lies about their new jets performance to terrify western countries USA looses their shit and develops the F-15 Documents are discovered of the MiG-25 showing their claims to be false USA is left with one of the greatest multi-role jets ever created that is still used 50 years later and still revived updates
@OrangeConnor2 it shouldn’t… there are some very important figureheads of the SP community involved that are also involved I. The Eel war (Monarchii, Mouse, a few others) but it’s far enough apart that it shouldn’t affect us
@TheCommentaryGuy why does it matter?sure he’s posting in the wrong forums, but I struggle hard find why that’s such a problem.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong he’s doing. Ignore it.
@TheCommentaryGuy What the fuck is your problem? The hell did Graingy do to you? You can ignore it, yet you decide to bitch and complain. Grow up, man.
@Graingy yeah, I I fixed that last night and got that alr match. Not great but several times better than what I usually do.
You’d be surprised what the M24 can do against panthers. Flanking and fitting in tight spaces is its specialty. Get to the side or rear of a panther and it’s dead unless it has teammates nearby behind them or that are aware of my presence. I got a majority of my kills and assists that match from the M24. 4 kills, and 2 of the assists (one from spotting, one from damage). If you use it right, it’s good. Even several BR higher than it should be
@Graingy I typically use the M24 for flanking, the M4A2 and M4 (basically the same tank, no?) for front line combat, M10 for sniping and heavy armor penetration, and the M42 for scouting/ light armor destruction/ Anti-Air. (Also surprisingly effective on panzers). I also run a few 4.3-4.7 aircraft -which is probably my problem- for CAS/Anti-Air.
but you still can’t pen a KV-2s armor with anything besides the M10, which, in my experience is the only US tank in that tier that can effectively pen armor over range.
I’m waiting till I have enough Tier 5 tanks researched to completely swap to it. Since US has no 4.3-4.7 the swap would be brutal without swapping everything
@Graingy same here, expect it’s not 5.3, it’s 4.3-4.7ish. I hate playing America mid tier. Paper armor and terrible shells against the soviets and Germans. Ik you’re meant to flank but my monkey brain sees KV-2 and clicks, then dies 5 seconds later
I’m pretty sure I was in that match.
I’m in midtier, using USA. Saw a guy going like on my team going like 15-3 5 minutes before the match end.
Could be a coincidence tho
Do you care if I modify this a bit and use it as my own (with credits ofc, not just auto credit)
I’m terrible at making jets that look decent and this thing is a perfect for what I need
Yall, I’m like 90% sure he doesn’t have cancer.
He’s obviously young, and likely just wanted to get away from SP. he never mentioned cancer before this and then leaves.
Don’t get me wrong, if he really does have cancer, that’s terrible and I feel horrible for making this comment, but I doubt he has cancer.
@MonsNotTheMonster DAMN!
That is cheap as hell. What corners did you have to cut? Engines are prone to explosion? The airframe snaps on simple maneuvers? One of the Ailerons don’t pitch all the way?
lies about their new jets performance to terrify western countries
USA looses their shit and develops the F-15
Documents are discovered of the MiG-25 showing their claims to be false
USA is left with one of the greatest multi-role jets ever created that is still used 50 years later and still revived updates
Ahh, how simple the 70’s were
+1@OrangeConnor2 it shouldn’t… there are some very important figureheads of the SP community involved that are also involved I. The Eel war (Monarchii, Mouse, a few others) but it’s far enough apart that it shouldn’t affect us
@OrangeConnor2 don’t fall into their trap!
They don’t pay as well! 1/10th of a GBD less!
(In terms of pay of our high ranking officials vs their grunts, of course)
Post-Stall-Maneuverable V-22 Osprey
This is genuinely crazy, nice job. Can’t believe this is done in SP
+3So is mine busted? The barrel keeps detaching and blowing up the tank in the second shot
+1Man… very… high quality…. Uh…
Yippie! I won’t be hacked anymore. Not like there’s anything of value on my account
@TheCommentaryGuy why does it matter?sure he’s posting in the wrong forums, but I struggle hard find why that’s such a problem.
There’s absolutely nothing wrong he’s doing. Ignore it.
@TheCommentaryGuy What the fuck is your problem? The hell did Graingy do to you? You can ignore it, yet you decide to bitch and complain. Grow up, man.
@Graingy They do that exact concept every so often with the M36. It’s speedy when unloaded. I think around Halloween time.
What’s the point of making lower point counts wait?
+3@Graingy somewhere within the range of none to some
@Graingy ofc! Secrecy is our top priority despite me giving out a lot of details in our operatives
@Graingy Idk then. Maybe I’m just getting lucky when I play it, but I always seem to do better when I use it
@Graingy @Orangeconnor2
Who is this guy? I can’t seem to figure it out. Is he new?
