Usually recommendation algorithms are employed by platforms with higher content streams. SP's content flow isn't large enough to validate implementing one. Furthermore, if it was actually implemented, we would likely see a lot of the same posts over and over. The content flow just isn't big enough to support it nor validate it.
Secondly, the website is, well, old. The devs do prefer the SR site and if they did implement an algorithm, it would be there. Besides, an algorithm does increase costs, and I don't think Jundroo wants to invest too much in an old site—especially when it works fine already.
Finally, I think the aircraft tags and search functions assist well enough in sifting through a smaller content flow. The only thing a recommended algorithm would help with is finding underrated old aircrafts.
Why fix it if it isn't broken?
1) Revolutionary for its time
2) Used to fly better, it was designed in an old physics model
3) Once it became highest rated it basically just attracted upvotes for little reason
4) Today this'd probably still get a solid 30-50 upvotes lol
@Teitochi You get a strike for breaking the rules. Three strikes is a ban, though this post outlines the inconsistencies. Previously you wouldn't know if you had a strike unless you were told, and there wasn't a way to check.
How do we know that you're not a GPT-2 simulation? Is it true that you were a surrogate mother for Jar Jar Binks? Is water wet? How many hipsters have you executed by guillotine? Are you a hivemind of bacterial mass? Did you actually send a counter-strike rover against Perseverance in order to cover up your intergalactic fighting ring of naked mole rats?
What is your full name, phone number, email, password, home address, credit card information, Steam account information, IP address, bank account number, and age?
The United Socialist States of Thicccccccc is a huge, safe nation, notable for its multi-spousal wedding ceremonies, enslaved workforce, and punitive income tax rates. The hard-nosed, cynical population of 486 million Thiccccccccians are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."
The large, corrupt, moralistic, socially-minded, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defense, and Education. The average income tax rate is 66.5%, and even higher for the wealthy.
The sizeable but sluggish Thiccccccccian economy, worth 14.8 trillion Fetuses a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. However, for those in the know, there is a slick, highly efficient, quite specialized black market in Arms Manufacturing, Tourism, Uranium Mining, and Information Technology. The private sector mostly consists of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, but the government is looking at stamping this out. Average income is 30,363 Fetuses, and distributed extremely evenly, with practically no difference between the richest and poorest citizens.
Seats at the back of the bus are reserved for homosexuals, souvenir shops that sell alphorns are taking advantage of gullible tourists, citizens are allowed to rise or fall based on their own merits, and hipster cyclists declare that "metal is dead". Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Thicccccccc's national animal is the Meme man, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.
Thicccccccc is ranked 121,388th in the world and 2nd in Nightshade Alliance for Largest Basket Weaving Sector, scoring -2 on the Hickory Productivity Index.
Make sure the part is centred at x coordinate 0.000.
That being said, the mirror can do some freaky stuff, so it's probably good that this kind of thing is brought to attention.
We all go through some tough times. Take a break if you need to, it definitely helps. You really are a talented builder, so don't worry about the upvote insecurity too much. Just make what fulfils you.
Sometimes life isn't always working out, and that's okay. Here's hoping things get better. :)
I would honestly say try to get a new computer.
Chromebooks simply aren't made for gaming.
Ignore the brand/ownership pride for a while and look at it logically. If you did screw your graphics card over, it's a better long-term investment to purchase a new one than to keep your current one on life support for a while. Once hardware starts getting messed up, that's sort of the point where you have to recognize that you're putting more stress on the device than it was meant for. The problems will only increase the longer you do so.
Trust me on this. I'm in your same sort of situation right now—my computer's screwed up, and instead of letting ownership pride blind me I'm just getting a new one.
'Tis the season dude. Ask and you might get lucky on the 25th.
Missiles can only maneuver while under their own thrust.
Just a rule of SP, can't be changed. Sorry.
The closest thing I can think of is this weird little technique I've explored. You can start a missile on a ballistic launch—by attaching a missile to a detacher, and then using Fine Tuner to rotate the detacher so it faces forward. You can mess with detacher force and missile weight to adjust launch speed.
The second part of this process is the ignitionDelay attribute. Plug it into the XML table, and you can set how long it takes for the missile to ignite after launch.
Integrating these two techniques yields a satisfying launch, and the technique is even applicable for flak cannons—a method that has since been invalidated by the recent 1.10 update.
TL;DR, you can use forward facing detachers and missiles with ignitionDelay to create an initially ballistic launch, where after a set time the missile will ignite and then operate under its own power.
