Yeah, I feel bad for Indians because hitler used the swastika for bad and they just want to have peace, not death to the Jewish, and, I know I'm a year late but I don't care XD.
This Is not a rant, I am explaining how multiplayer would have to be added. The only problem is that this would take years to implement because of how Simple Planes runs, if you get too far from the center of the map, a seamless move of the origin close to you as long as you are moving. Simple Planes would also have to do some weird stuff with weather, day, and wind mechanics. There would have to be some sort of voting system that is implemented to set a time of day, wind type, and weather mechanic, or just out right removing that changeability of that, or even having "Hosts" that can change this. The origin would be the second problem, look at Roblox per se, if you get too far from the origin, gravity would mess up and physics becomes useless and the game unplayable. Since Simple Planes is a infinite world pretty much ( I have yet to come to the end of the world) It may take on mechanics like Minecraft or other large world multiplayer games. Simple planes has its own way that works flawlessly that bests all other games, but this would have to change if it were to have multiplayer. Yes it could move the origin for that single person, but that is very hard. There are AI that go around single player worlds, but they just unload when they are far enough away. There is also the cost of the servers, simple planes would probably have to up prices or have a fee to pay to play multiplayer. Roblox does have servers for the entire world (say Russians can play with eastern Americans) and that is how they don't have such expensive prices, only servers in one area, and not all over the world, much easier to maintain as well. Servers do still cost something, unless Simple Planes takes on a "host" mechanism where if you want to use servers they have, pay up, if you want to use your computer and a server, its free, and third party servers can be accepted, like Minecraft. But then you would need IP addresses or something of the such to join, because there would be no "public servers" so it would be like the multiplayer mod, but for all types of computers, including mine, a Mac. Read Below Text For Summary So the optimal one would be free for all, but that isn't really possible with how this works now. The realistic multiplayer would be, servers you pay for if you want big servers on small computers, third par
Especially right now, during Coronavirus outbreak and stay at home orders, Multiplayer SimplePlanes would attract many people because creativity and interact with people. I know it would be very hard, but what if the devs released "alpha multiplayer" or "beta multiplayer" to the SP public that can be run off peoples computers, because they do have a early version, why not release it to the public and say that there may be bugs and lag? I do sound like one of those people being like "ADJ MULTIPLAYERSB DEVBS!" but I do understand the mechanical, cost, physical, and computing perspectives. I have a recent post on a thing that explains some of stuff.
I modified the pistons, and i made it jump! I made it a super off-roader by extending the piston expansion. I also made the pistons expand faster than they did. All this made it jump.
Yeah, I feel bad for Indians because hitler used the swastika for bad and they just want to have peace, not death to the Jewish, and, I know I'm a year late but I don't care XD.
+4This Is not a rant, I am explaining how multiplayer would have to be added. The only problem is that this would take years to implement because of how Simple Planes runs, if you get too far from the center of the map, a seamless move of the origin close to you as long as you are moving. Simple Planes would also have to do some weird stuff with weather, day, and wind mechanics. There would have to be some sort of voting system that is implemented to set a time of day, wind type, and weather mechanic, or just out right removing that changeability of that, or even having "Hosts" that can change this. The origin would be the second problem, look at Roblox per se, if you get too far from the origin, gravity would mess up and physics becomes useless and the game unplayable. Since Simple Planes is a infinite world pretty much ( I have yet to come to the end of the world) It may take on mechanics like Minecraft or other large world multiplayer games. Simple planes has its own way that works flawlessly that bests all other games, but this would have to change if it were to have multiplayer. Yes it could move the origin for that single person, but that is very hard. There are AI that go around single player worlds, but they just unload when they are far enough away. There is also the cost of the servers, simple planes would probably have to up prices or have a fee to pay to play multiplayer. Roblox does have servers for the entire world (say Russians can play with eastern Americans) and that is how they don't have such expensive prices, only servers in one area, and not all over the world, much easier to maintain as well. Servers do still cost something, unless Simple Planes takes on a "host" mechanism where if you want to use servers they have, pay up, if you want to use your computer and a server, its free, and third party servers can be accepted, like Minecraft. But then you would need IP addresses or something of the such to join, because there would be no "public servers" so it would be like the multiplayer mod, but for all types of computers, including mine, a Mac. Read Below Text For Summary So the optimal one would be free for all, but that isn't really possible with how this works now. The realistic multiplayer would be, servers you pay for if you want big servers on small computers, third par
+1Lol i made it stay on two wheels for a long time then it got back to all four.
+1Cool, I'll check it out.@JamesieMcPlanesieThe2st
This is cool, could I modify it a bit? I just mainly plan to smooth out some panels and add windows "clear fuselages".
Especially right now, during Coronavirus outbreak and stay at home orders, Multiplayer SimplePlanes would attract many people because creativity and interact with people. I know it would be very hard, but what if the devs released "alpha multiplayer" or "beta multiplayer" to the SP public that can be run off peoples computers, because they do have a early version, why not release it to the public and say that there may be bugs and lag? I do sound like one of those people being like "ADJ MULTIPLAYERSB DEVBS!" but I do understand the mechanical, cost, physical, and computing perspectives. I have a recent post on a thing that explains some of stuff.
That would be hard due to its size.
@ChrisETH Thank you, i am more of a ground vehicle guy but i just wanted to see what the new parts could do.
@BlueCitrus Well i have a computer that runs as well as a modern phone and it can handle it.
nah, the engine is too pretty and then you would be removing something that someone added.
:D Well there is one adjustment i made, its very small. I'll post that small adjustment download here, a5kM70
It broke simple planes! You've earned an upvote. I made the earth self destruct when shooting and made rain. A minute after simple planes quit.
It doesn't work for me...
I didn't make it, i only modified it. I am on an old computer and it doesn't lag.
Ok! I will be sure to mention you in the description. Here is how to get to it,
Notification: You have a new follower! ILikeChips is your new follower.
I modified the pistons, and i made it jump! I made it a super off-roader by extending the piston expansion. I also made the pistons expand faster than they did. All this made it jump.
Yes, it is@AWESOMENESS360
It helped me get the top speed for the challenge max ground speed. Thank you for making this.