I changed the size of the control surfaces and rotation of front wing. I also moved some parts to make them hidden, gyro is the small lump where it was.
I will but I have reached the limit for today, to do it simply add full weight to each main part and disconnect the front wheels from the power@BaconRoll
This will sound stupid but make it weigh around 12500 lbs, it should go upwards of 300 is your design allows it. I downloaded your entry and added weight to get it to 348 MPH
@EternalDarkness @BaconEggs @Johndfg
Thanks for all the tips, having read these I try to download size mods and try to find somthing unique and untried. (I underestermated this community) :)
Dude this is great, you should upload more like it
Thanks to everyone who upvoted or commented this has been my best and most successful build yet
I like the flare gun
I am working on an updated version to sort out its problems and tidy up some things@NazyaMilitare
I have improved the design if you want to check it out@orbitaldrop
I am working on that@KerlonceauxIndustries
If you still play destiny I made a raid sparrow@DestinyAviation
You got it, I am giving is a raid design for destiny 2@AceOfSpade
Can I ask if you know a way to make it hover @Kerbango
It was not meant to be but I could make a variant that looks like that@Kerbango
How do you change the background of the plane from the default gray circle@JohnnyBoythePilot
U av tu ave Ebola to no de wae
I changed the size of the control surfaces and rotation of front wing. I also moved some parts to make them hidden, gyro is the small lump where it was.
No problem, if you need anything else just ask@Mastervaz
@Potkuri https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/yDXro8/Help This will go 350
I can get this to 350, will upload it tomorrow
With a bit of tweaking this will hit 350 max.
I will but I have reached the limit for today, to do it simply add full weight to each main part and disconnect the front wheels from the power@BaconRoll
This will sound stupid but make it weigh around 12500 lbs, it should go upwards of 300 is your design allows it. I downloaded your entry and added weight to get it to 348 MPH
This is a really good looking plane
I entry
Thx, I changed the name. They were lasers but then update gave them spread. But spread looks like ketchup@AstleyIndustries
No, I play World of Tanks a lot so I saw that was the way thy turned but your tanks are good
Playstation overlords
@spefyjerbf Do you mean something like this, https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/mtk6UZ/A-10-C-HellBane
@EternalDarkness @BaconEggs @Johndfg
Thanks for all the tips, having read these I try to download size mods and try to find somthing unique and untried. (I underestermated this community) :)
Thanks for the advice, I find it hard on iOS as there are no precision tools
Thanks your stuff is cool too
I love the dials