This mod is maybe a revolutionary, but isnt this mod such a bad idea to begin with? I mean, if everyone start using this, that mean who doesnt have the mod cant download the craft
Congrats, you just change simpleplanes forever, now let see if this mod will take over sp site and make every good aircraft in it became undownloadable
I already fly this plane so many times, and this is my flight characteristic style, ik its maybe not the most stable, also i didnt atracted to make this plane into a realistic flight model, also i compress the part to make the part as little as posible but also keep my standart at same time, multipe missile is based on ace combat missile that even have more than 100 missile and thrust vectoring (where this plane came from) do same, i didnt add TVC cuz for wat?, its just add more part, i made this plane for fun porpuse and not a goddam DCS
Also for everyone who mad to this post
Where your sense of humor guys , u know upvote is mean nothing right?, like what point system for?, rank? , also what you get from that point? Free jundroo games? Nothing right?..right??
Most of plat :ur build is low quality , no one will upvote ur plane! Hahaha!
S.N. : get 160 upvote
Most of plat : WHAT THE FUUUU
some of nubs : Take that Bitch!!!, sorry for the laungage ED..
Umm dude, you only need stable , quickstoper, skill and alot of counter measure if you want to get into airbase, the airbase will not shot on you if you didnt do anything stupid inside the base, you will need to land on it again to make them not locked to you anymore
I have a bad feeling about this...
+12"Order 66 coming right up!, Enjoy your meal sir"
+11I didnt find sp when im searching for sauce
+10This mod is maybe a revolutionary, but isnt this mod such a bad idea to begin with? I mean, if everyone start using this, that mean who doesnt have the mod cant download the craft
+10@Strikefighter04 order 66 coming right up! , enjoy ur meal sir!
+9What an idiot, how did he fell on that scam link honestly, is there any new type of it or what?
+8Congrats, you just change simpleplanes forever, now let see if this mod will take over sp site and make every good aircraft in it became undownloadable
+8I smell drama!, better get my popcorn ready!
+8Top 10 cutest anime character
+8Who would win :
High quality build that made for a month (and sometimes the user wo build it being a dick for that)
This simple and gorgeous build and probably was send from the heaven that make almost every platinum mad
+7When a single mig 29 beat yo ass in a better fighter
+6Happy birthday...NOW RUN
+6Tha fact that both of you didnt relize that date 33 are not exist
+6The lesson is, dont judge user from the build that he uploaded
+6@SquadronLeaderX CUZ IM HOMEMADE!
+6When Phantom, Hawk, Frogfoot combined together
+5Thigh girl in anime:
Me: sheridan? Oh you mean OnE tOxIc TaNk ThAt RuIn A sInGlE mAtCh WiTh HiS mIsSiLe?!?
+5eat snacks intresting....i dont give a shit about this comunity again anyway
+4@Starfrost can i use dijeh and penelope as combat data for my exia?
+4I already fly this plane so many times, and this is my flight characteristic style, ik its maybe not the most stable, also i didnt atracted to make this plane into a realistic flight model, also i compress the part to make the part as little as posible but also keep my standart at same time, multipe missile is based on ace combat missile that even have more than 100 missile and thrust vectoring (where this plane came from) do same, i didnt add TVC cuz for wat?, its just add more part, i made this plane for fun porpuse and not a goddam DCS
Pretty good, keep it up, also dont suicide cuz all of this, it doesnt worthit if it cost ur life...can i cut the rope?
+4Also for everyone who mad to this post
+4Where your sense of humor guys , u know upvote is mean nothing right?, like what point system for?, rank? , also what you get from that point? Free jundroo games? Nothing right?..right??
Most of plat :ur build is low quality , no one will upvote ur plane! Hahaha!
+4S.N. : get 160 upvote
Most of plat : WHAT THE FUUUU
some of nubs : Take that Bitch!!!, sorry for the laungage ED..
Nice car....yeah just that
+3Doesnt this makes it...MOD COMPATIBLE!?
+3I accidently drop a baby, its cry alot so i drop it again and the baby finaly shut up event that happend 3 years ago, i didnt expect to be mentioned again
+3Optical camo!, finaly! The last piece to complete my True Fenrir!
+3Hehehhueheuegeh...RANDOM BULLSHIT!! GO!!!
+3Raphael, Harute, and 00 qant left
+3@Kangy i rather spare more time on my life than this game
+3@Iroquois101 one cooked F-16 is coming!
+3So, from my intel you are the person who steal 3 planes less than 24 intresting you are
+3@BobBobTheLandia it...did...
+3SP web : use anime character are missleading the thumbnail!
+3Some user : how about i put it anyway...ON HIGH QUALITY CRAFT HECK YEAH!!!!!!!
You though it was Sadboye12 BUT IT WAS ME FIVEN!!!
+3Remove this quick before those hater will cause a drama
+3Umm dude, you only need stable , quickstoper, skill and alot of counter measure if you want to get into airbase, the airbase will not shot on you if you didnt do anything stupid inside the base, you will need to land on it again to make them not locked to you anymore
+3@Ian_Yashima what next gundam? Are you gonna continue UC series?, cuz i will continue wing series
+3I started thinking this have conection with that german corsair...
+3Where your sense of humor guys?
+3Dude can u stop anoy people by tagging them to ur post? I think @Blue0Bull also agree with me about this right?....right?
+3Lest hunt this duck! Bcuz this thing will be the biggest FRIED DUCK (buat geprek aja kali yak)
+3Why this thing have indonesia tag?
+3@MasterAvicenna homemade or not , im just a normal user in sp right?, all though i was teached by him, you can ask @OneTwo , he also teach me
+3@Adelweis ambil aja
+2The HUD control also i implemented to F1 on the future, yet i lost the data and the project was scrapped, yet nice to see someone did it
+2Ill do this one more time