But that doesn't mean that there's no way to become successful on the site. If you find your skill you will succeed eventually. And with simpleplanes 2 releasing soon in about a year there is enough time to build your skill before all the players come flooding back.
@Tiper4062 facts, seven years ago any player could get loads of upvoates but now the game has gotten way to hard. Every one is building detailed cockpits, detailed tanks cars and I haven't even started about learning the overload coding system. The game has gotten way to complex for most new players. The lowest bar in the game is way to high these days, if it doesn't have a fully functional cockpit or some wierd overload funkynes it's not worthy of upvoates in many players eyes.
. The most important factor is that there are less players playing simpleplanes now a days than seven years ago when simpleplanes was at its peak.
The good thing is that simple planes 2 is coming out soon so that should repopulate the game a little.
I wish there was a way make multiple aircraft take of from aircraft carriers and make them do mission.
+1Bush plane of death.
Quality yosh, is highly recommended.
+3@TheMouse lmao.
@Minecraftpoweer Thanks for the villager build!.
Thank you @Rjenteissussy for the flying version of this build!
@Rjenteissussy I am on it.
+1Can you make thermonuclear villager?
+1I have made godzilla minus one. This will be a great combo.
+1@Rjenteissussy It only has 400 mb of ram and I play on high graphics.
@Dest20345 Nah it's fine.
Truly a great aircraft.
@AWESOMENESS360 This inspired me to keep going.
@AWESOMENESS360 Not gonna lie this is the best build in simpleplanes period.
@Zhixunlin23 Heisei godzilla
But that doesn't mean that there's no way to become successful on the site. If you find your skill you will succeed eventually. And with simpleplanes 2 releasing soon in about a year there is enough time to build your skill before all the players come flooding back.
@winterro also true.
When simpleplanes2 releases it should all get better because the game will repopulate again, with new unexperienced players with low upvote bars.
@Tiper4062 facts, seven years ago any player could get loads of upvoates but now the game has gotten way to hard. Every one is building detailed cockpits, detailed tanks cars and I haven't even started about learning the overload coding system. The game has gotten way to complex for most new players. The lowest bar in the game is way to high these days, if it doesn't have a fully functional cockpit or some wierd overload funkynes it's not worthy of upvoates in many players eyes.
The most important factor is that there are less players playing simpleplanes now a days than seven years ago when simpleplanes was at its peak.
The good thing is that simple planes 2 is coming out soon so that should repopulate the game a little.
It can be a bit buggy at times, but it is what it is.
Hopefully this fixes it!
@Zhixunlin23 I wil have to look into it.
@Zhixunlin23 Leme gues mobile can't download mods any more.
I Have linked everyone that unvoted gues the tank. I hope you guest right!
@Zhixunlin23 no problem.
+1This is relatable.
+1Grammar is my worst enemy.
The father of sp walkers. All walkers after stem in some way from this one.
@NoOne123 Hint it's american.
I am a fan.
+1@TheMouse He puts a spin on everything.
Hi mate! Welcome to simpleplane.
+1@NoOne123 The head is around 140. The whole build will hopefully be 800 parts so that it doesn't lag my pc as much.
@ComradeSandman Oops autocorrect be kinda wild these days.
@Majakalona yeah.
@TheMouse It's a wonder that I can speak and write English at all.
@TheMouse And dyslexic.
@TheMouse To come clean I am a dutch guy.
+1Can I buy him a ice-cream, will that fix the problem?
I make cursed builds it is what I do.
We'll it is just a giant tube with wings.