@Graingy yeah, I I fixed that last night and got that alr match. Not great but several times better than what I usually do.
You’d be surprised what the M24 can do against panthers. Flanking and fitting in tight spaces is its specialty. Get to the side or rear of a panther and it’s dead unless it has teammates nearby behind them or that are aware of my presence. I got a majority of my kills and assists that match from the M24. 4 kills, and 2 of the assists (one from spotting, one from damage). If you use it right, it’s good. Even several BR higher than it should be
@Graingy the M24 is quite effective in the 4.3 lineup actually. It has the same gun as the M4, it is very speed but its trade off is terrible armor.
Last night after realizing I’m a moron, I took my 4.7 aircraft out of the lineup and did pretty all right. 4 deaths 7 kills 5 assists
@Graingy I typically use the M24 for flanking, the M4A2 and M4 (basically the same tank, no?) for front line combat, M10 for sniping and heavy armor penetration, and the M42 for scouting/ light armor destruction/ Anti-Air. (Also surprisingly effective on panzers). I also run a few 4.3-4.7 aircraft -which is probably my problem- for CAS/Anti-Air.
but you still can’t pen a KV-2s armor with anything besides the M10, which, in my experience is the only US tank in that tier that can effectively pen armor over range.
I’m waiting till I have enough Tier 5 tanks researched to completely swap to it. Since US has no 4.3-4.7 the swap would be brutal without swapping everything
@Graingy same here, expect it’s not 5.3, it’s 4.3-4.7ish. I hate playing America mid tier. Paper armor and terrible shells against the soviets and Germans. Ik you’re meant to flank but my monkey brain sees KV-2 and clicks, then dies 5 seconds later
@Graingy I’m a moron 😔
@GabrielFangster70 it’s said he’s spotlighted…
Plane costs 60 million and three-quarters of that is spent on the missiles
@Graingy GabrielFangster70 did on this post, chilD
@Graingy ah, none of those are me.
Side note: holy shit you really did pop off.
@Graingy I don’t remember, I didn’t hyper examine the name lol. It’s been like what? 3 days or smthn
@Graingy you you have, chilD
Why is @graingy spotlighted?
They deserve no recognition. None. Zilch. They suck
@Graingy It was words. Idk what it was tho
@Graingy not at all
I’m pretty sure I was in that match.
I’m in midtier, using USA. Saw a guy going like on my team going like 15-3 5 minutes before the match end.
Could be a coincidence tho
Do you care if I modify this a bit and use it as my own (with credits ofc, not just auto credit)
+1I’m terrible at making jets that look decent and this thing is a perfect for what I need
Yall, I’m like 90% sure he doesn’t have cancer.
He’s obviously young, and likely just wanted to get away from SP. he never mentioned cancer before this and then leaves.
Don’t get me wrong, if he really does have cancer, that’s terrible and I feel horrible for making this comment, but I doubt he has cancer.
Cahy is likely fine
+7@crazyplaness thank you so much
@MonsNotTheMonster DAMN!
+1That is cheap as hell. What corners did you have to cut? Engines are prone to explosion? The airframe snaps on simple maneuvers? One of the Ailerons don’t pitch all the way?
“That can be afforded by 3rd world countries”
What’s the price? I’m interested
+1Ah, my favorite plane. The Strike Super Falcon
+1@OrangeConnor2 Why was I never told about having a singular dry dock?!
I’ll will increase naval spending by 12 Cents! That’s enough to build another dock, right?
@OrangeConnor2 I was told it was deployed…
Do we have a hardly functioning aircraft carrier somewhere in our waters just… drifting?
With the sunfish now in deployment, we need something to defend it.
Sure this is outdated, but modernization efforts akin to the USS Missouri that was used up until the gulf war
@FabricioAlvesFragoso ok, thank you!
Thank you so much! People like you are the stars of the Simple Planes community!
Lmao, the missiles keep reaching G-Limit and just spinning around the planes lol
@FabricioAlvesFragoso yes please, if it isn’t too much of a hassle
Anyone got an English translate of this?
It’s a quality craft, but I don’t speak… Portuguese? (Idk anything about like any language besides English, sorry lol)
Christ, the maneuverability
Aww man, looks like you failed you no goon streak.
It’s was good while it lasted!
Good job!
May this be a good start your to Don’t Donk it December!
+1Good job Juan!
No big titted anime girls!
I’m so proud!
+5He seems like such a chill guy who just doesn’t GAF