Hope this helps :)
Usually recommendation algorithms are employed by platforms with higher content streams. SP's content flow isn't large enough to validate implementing one. Furthermore, if it was actually implemented, we would likely see a lot of the same posts over and over. The content flow just isn't big enough to support it nor validate it.
+2Secondly, the website is, well, old. The devs do prefer the SR site and if they did implement an algorithm, it would be there. Besides, an algorithm does increase costs, and I don't think Jundroo wants to invest too much in an old site—especially when it works fine already.
Finally, I think the aircraft tags and search functions assist well enough in sifting through a smaller content flow. The only thing a recommended algorithm would help with is finding underrated old aircrafts.
Why fix it if it isn't broken?
+1The U.S. Army’s combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003, respectively, showed that the forces lacked adequate intra-unit communications, particularly at lower echelons, and that the use of satellite communications resources offered a future solution. The promise of satellites was borne out by the success of Blue Force Tracker, a communications system used to track the locations of units and vehicles connected to low-orbit communications satellites.
+7More overhead communications systems are needed, but satellites are costly and require either expensive geosynchronous satellites or many low- or mid-earth-orbit satellites. Potential alternative platforms are solar-powered high-altitude airships and airplanes flying at or above 65,000 feet. Aircraft payloads could support communications suites, such as the Adaptive Joint C4ISR Node (AJCN), and surveillance suites similar to Global Hawk equip- ment and space-based radar. Weapon systems are potential payloads not addressed in this report.
The purpose of this report is to inform the U.S. Army about the usefulness and limitations of airships in roles of supporting communications and surveillance functions in theater battlespace.
This research was sponsored by the U.S. Army CIO/G-6 and was conducted in RAND Arroyo Center’s Force Development and Technology Program. RAND Arroyo Center, part of the RAND Corporation, is a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the United States Army. Questions and comments regarding this research are welcome and should be addressed to the project leader, Isaac R. Porche III, at
+41) Revolutionary for its time
2) Used to fly better, it was designed in an old physics model
3) Once it became highest rated it basically just attracted upvotes for little reason
4) Today this'd probably still get a solid 30-50 upvotes lol
@KnightOfRen by that logic all the mods should be banned
+1@FrostyYeti [visible confusion]
+5@Teitochi You get a strike for breaking the rules. Three strikes is a ban, though this post outlines the inconsistencies. Previously you wouldn't know if you had a strike unless you were told, and there wasn't a way to check.
no way he
+5The U.S. Army’s combat operations in Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003, respectively, showed that the forces lacked adequate intra-unit communications, particularly at lower echelons, and that the use of satellite communications resources offered a future solution. The promise of satellites was borne out by the success of Blue Force Tracker, a communications system used to track the locations of units and vehicles connected to low-orbit communications satellites.
+3More overhead communications systems are needed, but satellites are costly and require either expensive geosynchronous satellites or many low- or mid-earth-orbit satellites. Potential alternative platforms are solar-powered high-altitude airships and airplanes flying at or above 65,000 feet. Aircraft payloads could support communications suites, such as the Adaptive Joint C4ISR Node (AJCN), and surveillance suites similar to Global Hawk equip- ment and space-based radar. Weapon systems are potential payloads not addressed in this report.
The purpose of this report is to inform the U.S. Army about the usefulness and limitations of airships in roles of supporting communications and surveillance functions in theater battlespace.
This research was sponsored by the U.S. Army CIO/G-6 and was conducted in RAND Arroyo Center’s Force Development and Technology Program. RAND Arroyo Center, part of the RAND Corporation, is a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the United States Army. Questions and comments regarding this research are welcome and should be addressed to the project leader, Isaac R. Porche III, at
@Nintendo I think this?
+5How do we know that you're not a GPT-2 simulation? Is it true that you were a surrogate mother for Jar Jar Binks? Is water wet? How many hipsters have you executed by guillotine? Are you a hivemind of bacterial mass? Did you actually send a counter-strike rover against Perseverance in order to cover up your intergalactic fighting ring of naked mole rats?
+1What is your full name, phone number, email, password, home address, credit card information, Steam account information, IP address, bank account number, and age?
+7Nobody really knows how to do this or can show others.
+1Literally my only advice is to practice, check out other builds, and use reference images.
Dude your builds are insane
+1Thank you for this
The United Socialist States of Thicccccccc is a huge, safe nation, notable for its multi-spousal wedding ceremonies, enslaved workforce, and punitive income tax rates. The hard-nosed, cynical population of 486 million Thiccccccccians are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."
