3,009 GoeringsWorkshop Comments

  • Steam key/Amazon gift card challenge 5.3 years ago

    Whom remember?

  • D.B. Project F w/Parasite Fighters (UPDATED) 5.3 years ago

    @Barrybee1234 Since the fuel drains from the entire plane at the same time, it's possible that it ran out on the parasite fighters before they were detatched

  • D.B. Project F w/Parasite Fighters (UPDATED) 2.6 years ago

    @Dan662 mate this game is dead

  • ASI-433 7.5 years ago

    @Lanseed Ah, cut it out.
    I'm almost entirely certain that you've heavily based your design on it.
    It's evident not just by the overall shape and wing/canard configuration, but by the color scheme as well.
    It's not shameful to admit you've based your design on something else, ya'know

  • ASI-433 7.5 years ago

    Don't lie, it's almost entirely the same

  • ASI-433 7.5 years ago

    This is a copy of the Saints Row 3 VTOL, isn't it?

  • Automatic Gyroscope for VTOLs 7.7 years ago


  • Automatic Gyroscope for VTOLs 7.8 years ago

    So do I, and I bet we're not the only ones

  • VT-101 Neuron Six-generation ATF 7.8 years ago

    I take that back. This is a copy of the EDI UCAV

  • VT-101 Neuron Six-generation ATF 7.8 years ago

    Kinda reminds me of the F/A-37 Talon

  • VT-101 Neuron Six-generation ATF 7.8 years ago

    I'm sure I've seen a pic of this before
    It's from some movie, right?

  • Schwalbe-B Bomber 7.8 years ago

    Christ almighty, you're like a factory churning these out twice a day

  • Automatic Gyroscope for VTOLs 7.8 years ago

    @TurklerRS not vertically though, i bet

  • The Concorde 7.8 years ago

    How the hell is this thing so maneuverable? What did you use to make this baby fly so good?

  • Automatic Gyroscope for VTOLs 7.8 years ago

    @TurklerRS Tell me, have you ever successfully managed to land a VTOL vertically? Personally, I never have

  • What is "1E" in XML modding? 7.8 years ago

    @AstleyIndustries Huh, never knew that
    Do you have any other XML tips you know of?

  • Reaper 7.8 years ago

    So dude, do you do this in XML or in a program like Unity?

  • Wolfsbane 7.8 years ago

    @SledDriver hold up
    so you edit all this in Unity instead of XML?

  • just another flying saucer 7.8 years ago

    How the hell does this thing fly so well? What's the secret?

  • Wolfsbane 7.9 years ago

    @SledDriver could you perhaps mod the regular menu so that we can manually write the number and click the arrows?

  • Sentinel 7.9 years ago

    @Mox thanks, i've been looking for something like this for a while now

  • Sentinel 7.9 years ago

    @Mox overload? is that a mod?

  • Focke-Wulf Triebflugel 7.9 years ago

    @Skua Dude, what did you use to make this masterpiece?

  • Extra 230 stuntplane 7.9 years ago

    you took this from the Jundroo folder, didn't you

  • Wolfsbane 7.9 years ago

    @SledDriver What kind of tool do you use to make these, dammit? My hands are twitching and I want it bad

  • best plane ever 7.9 years ago

    it's meh

  • Sentinel 7.9 years ago

    @SledDriver Did you use XML to edit the custom lengths or did you use a mod? I'd imagine you used a mod because XML editing would take too much time. If so, which mod was it? Thanks and awesome plane btw

  • Ar. 234 + Parasite Fighter (Infinite Fuel) 7.9 years ago

    @Liquidfox the price you pay for details

  • Daimler Benz Project F w/ Parasite Fighters 7.9 years ago

    @Toast are you on mobile? if so, you're probably gonna have trouble downloading the Project C itself
    You can run the Project F piloted rockets though

  • Activation Groups for Wings and Stabilizers 7.9 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 still, it would be easier if you just had a button in the game itself

  • Custom Mission Tools! 7.9 years ago

    As I've said, they should make it easier for average joes to use

  • Activation Groups for Wings and Stabilizers 7.9 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 This was more for normies that don't do code tbh

  • Activation Groups for Wings and Stabilizers 7.9 years ago

    @Feanor I love you

  • Prioritizing Fuel Tanks 7.9 years ago

    @Gemista I'm a smart boy

  • Activation Groups for Wings and Stabilizers 7.9 years ago

    @Feanor Also, can I use any button or is it only from 1 to 8?

  • Activation Groups for Wings and Stabilizers 7.9 years ago

    @Feanor I've done similar things to other parts before, but I kinda don't get this one. Couls you please post a screenshot to imgur or something? I beg you

  • Automatic Gun Turrets 7.9 years ago

    @t8erh8er indeed, this is why I'm trying to pitch this to the Devs right now, since they're working on a big update already
    It would help if you upvote btw
    thanks :^)

  • New Team Member 7.9 years ago

    Also, please make activation groups for wings and stabilizers so that motherships don't maneuver at the same time as their parasite fighters and crash

  • New Team Member 7.9 years ago

    Also, please make activation groups for wings and stabilizers so that motherships don't maneuver at the same time as their parasite fighters and crash

  • New Team Member 7.9 years ago

    Add fuel tank stages so that we can have working parasite fighters and rockets

  • Daimler Benz Project F w/ Parasite Fighters 7.9 years ago

    @TheMutePaper This game is what sparked my love for these secret WW2 projects
    Maybe I'll make a Blazing Angels version as well lmao

  • Mach3.2 Laser Fighter with Scramjet 7.9 years ago

    How the hell did you manage to create infinite fuel tanks?

  • Arado Ar 381 - Kleinstjaeger 7.9 years ago

    @MailboxIsMyGender Played other games, mostly
    I'm working on a project you all will like. Will prolly be finished in a week

  • Ar. 234 w/ Parasite Fighter 8.4 years ago

    @Stampede doesn't look very detailed tbh

  • Airship Update 8.5 years ago

    I'd still prefer there being official blocks to be honest
    I'm just that kind of guy

  • Airship Update 8.5 years ago

    @Gestour mods are one thing, though
    We need this in the official game

  • Ar. 234 w/ Parasite Fighter 8.5 years ago

    @havafaza1348 Are you talking about me, fam?

  • Ar. 234 w/ Parasite Fighter 8.5 years ago

    @PeytonR what?

  • Ar. 234 w/ Parasite Fighter 8.5 years ago

    @zshah375 it's just custom blocks that i stuck together, all painted differently
    you can see it if you take it apart

  • Heinkel Lerche WIP 8.5 years ago

    what the hell happened to this plane?