@AndrewGarrison thanks =D Whenever I'm older if I'm running a company, I hope to someday have the respect this community has for you and all the other devs. You've created something really unique
@LancasterAce @Strikefighter04 Ah idk. Maybe somewhere in the world they need a little crowd control! Idk, I'll look it up, and if I can't find any armed police choppers, I'l change the colors around and make it a light armored attack chopper! XD
@GINGER01 yup, that's what I meant by 'will have an interior' XD. but yeah, I'm thinking one of those kinda boxes in front of the pilot as the main dash, I'll put benches and crates in the back, maybe a winch, some guns mounted at the sides.... But thanks for the approval! =D
Oooh I got mentioned! That must be good thing XD But yeah, easily one of the best bush planes on the site (sorry Chancey!). The shape is beautiful, the lines on the tail look really nice, the nose paint is perfecto.... Well done!
@Stingray I just found this out while messing with the part id XD I realised you could change the part purely by a word or two, so in a few minutes I had found them. I hope ye simplandian's can findeth in thy hearte to respecteth the darke daeys of olde.
@TheDerpingMemes You should have pretended to be on the Space Station, that woulda been gas XD... but either way, nice one for sticking up for yaself =D
The avatar is questionable
+1Wheels are too shiny but apart from that I believed the first one
+1Total Production cost $500??
+1@AndrewGarrison thanks =D Whenever I'm older if I'm running a company, I hope to someday have the respect this community has for you and all the other devs. You've created something really unique
+1@Chancey21 u use mac for gaming? i cri
+1Fine tuner?? How did u get it to work? The icon doesn't show up..
+1Hope they add the wire part for the carrier too, for muliplayer
+1bread class?
+1big oof
+1@BlazingGloryAircraft haha, I'm pretty proud of dat plane =). Just keep at this game, you'll make stuff like this in no time
+1Mother Russia thanks you for your service. Good day, comrade
+1ItS daFFy dUcK
+1Haha Merry Christmas to all and to all Merry Christmas. Your boi got a sexy PC that I can't build till tomorrow because I forgot to buy a static strap
+1All except last =) I'm Irish, what do you expect?
+1One of my favorite cars in the world! Thanks for making it =)
+1I'd personally say around 300-400 would suit the majority
+1@Hyattorama platinum in 4 months... Thats gotta be some sorta record! Can't think of a better player to have that record! Congrats, ya deserve it =)
+1@CarsonG1017 Hit or miss, I guess she took the kids, huh
+1@Sulaiman123 No worries, I've got it covered =) thanks though!
+1@LancasterAce @Strikefighter04 Ah idk. Maybe somewhere in the world they need a little crowd control! Idk, I'll look it up, and if I can't find any armed police choppers, I'l change the colors around and make it a light armored attack chopper! XD
+1@Hayhayjam664 thanks =) I'm pretty proud of it so far
+1@LancasterAce Maybe.... but I'm kind of going for a more light-defence police themed chopper. but maybe!
+1@GINGER01 yup, that's what I meant by 'will have an interior' XD. but yeah, I'm thinking one of those kinda boxes in front of the pilot as the main dash, I'll put benches and crates in the back, maybe a winch, some guns mounted at the sides.... But thanks for the approval! =D
+1Aww its at 12 at night
+1Oooh I got mentioned! That must be good thing XD But yeah, easily one of the best bush planes on the site (sorry Chancey!). The shape is beautiful, the lines on the tail look really nice, the nose paint is perfecto.... Well done!
+1EVGA seem to have decent, cheap psus? Depends on the wattage u need tho. For me new pc I'm going 500w for like 40€
+1@RailfanEthan ikr
+1I cri
+1Looks great! Nice description btw
+1sigh, from twelve at night to 5am. Damn you Europe XD
+1Lol no idea who u are but welcome back anyways XD
+1@Stingray I just found this out while messing with the part id XD I realised you could change the part purely by a word or two, so in a few minutes I had found them. I hope ye simplandian's can findeth in thy hearte to respecteth the darke daeys of olde.
+1@GritAerospaceSolutionsLTD dammit, how could I have myself out?!
+1well played.
+1@Razor3278 XD mkay np, thanks anyway =)
+1@TheDerpingMemes You should have pretended to be on the Space Station, that woulda been gas XD... but either way, nice one for sticking up for yaself =D
+1@Chancey21 mmmmmm k np I guess I'll probably ask around again, thanks for letting me know =)
+1Lol so good!
+1Holy wow XD
+1@DepressedTortoise That's actually not a bad idea, and seeing as it's a volcano island thingy, it could work
+1is that an Irish flag on the side? 0.o