looks good but isnt this a combat robot or attack drone? seriously this is the reason why the clone wars isnt realy lukas cannon: this isnt a droid at all. droid is old greek and means resembling (in the case of droids a living being and this is what you see in the movies when you discount r2d2).
@Nutsee i hope you didnt know this already but latios and latias are both canard jets with happy faces. and this build realy looks like someone saw them and then modelled a jet after them. is it canon in pokemon?
@SledDriver if i get things correct he sunk with the ships. the allies used his transmission to triangulate bismarcks position so if he survived he would have been the laughing stock of the allied sailors or would have gotten a free trainride to a summer camp in poland.
@SledDriver because of the dead range finder radar the captain of the bismarck assumed the allies did know where the ship was when in fact the bismarck had escaped and so he took the radio and mumbled a damage report that was around five minutes long. the allies used this report to find the position of the bismarxk.
@SledDriver it was a basic radar i dont know if the thing had a monitor system but it could detect stuff before it was seen. did you know that the bismarck won againt the royal navy and was only defeated by a construction misshap? the radar of the bismarck was behind b turret and was damaged by the recoil of bismracks b turret the day before the battle against hood.
@SledDriver the best external weapon that could be mounted on the me262 where bigger rockets than the small r4m rockets. the thing was effectively futureproved without the knowledge how to use it correctly and the a hitler came and everything was going down from there.
@SledDriver not as a bomber but with the capacitys for small bomb payloads of around 50 to 100 kg as most fighters in the luftwaffe could carry easyly. now try to strap big bonbs onto it and the whole fails is done.
hey @dockyard can you please build the little private fishing boat of q from the world is not enough? yes hes clearly states that the boat bond uses to fight is intended as a fishing boat for his retirement. i would asume he build it for dinamite fishing.
@SledDriver aparently messerschmidt developed the me262 with bomber capacitys from the getgo but then hitler/ göring wanted to use it purely as a bomber. also the thing started develompment before the war but was stopped more than once because hitler/ göring didnt see the use of a jetplane. like the admirality of the kaiserreich and the telemobiloscope (the telemobiloscope was shown 1904 in cologne by his german inventor and was proven to work but the admirals said nice toy but we dont see a use for it. they ignored the radar as useless).
@SledDriver the me 262 was a very impressive build. the thing was to late and to early at the same time ans still the best jet over europa at the time. the only plane i know for certain that could match it in air was the mustang (and it was developed by an austrain born man so yes thats even funnier. edgar smued even used his german skills to read the papers of the 262 in german and then using the obtained knowledge to develop the first american jet that was worth its money).
@IanTheCuberGamer if he used scripts at all. divebobing isnt that hard because you do not much. the hardest part is not to crash when you have to drop the bombs.
@iwannabeelected the thing is: i only pointed out things that are easier to fix. sounds harsh but in the end its small but easy to fix stuff. i think his source was not the best.
@agnanSatrio truth bw told: this is my favorite submarine ever. its not super well known but the ancestor to all modern submarines because it was so way ahaed of its competition. also i mentioned the little bump of the active sonar (the thing thats makes the ping): its there where on your model is the red stripe.
so @agnanSatario i hope my little text below is enough help for your second try on the grandfather to all modern submarines. i hope you use the informations well.
@PositivePlanes i agree but it still has enough flaws to point out. for instance the hygrophone array for the forward facing passive sonar is missing. the build also lacks the way easier to build mount of the active sonar (a little hump in on the front of the conning tower a bit below the first AA gun). the fins with the screw are way to high (they are only cm away from the total bottom side of the submarine) and it is lacking the tail depth fins.or with other words: a pretty good start but still not the best that is possible with this build quality shown here. also it lacks two torpedo tubes.
also as a funfact: they never destroyed stuff because they didnt get torpedos.
@JediWolf the dumbest place for them comes to steam in the near future: halo. in one halo game you can see a ship like the pillar of autum docked planet side and then taking of to space and the 5 km long unsc infinity carrier lands one a planet in halo 4 (when i am not wrong) only to get up again from its own power. and halo has space elevators. something of a trope to have them.
@Stellarlabs the thing is that the type 21 and 23 submarines are the predacessors to every submarine in military use since the war. also the 212a uses an engine that doesnt need as much of a heatsinc as the gotland. would be nice to se a 212a on the site.
