Both variants of this aircraft have proven to be effective in combat trials. There is only one problem: when spawning either variant in the air, it immediately spins out. Right rudder and right ailerons can fix it, but it takes a while to recover.
This reminds me of those scenes in apocalypse style movies where you just have a formation of huge planes like this. Definitely has some cinematic potential.
I have the light itself blinking the way I want it to. The TAS<18 by itself works perfectly, I just need it to come on when TAS<18 AND Throttle=0, so basically two entirely separate arguments. @InsertNameHere01
i have absolutely no clue. i must have hit a little terrain glitch on the runway because the nose went up a tad bit and when it hit the ground my screen went black, the game started running at 22 FPS, and my speed was insane.
There should be a panel where you can choose what aircraft the game is allowed to spawn. I downloaded an He-162 and that’s literally all I get. None of the cool craft I downloaded specifically for dogfights, nope. Just He-162s.
That’s the problem
It’s for convenience
Too lazy
That does nothing
Oh that’s probably. Aerodynamic physics no likely open canopy. @Pietro
+1“Banned in America”
I fly with the stairs down because funny
+1no handing
Both variants of this aircraft have proven to be effective in combat trials. There is only one problem: when spawning either variant in the air, it immediately spins out. Right rudder and right ailerons can fix it, but it takes a while to recover.
1305 MPH at 19,750 feet. Gotta love it.
Gray is underrated. I can’t get people to believe that…@JeskoGoesVROOM
+1Officer mains hmu VVV
I’m supposed to be studying for my foreign language test right now, but instead I’m beating a marble maze in a game about flying airplanes.
I should probably mention that, yes, I did get rick rolled.
I should also mention I beat the whole thing in regular speed. Probably should’ve read the whole description before playing.
+3I’m doing a barrel roll. I’ll update you when I’m finished!
+2“No, this doesn’t have too many weapons, what are you talking about?”
This reminds me of those scenes in apocalypse style movies where you just have a formation of huge planes like this. Definitely has some cinematic potential.
You sure it's not a helicopter?
Testing in progress; stand by.
+1Testing complete! Worked perfectly first try. Thanks!
I have the light itself blinking the way I want it to. The TAS<18 by itself works perfectly, I just need it to come on when TAS<18 AND Throttle=0, so basically two entirely separate arguments. @InsertNameHere01
+1Our test pilot has remarked on its “excellent combat potential.” Following this statement, multiple random drug tests were performed.
+1It’s so violently pink that it looks like the texture is missing
Here’s a link to the original aircraft.
this one
i have absolutely no clue. i must have hit a little terrain glitch on the runway because the nose went up a tad bit and when it hit the ground my screen went black, the game started running at 22 FPS, and my speed was insane.
the game spawns this as an AI aircraft all too often. it might as well be impossible to shoot down with guns
+1i broke physics and blasted through the finish line at ~4.8 million mph
This plane was based on the Airbus A400M heavy turboprop. It's basically halfway between a C-130 and a C-5.
MCAS sold separately
it looks cool
best looking sausage on the market
this is beyond science
I have no idea how I missed that typing this up. Thank you!
This… was- sorry, is literally the best aircraft I’ve downloaded so far. Consider this comment my second through fifth upvote.
Edit: Wow… I guess I’m a bit late.
There should be a panel where you can choose what aircraft the game is allowed to spawn. I downloaded an He-162 and that’s literally all I get. None of the cool craft I downloaded specifically for dogfights, nope. Just He-162s.
+1Has a constant problem with parts thumping around and then it suddenly wanting to pull in a certain direction.
@Random04 thats a new one
+1@danielconstructor Ya se han sugerido huellas / orugas para tanques, ¡y están en la lista! ¡Gracias por contactarnos!
Had a tendency to spontaneously explode but other than that, this is one of the best aircraft I’ve ever had the the honor of flying.
Nearly impossible to take off
“Let’s paint some happy little trees” removes your head
Still gonna do it
Immediately one of my favs.
Really hard to take off from land, but once you get up it flies amazing and has great combat skills. Looks amazing as well!
I'm about to turn my phone into a nuclear weapon... here goes nothi-
graf spee
Added a new point discussing an “idle” engine setting
The guy in the cockpit has one hell of a schnoz