1,288 Gerrit747 Comments

  • Bombs that Detonate on impact with water? 3.3 years ago

    Cockpit parts that are not set to primary cockpit can still output certain variables like altitude, speed, etc... So you can attach a non-primary cockpit to your bomb and the height of the bomb will be known as variable. For example the altitude of this cockpit is assigned to the variable: BombHeight

    Then the last step would be to trigger the bomb using this variable. I think you can trigger bombs using a piston which pushes into the nose of the bomb but I am not sure about it.

    If the piston method would work then you need the following FT expression for your piston: clamp01(BombHeight < 0) This activates the piston when the bomb goes below sea-level

  • AV-8B Harrier (Night Attack) 3.9 years ago

    @Destroyerz117 You really did such an amazing job with this build. I still can't believe that my HUD is featured in this piece of art :')

  • Funky Trees! 5.2 years ago

    It would be awesome if we also have the derivatives of the current Flight Data. I think (/hope) it is really easy to add those and they allow even more advanced fly-by-wire.

  • Thoughts on using 1PartsHud in VR 3.2 years ago

    @PlanariaLab Maybe you've thought about this solution already but here it is anyway. You can have the HUD way in front of the plane (or even sticking out) and have the HUD only active when the cockpit camera is active.

  • Functional FT HUD 3.4 years ago

    @iPilot Sorry for the late response, but better late than never. I don't think I'll make a full guide on how to make this or similar HUDs. I would simply take too much time I'm afraid. Also there is already a link in this post to a version where all pistons and hinges are made visible so there is quite a bit of room for reverse engineering I think. Although I know it is sometimes hard to understand what each part FT code does and you've probably already looked at this link. So I think it is best if you ask me specific questions in case you're stuck on something.

    P.S. Please don't try making those numbers indicating Pitch Angle, they were just horrible to get right. Not a good thing to start with.

  • Functional FT HUD 3.4 years ago

    @MaverickHendricks the green part of the hud is painted with the sixth paint of the color scheme, so the dark blue color. To make this part of the HUD magenta you need to change this color to green (#00FF00)

  • Functional FT HUD 3.8 years ago

    @FeatherWing I like that a lot of people are asking about using the HUD. As long as you put a link to this in the description I'm totally fine with it.

  • Functional FT HUD 3.8 years ago

    @QinQianWen Of course you can just put a link to this in the description please

  • AV-8B Harrier (Night Attack) 3.9 years ago

    I found a quick fix for the shaking while switching weapon modes. Change the input of the rotators connected to the Targeting circles (left and right from the HUD) to
    this way the circles always counter rotate while switching and thereby cancel the shaking. @Destroyerz117

    Edit: these &quot; should be " of course

  • My first premiere pro video 3.9 years ago

    You should make this a video post dude, it will get a lot more attention this way (which it definitely deserves)

  • Project Behemoth [TEASER] 3.9 years ago

    I think we can all agree that the AO has done its job here.

  • Functional FT HUD 3.9 years ago

    @Stanmich Well the best possible solution for this would be to calculate with some extremely advanced maths if the planes movement (doesn't work for ground vehicles) is towards you within the amount of degrees and range of standard air-to-air weapons (the guardian and interceptor, custom weapons would ruin it) and then show a warning. And even this only works for the plane you are targeting at the moment. Long story short: the FT data available is insufficient to do this properly. :(

  • Functional FT HUD 2.3 years ago

    @GKYGG Yes of course!

  • SU-35 SM ''Mister-X'' 3.1 years ago

    @Lamakingdm The PSM manouvering on this plane is magnificent

  • Functional FT HUD 3.1 years ago

    @SimpleplanesTankbuilder Of course you can

  • Functional FT HUD 3.4 years ago

    @Sergio666 Of course you can! Tag me please so i can check out your plane :)

  • Functional FT HUD 3.9 years ago

    @Destroyerz117 Of course that's ok. This HUD is made to be used so I am looking forward to see it in one of your crafts, tag me please :)

  • XML Piston Question 3.9 years ago

    I believe the pistons automatically try to decelerate smoothly at the ends, when almost fully retracted or extended. So when near the ends the piston speed will be something like 0.5 or 0.3 times the normal piston speed.

