The thumbnail is partially inaccurate. I made a flight from Wright Airport across the ocean to Yeager, and it was mostly optimized. I started the time at my first throttle input, and stopped it when the plane came to a complete stop. It took me 1 minute, 59.16 seconds, meaning you could’ve ordered same day delivery at (the latest) 11:58 and 1.84 seconds (11:58:1.84). However
This is assuming your package literally teleports from the warehouse stock room into the plane as it starts its takeoff roll, and it teleports from the plane into your hands right as it comes to a complete stop on the runway (also assuming you’re standing right next to where it stops).
Meaning when humanity unlocks supersonic cargo capabilities and teleportation, you can order same day delivery a little after 11:58 and still get your package, with a little bit of added danger of walking onto an active runway.
Word of the wise: toggle “Overload” in the mods section of your iOS menu, open it using the little </> button in the editor, and set the scale to 0,0,0 on the connecting fuselage. This will make it still exist, but be invisible.
Everything about this plane is amazing. It’s controllable and stable in a hover and in forward flight, however it lacks significant pitch control at lower speeds.
Easily one of the most well made planes I’ve seen on here in a while. I find it handles better with the powerMultiplier of the big pointy engines set to 1. That could just be me, though. I’m a sucker for speed!
By adding intakes, setting the tiny nosecone’s massScale to 1, and setting its dead weight to 300 pounds, you can make it fly! Quickly throttle up to 50% to get off the ground before you flip over, then wane off as you go up. I’ve found that it cruises well at ~15-20% throttle.
Also known as the instant mobile game obliterator
+1Take all the time ya need. SP isn’t going anywhere and neither am I!
Is there beta on TestFlight?
+1Is there a way to prevent it from spinning out on landing, or is that just a consequence of the narrow wheel base?
+1Doesn’t work
+1Terminal guidance version?
This thing is literally a kamikaze magnet
We gotta see a car cockpit remake
I’ll give that a shot! Do you know what hex value to use?
It’s got the reverse of the 737-200s disproportionate engines
Lowering it doesn’t change much, it still misses at about the same frequency as a higher speed
Kinda can’t use this in VR if most of the controls are more than seven feet away
+3“You need to be familiar with it before driving it!”
+3Nah just wing it (no pun intended), you’ll be fine!
The thumbnail is partially inaccurate. I made a flight from Wright Airport across the ocean to Yeager, and it was mostly optimized. I started the time at my first throttle input, and stopped it when the plane came to a complete stop. It took me 1 minute, 59.16 seconds, meaning you could’ve ordered same day delivery at (the latest) 11:58 and 1.84 seconds (11:58:1.84).
This is assuming your package literally teleports from the warehouse stock room into the plane as it starts its takeoff roll, and it teleports from the plane into your hands right as it comes to a complete stop on the runway (also assuming you’re standing right next to where it stops).
Meaning when humanity unlocks supersonic cargo capabilities and teleportation, you can order same day delivery a little after 11:58 and still get your package, with a little bit of added danger of walking onto an active runway.
This gets a certified W from me
Word of the wise: toggle “Overload” in the mods section of your iOS menu, open it using the little </> button in the editor, and set the scale to 0,0,0 on the connecting fuselage. This will make it still exist, but be invisible.
I can’t tell if it’s by default or it started happening after my mods, but it has a slight but noticeable roll to the right, idk how to fix it.
gmod ensues
I think I’m better off just crashing into the enemy with this speed
+1“Did I enjoy it” is a bit unfair. Challenges should be purely objective and unbiased.
+1I’m supposed to be doing work for my honors government class right now, but no. I’m drag racing a shopping cart.
I’m getting some half life 2 vibes from this
+2Everything about this plane is amazing. It’s controllable and stable in a hover and in forward flight, however it lacks significant pitch control at lower speeds.
This is literally the exact same plane. You didn’t change a thing and just stole the design!
This would work amazingly as a gunfighter.
+1What… is this..?
Oh my god I love him
They don’t all fire instantly, it takes about 1.2 seconds to fire all of them.
The zeros in the Power to Weight ratio go off my screen
+1I can already tell you have a 100/10 sense of humor. I needed this.
+4Twitchy controls and difficult to fly
That’s… called counter-torque.
if you shoot it so the projectile hits it at an upward angle (kinda difficult) you can make it float away
Looks cool and definitely works but the lag is real
+1You just… repainted it?
After extensive study, this is objectively the best F117 on the platform. Imma have fun with this!
I recognize where those engines are from!
Easily one of the most well made planes I’ve seen on here in a while. I find it handles better with the
of the big pointy engines set to 1. That could just be me, though. I’m a sucker for speed!Reminds me of those wingsiron or brazuca planes that are all over the hottest page. They look like crap and have no effort put into them.
+1Notice how I specifically said
“This ensures that you don’t have to restart the entire simulation to regain your weapons.”
I love how it enters hyperdrive if you get ahead of the target
+1I can already hear the banjo music
No war crimes here
If you move the wings around a bit so that the Center of Lift (blue sphere) is behind the center of mass (red sphere), it flies without a problem.
I love the missiles!
+1Reality gets disabled if this thing so much as thinks about water too hard.
By adding intakes, setting the tiny nosecone’s
to 1, and setting its dead weight to 300 pounds, you can make it fly! Quickly throttle up to 50% to get off the ground before you flip over, then wane off as you go up. I’ve found that it cruises well at ~15-20% throttle.To anyone that was wondering: yes, it can fly with its wings folded.