@JediWolf the dumb thing i mentioned is the elevator. if you think about it: the systems required to build it are also capable of replacing it when it could be build.
i woudl say the same things as @Grant321 and Gady13131 but why not a succesor to the type 21 or type 23? the 212a is already in service and probably better than your fictional unit so why not going to 212a,s and seawolfs granddad?
@GeneralPatrick2 its a controlable free fall bomb. think the moab but smaller. glide bombs fly like soaring planes but the fritz x never did. some descriptions of weapons are junger than the weapon itself (the v1 is a cruise missile and the reason why we call weapons like it cruise missiles. i am not shure but i think the nazis simply called it a missile).
@GeneralPatrick2 nope the real bomb was a classic free fall bomb. also the real name of the fritz x is the panzersprengbombe 1500 (pzb1500). the fritz x was a set of parts to turn the bomb into a controlable bomb.
what the hell hapenned here?
looks good but isnt this a combat robot or attack drone? seriously this is the reason why the clone wars isnt realy lukas cannon: this isnt a droid at all. droid is old greek and means resembling (in the case of droids a living being and this is what you see in the movies when you discount r2d2).
@TheRussianBrothers69 can we see the enemy? i dont tink we can.
@TheRussianBrothers69 still a bit odd that the cockpit looks like a soda can.
uhm @TheRussianBrothers69 wasnt the original a pull plane?
@Nutsee i hope you didnt know this already but latios and latias are both canard jets with happy faces. and this build realy looks like someone saw them and then modelled a jet after them. is it canon in pokemon?
its a bit to slim around the engine but this is offset by the looks. nice build.
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck nothing to add here buddy.
@SledDriver if i get things correct he sunk with the ships. the allies used his transmission to triangulate bismarcks position so if he survived he would have been the laughing stock of the allied sailors or would have gotten a free trainride to a summer camp in poland.
@SledDriver because of the dead range finder radar the captain of the bismarck assumed the allies did know where the ship was when in fact the bismarck had escaped and so he took the radio and mumbled a damage report that was around five minutes long. the allies used this report to find the position of the bismarxk.
@SledDriver it was a basic radar i dont know if the thing had a monitor system but it could detect stuff before it was seen. did you know that the bismarck won againt the royal navy and was only defeated by a construction misshap? the radar of the bismarck was behind b turret and was damaged by the recoil of bismracks b turret the day before the battle against hood.
@SledDriver the best external weapon that could be mounted on the me262 where bigger rockets than the small r4m rockets. the thing was effectively futureproved without the knowledge how to use it correctly and the a hitler came and everything was going down from there.
@SledDriver not as a bomber but with the capacitys for small bomb payloads of around 50 to 100 kg as most fighters in the luftwaffe could carry easyly. now try to strap big bonbs onto it and the whole fails is done.
hey @dockyard can you please build the little private fishing boat of q from the world is not enough? yes hes clearly states that the boat bond uses to fight is intended as a fishing boat for his retirement. i would asume he build it for dinamite fishing.
+1@SledDriver aparently messerschmidt developed the me262 with bomber capacitys from the getgo but then hitler/ göring wanted to use it purely as a bomber. also the thing started develompment before the war but was stopped more than once because hitler/ göring didnt see the use of a jetplane. like the admirality of the kaiserreich and the telemobiloscope (the telemobiloscope was shown 1904 in cologne by his german inventor and was proven to work but the admirals said nice toy but we dont see a use for it. they ignored the radar as useless).
@SledDriver the me 262 was a very impressive build. the thing was to late and to early at the same time ans still the best jet over europa at the time. the only plane i know for certain that could match it in air was the mustang (and it was developed by an austrain born man so yes thats even funnier. edgar smued even used his german skills to read the papers of the 262 in german and then using the obtained knowledge to develop the first american jet that was worth its money).
@IanTheCuberGamer the ju87 divebomber even used a rudimentary autopilot to help the pilots.
@SledDriver the ju87 even used a rudementary autopilot to help the pilots do their work.
@IanTheCuberGamer if he used scripts at all. divebobing isnt that hard because you do not much. the hardest part is not to crash when you have to drop the bombs.