    To get rid of this smoothing you can set the piston speed very high and you won't notice any smoothing (as 0.3 times 1000 is still a speed of 300 for example). However, now the piston will just instantly follow its input and you lose a speed limit for the movement. Also, at high speeds the piston connections can become a bit wonky.

    A possible solution is to put your whole piston input inside a smooth(input,speed) function (See FT page) now the piston will still instantly follow its input but the speed limit is applied to the input rather than to the piston itself.

    I hope this can help you, if you still have a question just ask :)

  • Teaser (Apr 01 2020) 3.9 years ago

    I am especially fond of the seemingly working radar in the 5th picture

  • Textured fuselage block: camouflages, decals, my Patreon. 3.9 years ago

    @MOPCKOEDNISHE Aw that's too bad. However, that you already asked them about it really shows the dedication and effort you put into this.

  • Textured fuselage block: camouflages, decals, my Patreon. 3.9 years ago

    @MOPCKOEDNISHE Yes that's what I meant. I already thought an effect like this would be very hard to code. Maybe when you release this mod, because I bet it will become quite big, you can ask a dev how they coded it for the fuselages.

  • Textured fuselage block: camouflages, decals, my Patreon. 3.9 years ago

    Wow, this looks amazing dude!
    btw I was wondering If it is possible (and planned) to include smooth edges for your new fuselage blocks? @MOPCKOEDNISHE

  • DarkBlue 3.9 years ago

    This mod adds such a simple feature to the gameplay yet we needed it so much!

  • Functional FT HUD 3.9 years ago

    Wow! I didn't expect this post to get this much attention.
    Thanks a lot to all the people who upvoted this.
    And a special thanks to the ones who thought this was spotlight worthy!

  • Functional FT HUD 3.9 years ago

    @RedBaronBR Yeah, not necessarily low part count but rather being as efficient with part count as possible is definitely priority. Having all sorts of working cockpit stuff for best flying experience and then having only 10 FPS due to high part count would be quite a waste ;)

  • Functional FT HUD 3.9 years ago

    @Ruvien0Republic0Officer Well this is my first post in 4 years and before that I uploaded crap basically. So the ranking system isn't that broken I just have to upload more of the good stuff like this. However I agree that if I would've made a meme build consisting of 5 parts I would've got probably way more upvotes compared to the effort.

  • Functional FT HUD 3.9 years ago

    @MemriNotTheNewsChannel Thanks! Hopefully this post gets some momentum so more people see what's possible with FT, although there are already made countless amazing examples.

  • Functional FT HUD 3.9 years ago

    @Galland Thank you! I see you belong to te brave :) If you want to understand how this is done you can click the link I've made in the section 'For the brave'. It is however a little bit of a mess with all those rotators and pistons. When there a more people asking for how it's done I'll maybe add some sort of explanation in the description of that post.

  • Beta 1.9.202 5.0 years ago

    I've one small question about the sum(x). Could there also be a function clampsum(x, min, max)?
    Doing clamp(sum(x), min, max) has the problem the sum(x) keeps counting and when it will count backwards it takes a little (or big) time to respond instead of immediately counting down from the maximum and I haven't found another way to fix this.

    I've a second (less small) question. Is it possible to add fuselage lights like beacon lights with an input, Halo and blinkProgram but resizable and without edges because that would bring new possibilities to functional and aesthetic cockpit designs.

    Anyways thanks! @AndrewGarrison

  • Room Romp 5.0 years ago

    I just want to say that I've seen some pretty creative builds and other stuff on simpleplanes but this map is just so impressively good and flawless executed!

  • Tank aiming 6.4 years ago

    @MOPCKOEDNISHE Thanks very nice!

  • Tank aiming 6.4 years ago

    @MOPCKOEDNISHE, is it possible to add more keys for enabling Mode like "1","2","3" ... so you can activate an activation group as well. I think that would be very useful for many purposes. As maykayman mentioned making a gunship and as you enter Mode you enable a gyro so the plane stays leveled.

  • MIK S111 Superlevel 7.1 years ago

    @mikoyanster Amazing yaw! How did you do? Do you have any tips? And yes of course, it's a fantastic plane.