I mean, for example, I could mod the existing tank from your other Ducati... if you want me to design the tank myself, it will take longer but I can do it
He certainly is! Although he told me that this plane turned out waaay too STOL-y lol. It’s not really a plane that’s supposed to be STOL. I just screwed up haha. :/ @AstronautPlanes
Ok, well Overload is the mod you need to use if you want to change the mass of parts (plus a whole bunch of other stuff). You’ll want to go to the mods page on the website, and click highest rated. Overload will be at the top of the list. Then you’ll have to see if there’s an option to dL for Android. If not then I guess you’re out of luck. For pc it’s extremely easy to dL and install, very self explanatory. If you don’t want to get into all that, I can help you mod parts for this build @AtomicCyclone
Sounds dangerous hahaha @ThePrototype
Well that will be just as awesome! :) @ThePrototype
You’re right I forgot that it was fastest in its class or something, not across the board. @ThePrototype
How about the Le-Bris Artificial Albatross or the DaVinci ornithopter? @ThePrototype
Haha right on @ThePrototype
Prop-strike is when the propeller blades hit the ground (like on a hard landing) @GenericWhiteGuy
Wow awesome!!!
Looks awesome!!! @AtomicCyclone
Looks awesome man!!! I can’t wait to fly it! :)
Hahaha. Looks great man! I think the fuselage and cockpit are especially cool. Plane’s got a bit of a prop-strike issue though... @GenericWhiteGuy
Absolutely fantastic. Really love the cockpit/instruments especially. Really great work :)
Haha. I stand corrected @GenericWhiteGuy
Cant wait to see the finished product! @AtomicCyclone
Looks awesome man! I knew you could do it! :)
Thank you, what a nice compliment!! :) @ChiChiWerx
Thanks! :) @TUA54
Ah okay @ASDFASDF1
I don’t know what that means haha @ASDFASDF1
Haha ok well anyway, thanks for that :) @MailboxIsMyGender
I’m so glad to hear that! Thank you very much!! :) :) @Treadmill103
Haha why is that strange? @ThePrototype
Nice! Sweet beans! Thank you so so much!!! :) @RailfanEthan
Thank you! @Kungfuevan
Thank you so much man!! :) @Mustang51
Looks great, flies great, I love it!! :)
Thanks!! :) @MrSilverWolf
I fixed the purple... @MailboxIsMyGender
@MailboxIsMyGender thank you :)
Wow. Just wow.
Hmmm. I’m not sure I understand what the problem is... @AtomicCyclone
Thanks! @Boundslayer
I do think it would be better if you built a tank yourself and then gave it to me to mod. Is there a reason you don’t want to do it that way?
I mean, for example, I could mod the existing tank from your other Ducati... if you want me to design the tank myself, it will take longer but I can do it
You want me to design a tank? Or you have an existing tank you want me to mod? I mean, either way, I’ll see what I can do @AtomicCyclone
Thank you!! I used a couple of your switches, so thanks for that too! Haha :) @MrSilverWolf
Sweet thanks man! It’s awesome I love it! I can’t wait to see the finished product! @Chancey21
The stripes on the wings look really cool!
He certainly is! Although he told me that this plane turned out waaay too STOL-y lol. It’s not really a plane that’s supposed to be STOL. I just screwed up haha. :/ @AstronautPlanes
If I were you, I’d add a [watercraft] tag :)
Oh right haha. 1500 is enormous! @JelloAircraftCorporation
Ok, well Overload is the mod you need to use if you want to change the mass of parts (plus a whole bunch of other stuff). You’ll want to go to the mods page on the website, and click highest rated. Overload will be at the top of the list. Then you’ll have to see if there’s an option to dL for Android. If not then I guess you’re out of luck. For pc it’s extremely easy to dL and install, very self explanatory. If you don’t want to get into all that, I can help you mod parts for this build @AtomicCyclone
Yeah it’s a little more STOL-y than it should be but oh well @TheRoboEli
Hahaha! :) @AdlerSteiner
Wow 1500 that’s awesome man!!! I can’t wait to see the finished product! @JelloAircraftCorporation
Haha me too man! That’s too bad :( @ThePrototype
You can get Overload on Andriod, can’t you? If not, I can help you with modding some of those parts @AtomicCyclone
Thanks! :) @atgxtg
Thanks!! :) @Boundslayer