+6The large, corrupt, moralistic, socially-minded, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defense, and Education. The average income tax rate is 66.5%, and even higher for the wealthy.
The sizeable but sluggish Thiccccccccian economy, worth 14.8 trillion Fetuses a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. However, for those in the know, there is a slick, highly efficient, quite specialized black market in Arms Manufacturing, Tourism, Uranium Mining, and Information Technology. The private sector mostly consists of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, but the government is looking at stamping this out. Average income is 30,363 Fetuses, and distributed extremely evenly, with practically no difference between the richest and poorest citizens.
Seats at the back of the bus are reserved for homosexuals, souvenir shops that sell alphorns are taking advantage of gullible tourists, citizens are allowed to rise or fall based on their own merits, and hipster cyclists declare that "metal is dead". Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Thicccccccc's national animal is the Meme man, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests.
Thicccccccc is ranked 121,388th in the world and 2nd in Nightshade Alliance for Largest Basket Weaving Sector, scoring -2 on the Hickory Productivity Index.
@Nintendo It's nice to be appreciated
+5Yes please, this would be great
+1The RCNs need this as well
Bruh you call that snow
this post was made by canada gang
+2Physics settings? idk, could you describe the problem somehow
You can comment on your own unlisted builds, and once you publish the build it'll appear "newer" than your comments
The fact that the Maywar city is uninhabited, yet in pristine condition
+2This looks... wow.
SimplePlanes user abandons child to adopt anime emo boy
+1Make sure the part is centred at x coordinate 0.000.
That being said, the mirror can do some freaky stuff, so it's probably good that this kind of thing is brought to attention.
Maybe you could try an adapter to get them both as one input?
+2Somehow I doubt it, but worth a shot.
Ah, ok. The attribute damage should cover what you're going for. No caps, and the number you need is probably in the 300-1000 range.
@PapaKernels There's no way to increase impact explosion size for a minigun.
For #1, are you using a cannon or a gun as the base?
Use a third-party image editor to tweak some colours until they look right. Then, copy the hex code and paste it into SP.
Put Activate1 in the input tab.
+2@SheriffHackdogMCPE they said "unlisted," the forum part wasn't mentioned nor specified at all
+1imagine being efficient
We all go through some tough times. Take a break if you need to, it definitely helps. You really are a talented builder, so don't worry about the upvote insecurity too much. Just make what fulfils you.
Sometimes life isn't always working out, and that's okay. Here's hoping things get better. :)
i'm sorry but
@rexzion it's a limited selection. Only a select few planes can spawn. Really, you just have to get lucky.
At least, I'm fairly sure
I shall do the same.
+2I think it vets your plane library for <100 part planes, and they have to use wings and control surfaces.
@FeiWu they don't ban for disagreeing lol. Disagreement and opinions are different from "publicly badmouthing" someone.
I would honestly say try to get a new computer.
+1Chromebooks simply aren't made for gaming.
Ignore the brand/ownership pride for a while and look at it logically. If you did screw your graphics card over, it's a better long-term investment to purchase a new one than to keep your current one on life support for a while. Once hardware starts getting messed up, that's sort of the point where you have to recognize that you're putting more stress on the device than it was meant for. The problems will only increase the longer you do so.
Trust me on this. I'm in your same sort of situation right now—my computer's screwed up, and instead of letting ownership pride blind me I'm just getting a new one.
'Tis the season dude. Ask and you might get lucky on the 25th.
Missiles can only maneuver while under their own thrust.
Just a rule of SP, can't be changed. Sorry.
The closest thing I can think of is this weird little technique I've explored. You can start a missile on a ballistic launch—by attaching a missile to a detacher, and then using Fine Tuner to rotate the detacher so it faces forward. You can mess with detacher force and missile weight to adjust launch speed.
The second part of this process is the
attribute. Plug it into the XML table, and you can set how long it takes for the missile to ignite after launch.Integrating these two techniques yields a satisfying launch, and the technique is even applicable for flak cannons—a method that has since been invalidated by the recent 1.10 update.
TL;DR, you can use forward facing detachers and missiles with
to create an initially ballistic launch, where after a set time the missile will ignite and then operate under its own power.Hope this helps :)
where's wright first approach
Hey, congrats on platinum! You definitely deserve it.
+2I discovered this far too late ;-;
This might be better suited to a comment on his build
The rules specifically state that swastikas are only allowed in historical context, which this is not. So, no.
+1dead children tell no tales
+1Subtract your phone number from your IP address. Now multiply it by your house number.
+1What is the answer?
technically this follows the rules