My excuses for writing such a long piece of text. It's about adding competitive modes in simpleplanes2 and missions, so that players outside simpleplanes would want to join as wel.
Because there are players that want to play a game because of the competition and missions.
More targets!
Somthing which I have longed fore and seemingly are absent in this game are destroyable structures. It would be fun to go on a bombing raid with other players destroying enemy baces and airports.
Multiplayer missions!
Also online missions! It would be fun to enable missions in servers so that the game itself would be more enjoyable! Like destroying the USS beast with buddy's or shooting at bandits. Having random multiplayer missions pop up would make playing together a lot more enjoyable.
Competition mode
It would be fun to make a competition mode where planes with a certain amount of XMLing and part count take a certain amount of spawn points which the player only has a certain amount off when spawning in for the first time.
Solo competition
Dogfights in simpleplanes have always been fun, so how fun would it be to do dogfights against other players!
The rules
The game would start with opponents having to build a plane from scratch as fast at possible with the two players only having a certain amount of building points to use, that is so that the players need to get creative and use the points that they have sparingly. Then after five minutes the game would start the one who doesn't get shot down will win!
Teams based competition
The rules
The teams would consist of teams of five, there would be two teams, a blue and a red one. The goal would be to destroy the opposing teams airport/ base. When the players spawn in they will only have a small amount of spawn points. When an opponent gets shot down or crashes they will be able to respawn at there own airport after a certain amout of time.
The spawn points keep getting higher for the longer that the game lasts. With higher spawn points the opponents may take bigger planes with better engines and more part count. The game ends when the two teams destroy of each other's bases/airports
@localf15enjoyer Have you seen the 3d export button? Simpleplanes can be used as a 3d modeling program. And I have so much experience that it's easier using Simpleplanes than something like Blender to build art.
Just to spit this one out. Is it true that all simpleplanes players play during the night hours... Or is it just me.... Cause that will explain why everyone is so eepy.
My excuses for writing such a long piece of text.
It's about adding competitive modes in simpleplanes2 and missions, so that players outside simpleplanes would want to join as wel.
Because there are players that want to play a game because of the competition and missions.
More targets!
Somthing which I have longed fore and seemingly are absent in this game are destroyable structures. It would be fun to go on a bombing raid with other players destroying enemy baces and airports.
Multiplayer missions!
Also online missions! It would be fun to enable missions in servers so that the game itself would be more enjoyable! Like destroying the USS beast with buddy's or shooting at bandits. Having random multiplayer missions pop up would make playing together a lot more enjoyable.
Competition mode
It would be fun to make a competition mode where planes with a certain amount of XMLing and part count take a certain amount of spawn points which the player only has a certain amount off when spawning in for the first time.
Solo competition
Dogfights in simpleplanes have always been fun, so how fun would it be to do dogfights against other players!
The rules
The game would start with opponents having to build a plane from scratch as fast at possible with the two players only having a certain amount of building points to use, that is so that the players need to get creative and use the points that they have sparingly. Then after five minutes the game would start the one who doesn't get shot down will win!
Teams based competition
The rules
+9The teams would consist of teams of five, there would be two teams, a blue and a red one. The goal would be to destroy the opposing teams airport/ base. When the players spawn in they will only have a small amount of spawn points. When an opponent gets shot down or crashes they will be able to respawn at there own airport after a certain amout of time.
The spawn points keep getting higher for the longer that the game lasts. With higher spawn points the opponents may take bigger planes with better engines and more part count. The game ends when the two teams destroy of each other's bases/airports
@MyReaktorIsLeak I got the idea from a klick bait you tube video that said "HUMAN IS FOOD" lmao
+6This plane is goated now finaly I will never have to see that german corsair ever again...
I want fight him against hodzilla
+4Quality yosh, is highly recommended.
+3Imagine having peanut allergy.
+3We need dr doofensmirtz.
+3Hopefully a shark won't take a bite out of it. Raft reference...
+3@LunarEclipseSP Easter island , The Easter bunny takes revenge
+3@TheCommentaryGuy now fight my godzilla with it
+3Dorry has reached goku like powers with her brain damage
+3what te 55 upvotes!?
+3Nice work looks just like the real thing
+3Someone please put your block on it! keep it going!
+2@localf15enjoyer Have you seen the 3d export button? Simpleplanes can be used as a 3d modeling program. And I have so much experience that it's easier using Simpleplanes than something like Blender to build art.
+2@LunarEclipseSP Did the horniness demon strike again?
+2This is creativity at a whole another level! Great work @PPLLAANNEE
+2@calli3 But it's a almost spookey month!
+2That is pretty accurate.
+2@Majakalona oops
+2@Graingy Who knows could be anyone.
+2Me likey this.
+2O no! It's back! Call the demon pest control, scp foundation! Heck call everyone!
+2This banana seems to be a demon from the seventh layer of hell.
+2This joke be so dead that even its bones are showing.
+2@NoOne123 I made it walk.
+2Just a small build before I get back to studying for final exams.
+2Ratatouille,s rat maffia.
+2This story is so beautiful that it almost made me cry. God bless you, God bless Ukraine, and God bless Mriya. 🫡
+2I have linked everyone who upvoated my teaser post.
+2I thought of V-1 flying bomb.
+2I think somthing broke in Jundros servers. And that it doesn't work correctly anymore.
+2@KSB24 next make one of these anime waifus do it within 3 seconds, it would be funny if the fastest goldprix is just a t-posing girl
+2Just to spit this one out. Is it true that all simpleplanes players play during the night hours... Or is it just me.... Cause that will explain why everyone is so eepy.
+2@Superliner350 Huh I guess I didn't consider that....
+2@KSB24 Purrari!!
+2@AndrewGarrison Thx for the update!!
+2@LunarEclipseSP Oh and BTW I think I wil reposted it soon cause I just found an exploding part so. Yeah just a heads up
+2@DatMaluchGuy19 o no me bottle,o wa er gir hit by the blody bus.
+2@32 its your sleep paralysis demon watch out
+2@GabrielSatori yeah i could up the range a little
+2@Skyler101 😐
+2@Kendog84 thx ;)
+2@LunarEclipseSP shure i wil think about
+2@KudaOni thx dude :D
+2@Rjenteissussy thx