314k Gestour Comments

  • F-117A Nighthawk 1.8 years ago

    Feel free to use this however you want.

  • Celestial Time 1.8 years ago

    @AlbertanPlaneMaker ok, why are you talking about it?

  • Celestial Time 1.8 years ago

    @AlbertanPlaneMaker what are you talking about?

  • Celestial Time 1.9 years ago

    @AlbertanPlaneMaker I tried to delete that entire conversation, but I couldn't delete a moderators comment, and I was going to ask if it could be removed, and I pinned it so I would remember, and then I forgot.

  • Celestial Time 1.9 years ago

    @Type2volkswagen the errors were from this mod?

  • Celestial Time 1.9 years ago

    @Type2volkswagen wow, I don't know. Are you sure? The slider still looks like it is set at 180 min when it's working.

  • game freezes 1.9 years ago


  • Are meme Post Better than actual plane post? 1.9 years ago

    Are those Memes?
    I think NO!
    This post might be one though.

  • UNPUBLISHED MODS 1.9 years ago

    @BeefSupreme69 No, there are no Android mods from me. My stuff uses code.

  • Celestial Time 1.9 years ago

    @SP737 you just enable it.

  • Celestial Time 1.9 years ago

    @BiliBiliXMBGDS No, sorry. Android does not support Mods which run code, and this mod is 95% code.

  • Celestial Time 1.9 years ago

    @iwannabeelected You can still adjust it with the slider in the Game Options. But it will go back to full scale every time you reset.

  • Warning!! must read 1.9 years ago

    Those ads are on all YouTube videos now, relax.

  • Celestial Time 1.9 years ago

    @Kittyhawk208 no. 0 0

  • Celestial Time 1.9 years ago

    @TimsonAviation I have just posted it.

  • Celestial Time 1.9 years ago

    @SheriffHackdogMCPE that is the date that was coded into the game.

  • Celestial Time 1.9 years ago

    @MisterT this does not change the weather.

  • How do I change my profile icon? 1.9 years ago

    You have to make an account on gravatar.com that is linked to the same email you used here. Then in the settings here, you need to select Show Gravatar.

  • Celestial Time 1.9 years ago

    @1342791782 I looked for the moon, found it, got its material, and changed the texture, and the other stuff was already built in, but mostly unused, I just enabled them.
    If there is an eclipse happening in RL, you may be able to view it with this. I did not make the date adjustable though, it is set to your system date.

  • Celestial Time 1.9 years ago

    @Shimamurahougetsu The length of day is 24 hours with this mod.

  • _Instrumentation 1.9 years ago

    @Jurmala No. not at all. there used to be an android version, but not anymore. this mod, and every other one I make has to run code in order to function, and that is not a thing that Android is able to do anymore.

  • My Requests for Mod Creators 2.0 years ago

    Nobody can make mods for mobile.

  • My screen will not turn. 2.0 years ago

    You are in flyby mode maybe?

  • What happens if SP still support mods on ios and android? 2.0 years ago

    It literally can't

  • How do you add mods to MAC 2.0 years ago

    I think you have to download the mod, put it in the Mod Folder, and then open SP, and activate it.

  • A critical thing that i think SP needs 2.0 years ago

    Normal wheels do not have circular colliders.

  • OBJ file not accessable 2.0 years ago

    I did that once, about 6 years ago, on an iPhone 4, that plane is still in that folder to this day.

  • I can not create my mod on unity 3d 2.0 years ago

    @Enlil You need Unity 2020.3.26

  • I can not create my mod on unity 3d 2.0 years ago

    @Enlil when installing Unity, you need to select windows, and macOS build support.

  • I can not create my mod on unity 3d 2.0 years ago

    @Enlil don't save Mod (Debug).
    Use Save Mod (Windows/MacOS)

  • I can not create my mod on unity 3d 2.0 years ago

    That's not a critical error. Ignore it.

  • Island_Builder 2.0 years ago

    @QOUEIUUR That's not me

  • Island_Builder 2.0 years ago

    @RTX4090 There are NO MODS for mobile.

  • I can not create my mod on unity 3d 2.0 years ago

    @Enlil is there a yellow triangle with an exclamation point next to the error?

  • I can not create my mod on unity 3d 2.0 years ago

    Click "NO"

  • How do you get points to upvote? 2.1 years ago

    Upload an aircraft!

  • Where Are The Basic Modding Assets? 2.1 years ago

    The mod tools are in the modtools folder on you p.c.

  • Need a Few mod items 2.4 years ago

    @Aircraft4U So you WERE 11.
    As I suspected!

  • UNPUBLISHED MODS 2.4 years ago

    @mateo973 Good.

  • F-117A Nighthawk 2.6 years ago

    @CreeperDeeper888 How about you just update it for me.
    I am too busy with RL atm.

  • Ocean 2.7 years ago

    @akoposikenneth ok, That's cool. Unfortunately I don't have any mods for Android.

  • Island_Builder 2.7 years ago

    @TheDesignate why ask?

  • Ocean 2.7 years ago

    @RoCh17 First, download the mod, then tight click on it, and select "Open with" then choose SimplePlanes. Then just enable it.

  • SeaTraffic 2.7 years ago

    @PorterTM cool story.

  • Kaboom 2.7 years ago

    @TheDesignate That's tough.

  • RADAR 2.7 years ago

    @GorillaGuerrilla That's not what I did. I never touched the code, I just deleted the missiles.

  • Some Advice to beginners. 2.7 years ago

    At 7 months old, you are a beginner.

  • Ocean 2.8 years ago

    @EmeryCool21 What is "Simplefloods"?

  • Ocean 2.8 years ago

    @myusernamedonttakeit nope.

  • Island_Builder 2.8 years ago

    @Nanta02 The menu opens?