@tsampoy i disagree, it was placed there by an imput signaling that you have set the craft distribution (to the players following you) to 'true', which then added your name and the date of your spotlight to the 'spotlights' list. Change my mind
@plane634 idk, could be the vram. My game never lags (even though I currently have a 560 lol (got a 3060 now in my new pc, gotta install windows though))
What is your pc's specs? (Wat zijn je pc eigenschappen, b.v. de hoeveelheid geheugen die je hebt.)
Sorry if you don't speak Dutch, I just think ur Dutch due to your name
@tsampoy ah yes I can't wait, if the mod comes out I'll DEFINITELY come back to SP
Edit: oh and I kinda feel guilty for not taking my time and learning SP. I bought the Aerospace Engineer bundle with SR2 in mind. But SR2 was too difficult for me in the beginning, so I just sticked to amateur planes on SP. After a while I got bored of SP and moved to SR2, which I currently play
@tsampoy yeah. I prefer SR2's UI since you use arrows to drag parts where you want them to go, instead of having to use confusing keyboard binds.
Shaping fuselages in SR2 is also much easier and faster.
But after seeing Mikoyanster's video, I decided I'll give SP a second chance
Ima put on R T X
@tsampoy i disagree, it was placed there by an imput signaling that you have set the craft distribution (to the players following you) to 'true', which then added your name and the date of your spotlight to the 'spotlights' list.
+1Change my mind
@SCP1471 awesome
+1@LoafOfBread DaVinci Resolve is a free open-source program that is used by a lot of big companies
@Walvis heyyy das leuk
Ja die specs zijn beter dan die van mij, SP zou niet moeten vasthangen
@asteroidbook345 yeah thats true
They all look the same as the old Russian fighters
@plane634 idk, could be the vram. My game never lags (even though I currently have a 560 lol (got a 3060 now in my new pc, gotta install windows though))
T for totally awesome!
What is your pc's specs? (Wat zijn je pc eigenschappen, b.v. de hoeveelheid geheugen die je hebt.)
Sorry if you don't speak Dutch, I just think ur Dutch due to your name
No way bro I'm making the same thing over on SR2 (I'm infinite17 on the first user page)
@LoafOfBread get DaVinci resolve, its basically what Hollywood uses
@WarHawk95 🔫👽
I insist you give me the soldier or you'll lose ur bobux
Post the soldier or face the consequences (5000000 bobux fine and 5 years of watching cring fortnite kids getting rekt)
Amogus spotted! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!¡¡¡¡
Yeah I'm in grey area over on sr2
WOWOWOWOWOW 🪆🪆🪆🪆📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
whEn mOBiLe??¿?
Wonderful, well done Kenneth!
@malumuteanaerospace yep
@malumuteanaerospace hi
Thankfully I'm buying a 3070
Hmmm that sound makes me nostalgic
My best one is on bbc wild's tiny angry squeaking frog
@tsampoy lolj
@JamesieMcPlanesieThe2st i think they want to reduce damage repair costs for mobile devices
@tsampoy oh damn
@tsampoy when will you spotlight it
Why don't you try out SR2 then? It's just as fun, if not more fun
@tsampoy when spotlight 🔫😎🔫
@tsampoy be sure to tag my blanez pleese
@tsampoy civilian ships like to sink.
+1Change my mind
I disagree with this image.
+3Its ugly
My dreams
@TriStar never >:)
Oh no sad little Kenneth... all he wanted is to destroy your PC with mods
@tsampoy ah yes I can't wait, if the mod comes out I'll DEFINITELY come back to SP
+1Edit: oh and I kinda feel guilty for not taking my time and learning SP. I bought the Aerospace Engineer bundle with SR2 in mind. But SR2 was too difficult for me in the beginning, so I just sticked to amateur planes on SP. After a while I got bored of SP and moved to SR2, which I currently play
@tsampoy yep
@tsampoy yeah. I prefer SR2's UI since you use arrows to drag parts where you want them to go, instead of having to use confusing keyboard binds.
Shaping fuselages in SR2 is also much easier and faster.
But after seeing Mikoyanster's video, I decided I'll give SP a second chance
@UsualPioneer ah, yes. That's also an option
Im bored