimpleQuiz 2.9 years ago

    @killingdeath why did you tag me

  • HOW TO TURN OFF HUD ON MOBILE? 3.2 years ago

    first you take a hammer, and then you hit your phone's screen REALLY HARD. unfortunately this also removes the rest of the UI, as well as the screen itself

  • Motivate 3.2 years ago

    i know how you feel, and what i suggest is to try doing something you like with this game. if that doesn't help, you might need to take a break, and come back when you feel ready to do things again

  • FINAL 3.2 years ago


  • Any furries in Simpleplanes? 3.2 years ago

    the answer is an obvious yes. everywhere on the internet has furries, i'm inclined to believe.
    one of those furries is me. also the plural form of furry is furries not furrys unless it's not but i'm pretty sure grammatically that furries is the proper plural form

  • FURRY 3.2 years ago

    @Kubol1221 ??? but they are? the same as weebs, marvel aficionados, trekkies or vegans

  • internet humans 3.2 years ago

    @X99STRIKER it's a true fact thankfully

  • ROKAF 3.2 years ago


  • ROKAF 3.2 years ago

    @X99STRIKER damn, the Russians stole it from me

  • i'm back again 3.2 years ago

    welcome back

  • Building a Felon. 3.2 years ago

    committing a felony

  • XF-76B 3.2 years ago


  • Minecraft axolotl 3.2 years ago

    @belugasub you're disgusting

  • Minecraft axolotl 3.2 years ago

    i love him

  • GTA SA Brown Streak 3.2 years ago


  • What happened to: Best airplanes-All time?? 3.2 years ago

    oh damn, you're right, it's gone??? how do i look at planes from 3 years agoooo

  • Cant play SP now((( 3.2 years ago

    touchscreen wants to have a family and kids, you have to let them go xSUPERTTx. they've matured enough to be let out of your care

  • XF-76B 3.2 years ago

    HAH, that's pretty nice.

  • ROKAF 3.2 years ago

    i can't see anything, it's too dark. where's my flashlight?

  • Veteran Status 3.2 years ago


  • I have an anouncment to make 3.2 years ago

    who's this jebus person, never heard of him. is he cool? might invite him to my chrimmas party.


    i present to you... THE MIDWEST TORNADO-INATOR!!!! now i can finally take over the TRI-STATE AREA, starting with the midwest

  • Simpleplanes became dark place ? 3.2 years ago

    hey, really quick, before you make posts like this i suggest looking up the problem on the forums and the internet, because getting mad at people over your own ignorance isn't a great look.

    speaking of ignorance, the freedom of speech doesn't protect you from the criticism of your peers. all it guarantees is that the government can't censor you. stop whining about speech freedom

  • North American AJ-1 Savage 3.2 years ago

    heh heh heh, nuclear armageddon.

  • Y'all thought I was gone but nope I Am BACC 3.2 years ago

    BACC: Big-Ass Cheesy Chips

  • wh... why? 3.2 years ago

    that looks like a boat

  • FURRY 3.2 years ago

    @CenturyAerospace i think statistically half of everyone you meet on the internet are a furry regardless of how open about it they are

  • FURRY 3.2 years ago

    @cat123 your avatar terrifies me

  • FURRY 3.2 years ago

    @Hunterthemuncher rude

  • FURRY 3.2 years ago

    @Kubol1221 genocide is frowned upon in most nations

  • FURRY 3.2 years ago


  • Polikarpov Po-2 'Kukuruznik' 3.2 years ago


  • How did the Blue Angels get their name? 3.4 years ago

    make sure to like and subscribe for more facts like these.

  • Making a gun in a plane game 3.4 years ago

    oh my goodness that's ingenious if it's what i think it is

  • R-15 Reznov Battle Rifle 3.4 years ago

    @Highbraker nah no see, the joke is, the AK can be any type of gun. machinegun? grab an RPK. shotgun? saiga-12. sniper? dragunov. they're all AKs, all of them.
    a lot of them don't have wood though.

  • God f***ing DAMMIT Kris where the F*** ARE WE? 3.4 years ago

    lmao of course someone did it here too

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.4 years ago


  • I don't know why I was thinking 'bout this 3.5 years ago

    in practicality it'd be impossible to have FBI agents for every FBI agent, so rather than have FBI agents for the FBI agents they have super-FBI agents who watch over large groups of FBI agents and there's a mega-FBI agent who watches over all the super-FBI agents, and the mega-FBI agent is watched over by their mom

  • In works. 3.5 years ago

    @FlyingPatriot it seems pretty nice to me!

  • I use light mode 3.5 years ago

    @NINETAILEDFOXNTF jokes on you i'm gay