1,854 IndesterSion Comments

  • MB32 Battle Robot (Kind of fixed) 2.0 years ago

    I underestimated the problem with making something walk it seems

  • Breaking SimplePlanes: 2.0 years ago

    nice going

  • VR_FlightTest 2.1 years ago

    If SPMP worked well enough, you could make entire matches about shooting one another in VR.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.1 years ago

    sever's acting funny again. there's a bunch of lag

  • We all build this 2.2 years ago

    Its beautiful
    I also decided to partake in this social experiment

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.2 years ago

    server's acting weird

  • FunkyTrees Missile v1.0 2.2 years ago

    @OrderlyHippo idk whether you've found out by now, but the user utilized custom variables. You can find it in the little x near the overload and fine tuner

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.2 years ago

    Currently, there is no operative server. Could someone maybe host one or inform me when one is up?

  • Gas station 2.2 years ago

    You call it a gas station, I call it a target rich environment

  • Challenge Series 1 2.3 years ago

    "This is designed for realistic/semi realistic aircraft"

    Me: Imma pretend that I didn't see that

  • CTX-09 Monarch Coastal-Defence System 2.3 years ago

    @CheeseTruffles Thank you for this! I will be experimenting with this later

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.3 years ago

    Have any new servers come online yet?

  • Suv Finshed 2.3 years ago

    This is peak design right here

  • CTX-09 Monarch Coastal-Defence System 2.3 years ago

    I have torn this thing down to the bare structure, trying to find out what triggers the stages for the missile, when all the inputs just say "stage(1,2,3)" there is no indication that Activate2 is activating it, yet somehow it works. I don't get it. I understand that as someone who barely understands FT at all and is dealing with a very complicated FT build is going to leave me confused, but I figured I could just look for answers by looking at XML, but I guess not. Is there something I'm missing? did you go into the code and do something? I want answers to this question plz

  • nuke ROCKET BOOOOOOOOOOOOM 2.3 years ago

    6 years later, and now I need it
    now it just needs to fly.

  • In case you need to message me 2.4 years ago

    what's your timezone? because your message was sent 6 hours ago, and for me, 6 hours ago is at 3AM

  • In case you need to message me 2.5 years ago

    @SimpleCar57 Sry I missed this, I just got on the server

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.5 years ago

    Could someone give me the new IP? the current one ( fails to connect

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.5 years ago

    @Louisianaboy2021024 that's not possible. mods have stopped working for android

  • CrashLandingFighterJet.mp4 2.5 years ago

    very epique landing

  • How to aggressively go up. 2.5 years ago

    where's the ejection seat?

  • FNL2 Dolphin VTOL 2.7 years ago

    that is beautiful

  • real war footage 2.9 years ago

    @PPLLAANNEE While not a house sided cockpit, I can say getting chased by this: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/WofvfN/XT-NS-05-Goliath feels pretty similar, especially when you're smaller than the little bugger

  • White Users be like: 2.9 years ago

    Someone recreate this scene in game

  • Grand Theft SimplePlanes 2.9 years ago

    I wish you could destroy buildings and watch them collapse like bridges.

  • The Hydra II 2.9 years ago

    I like the simplicity, yet cool design of it. The turboprops being mounted on the edges of the stabilizers is quite creative, as well with the V shape. The colors fit with the design well, too.

  • Delta Explorer 2.9 years ago

    Guys, I'm gonna need to fix this, because you can't move. The engines aren't hooked up to the engines. I'll probably be making a fixed version to repost, or you can just hook up the engines yourself. The two front wheels go to the front engine, while the six back wheels go the the back engine.

  • shoot to fly 3.0 years ago

    When you give the cannon zero firing delay, its a force of nature

  • ARC 210 VR 3.0 years ago

    I could've sworn that was a real photo

  • DeltaCore machine gun 3.0 years ago

    @spefyjerbf I just looked up, "big turret" and found an image that looked cool, then just tried to make it.