“You could say we’re proffition of someone else’s video service (YouTube), or people are profiting off someone else’s platform (unity)“ when you make money on YouTube that means you’re partners with them, and when you use Unity as an engine for a purchasable game that means the devs have a license to do so, are you insinuating you received permission or partnership to do this?
anyone could make a 500+ part brick, part count shouldn't need to be a factor in builds. What matters is how well you place those parts to make a great looking build with a great flight model. Once you have those down people will care.
looks cool but you know the red hoop at the tail rotor is supposed to prevent the rotor from hitting the ground right? It should be wider than the radius of the rotor to function
Do you even know what having rights to free speech means lol
+12Those big pink dice really top it off 😩
+6thank the bus driver for your own safety
+6what is the point
+5Please no useless "community cube" spam
+3“You could say we’re proffition of someone else’s video service (YouTube), or people are profiting off someone else’s platform (unity)“ when you make money on YouTube that means you’re partners with them, and when you use Unity as an engine for a purchasable game that means the devs have a license to do so, are you insinuating you received permission or partnership to do this?
how about multiplayer
@BogdanX i agree, I just wanted to make it a little more fun
+3underrated build noises
+3genius strategy displayed here, well done.
+2the left wing's nav light is supposed to be red
+2anyone could make a 500+ part brick, part count shouldn't need to be a factor in builds. What matters is how well you place those parts to make a great looking build with a great flight model. Once you have those down people will care.
+2@Tully2001 there was a connection error where this forum post was posted about 6 times, just a misunderstanding.
+2cant wait to see what comes of this, shame my car will probably exceed 2k parts lol
+1@MakarnaliMussolini down again i think
+1the dragon car :O
+1@Shootingstar07 formation lights on the wing tips? that seems like a waste considering there's already a sufficient amount
+1When the whole ship a racing quad drone
+1It’s a small screen, that’s the sacrifice you make when PC based features reach mobile platforms
+1@Tums I made a mantis like this before, awesome work!
I might make a new one with the new inputs soon enough
+1this make me very happy
+1rip it's been 2 months foe me
+1@plane918273645 you're both silver ranked builders so I don't see your argument
+1@ChiChiWerx a Lämmergeier is a species of vulture that's known for eating bone marrow. It's pronounced Lam-er-gye-er if you were wondering
+1@danman12 thank you
+1Tag me up
+1THOTs recognise THOTs ya dig
+1@Graingy started working on it again recently...
@Juanfly154 how do i make wheels spin like this
6/10 the construction/technique seems solid but the proportions look really off to me
@MakarnaliMussolini your video was taken down
Yes papi 🥵
keep the account
Shame you didn’t fix those inlets
Flies wel
make the seats a less shiny black
landing gear is visibly messed up
@MegaFox this pic should give you an idea of how the beams are positioned
@MegaFox The only other thing i can think of is the glass shape being wrong and the truss supports in the tail being wrong
looks cool but you know the red hoop at the tail rotor is supposed to prevent the rotor from hitting the ground right? It should be wider than the radius of the rotor to function
very nice, but the landing gear placement is throwing me off
@Stormfur the USS Tiny still exists if you want a dangerous landing
@joedenly ?Not sure what you mean
@exosuit gotcha