@Eggplant well ain't even tall yet but round 6'6 ish I just hate miatas they are overrated and tiny if I ever was to climb into one when I am fully tall I would barely fit probably
@TheMouse I can easily lift 75 pounds but I swear putting that back and also snapping the assembly under the ledge is hard I'm gonna save the gun till I have money to turn it into a Gas blowback cause I like walther P22s and I can't find no other P22s
2 regular 8 inch pie crusts for one 91/
Inch deep pie crusto yydhjksaj9p_(((
31135 9
)))) **hjddajsja1217328919-883980298-01-19283jklkjilky
Hjfgejjejhaghuejkee ejhjhadfdjjj921/0)(
@TheMouse well I ain't got a working computer other then a garbage laptop that can't run Google Chrome without reaching 31 megabytes of internal storage window's forces me to update but I can't update cause of how little space I got
Dang I may get a warning strike for that but it was worth it
+1@Majakalona I don't I need a monacle
+1@DatFiat126Fan19 nah pig saliva Wasabi soy sauce bell pepper cocaine and fanta
+1@Majakalona oh
+1@Majakalona go blind idc
+1@Majakalona oh and I have a CRT with S-video component and two AV ports
+1There ya go give it five ish minutes
+1What about Louisiana?
+1Easy give me till tommorow and I'll have a Durango made
+1@Majakalona well not all CRTs have two audio ports damn only two of mine have two and I have 11 CRTs four of them don't even have AV!
+1I'm one and un half
+1Literally not even five minute job and its good as new
+1And a screw is undone probably
+1@Majakalona v hold is badly ajusted tube is kmocked out of place repairable v hold is essily repairable by a knob
+1@TheSPTuner oh that's a second Gen dodge ram ya need me to tag you in it again?
+1@TheMouse why did you remove your comment
+1@Eggplant well ain't even tall yet but round 6'6 ish I just hate miatas they are overrated and tiny if I ever was to climb into one when I am fully tall I would barely fit probably
+1What about making a slammed second Gen ram drift truck? If you need I can supply the truck
+1@TheMouse @graingy he doesn't wanna be you
+1Pli moth but really pronounce the moth
+1@TheMouse I can easily lift 75 pounds but I swear putting that back and also snapping the assembly under the ledge is hard I'm gonna save the gun till I have money to turn it into a Gas blowback cause I like walther P22s and I can't find no other P22s
+1@TheMouse not explosive but I opened it to check a jam and the spring came flying out and it practically blew up
+1@TheMouse *walks out of a waterfall soaked in water) YEP IT SURE DOES
+1@Rjenteissussy wow it would be cool if any of my computers could they would probably catch on fire
+1Your pc runs Simpleplanes?
+1I don't get
+1Majakalona up voted my post instantly when i posted it and I typed the image wrong and he arrived there before I fixed it
+1@Majakalona you up voted before I even fixed it
+1@GuardianAerospace I'm not getting that ad might be stuff your looking up cause I'm just getting stuff related to what I searched up a bit ago!
+12 regular 8 inch pie crusts for one 91/
Inch deep pie crusto yydhjksaj9p_(((
31135 9
)))) **hjddajsja1217328919-883980298-01-19283jklkjilky
Hjfgejjejhaghuejkee ejhjhadfdjjj921/0)(
@TheMouse well I ain't getting none so I dunt know
+1@Majakalona oh then when you can could you print a giant cheeto
+1At that point it's just 200 dollars more and have a brand new pc so Im gonna do that instead
+1@Majakalona I was on window's 8.1 on my computer when it worked and didn't upgrade cause it was too expensive
+1@Majakalona yea well at least I got it for free!
+1@Majakalona yea? But can your 3ds print onto paper?
+1Microsoft edge wouldn't let me download Chrome cause it was supposedly a virus
+1@Majakalona hey it has a keyboard! And it technically has a LED it's just a LED light!
+1@TheMouse gimme a day or two I'm writing on a laptop my phones somewhere else rn
+1@TheMouse well I ain't got a working computer other then a garbage laptop that can't run Google Chrome without reaching 31 megabytes of internal storage window's forces me to update but I can't update cause of how little space I got
+1@Majakalona yea the way old maze games rendered 3d would be possible but it would take too much work
+12015 Ram 1500 crew cab 5.7L V8 HEMI
+1Tu-160 better looking
+1Plus you can import Simpleplanes.com to blender but you can't import blender to simpleplanes
+1@Majakalona I got a C64 now two gimme a month maybe to get the power cable