+1when the design looks so stunning that no words are needed to tell what is good and what is not.
+1@iwannabeelected the thing is: i only pointed out things that are easier to fix. sounds harsh but in the end its small but easy to fix stuff. i think his source was not the best.
+2@agnanSatrio truth bw told: this is my favorite submarine ever. its not super well known but the ancestor to all modern submarines because it was so way ahaed of its competition. also i mentioned the little bump of the active sonar (the thing thats makes the ping): its there where on your model is the red stripe.
+2so @agnanSatario i hope my little text below is enough help for your second try on the grandfather to all modern submarines. i hope you use the informations well.
+1@PositivePlanes i agree but it still has enough flaws to point out. for instance the hygrophone array for the forward facing passive sonar is missing. the build also lacks the way easier to build mount of the active sonar (a little hump in on the front of the conning tower a bit below the first AA gun). the fins with the screw are way to high (they are only cm away from the total bottom side of the submarine) and it is lacking the tail depth fins.or with other words: a pretty good start but still not the best that is possible with this build quality shown here. also it lacks two torpedo tubes.
also as a funfact: they never destroyed stuff because they didnt get torpedos.
sincerely: your irobert55.
+1@TripleAAirlinesCO ahem the hindeunburg never was a blimp (blimps collapse when you take out the gas).
@Strikefighter04 you didnt know that brot is german for bread?
+2@Feanor and this is a good reason to not go vegan (brot is german for bread for everyone who doesnt know this).
+1@Mumpsy makes sense.
@Mumpsy why is the gun offcenter? if i get the details of this craft right then the gunpod is under the center of the fuselage.
@Stormfur because it is a b29. the difference is one kg. they got some undamaged b29 bombers and then used them to copie the b29.
@Avro683Lancaster fitting meme my friend.
@GenrichTitov essentialy he is a cyborg. but more like batou or motoko (from the animes). he is friend not enemy.
@JohnnyBoythePilot kids story book magic. he runs essentialy on candy and fun.
+1@Phantom1 nope the way it works make it so that it counts a a hovercraft type vessel. but better.
@Phantom1 thats a boat my freind. not a plane a ship that flys.
@Mod king of the swing at the moment. best looking model of the ugliest plane in human history. cheers.
@JediWolf the dumbest place for them comes to steam in the near future: halo. in one halo game you can see a ship like the pillar of autum docked planet side and then taking of to space and the 5 km long unsc infinity carrier lands one a planet in halo 4 (when i am not wrong) only to get up again from its own power. and halo has space elevators. something of a trope to have them.
@Stellarlabs the thing is that the type 21 and 23 submarines are the predacessors to every submarine in military use since the war. also the 212a uses an engine that doesnt need as much of a heatsinc as the gotland. would be nice to se a 212a on the site.
@JediWolf did you never think bout it?
@JediWolf the dumb thing i mentioned is the elevator. if you think about it: the systems required to build it are also capable of replacing it when it could be build.
i woudl say the same things as @Grant321 and Gady13131 but why not a succesor to the type 21 or type 23? the 212a is already in service and probably better than your fictional unit so why not going to 212a,s and seawolfs granddad?
@FishMiner i think it was this or related to this: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/XOiPk6/Thomas-The-Thermonuclear-Bomb-erbomb
very likely deleted. sorry buddy.
@FishMiner not yet but i can search. in fact: i learned of it because of this build.
sorry fish miner but someone buidl him already and in way better. but still upvote for the effort.
@JediWolf and to defend one of the dumbest things you can put into a scifi story if you ask me.
@GeneralPatrick2 its a controlable free fall bomb. think the moab but smaller. glide bombs fly like soaring planes but the fritz x never did. some descriptions of weapons are junger than the weapon itself (the v1 is a cruise missile and the reason why we call weapons like it cruise missiles. i am not shure but i think the nazis simply called it a missile).
@GeneralPatrick2 nope the real bomb was a classic free fall bomb. also the real name of the fritz x is the panzersprengbombe 1500 (pzb1500). the fritz x was a set of parts to turn the bomb into a controlable bomb.
@Sulaiman123 you earned it. this is probably the best build of this plane ever.
+1its missing the main gun.