1,842 Irobert55 Comments

  • Music Replacer 6.7 years ago

    @HellFireKoder is it possible to get your own music into the game with this mod?

  • Grand Piano 5.1 years ago

    does this thing fly? because this type of piano is known as a fluegel (wing) in german.

  • Panzer VIII Mouse 6.3 years ago

    @kerbober i once saw a picture of a guy who made a tiger panzer from snow. the thing was combined with a picture of young anna singing do you wanna build a snowman? and as a response: nein! nein! do you wanna build a panzer.

  • OP-27 GT 6.6 years ago

    how can i make a emoticon with eyes gazing in different directions? this has clearly two engines......

  • Waffelträger 7.1 years ago

    @Colonel1J2R3Wolf @Scottydoestuff if hitler and trump were pokemon: trump uses outsmart at hitler.... and failed. hitler tries outsmart on trump..... and failed. both were stupid egomaniacs i think it would be funny to see them argue.

  • Missile Launcher 7.2 years ago

    @Wartechnologies the name is corected however the descritption is still incorect.
    here is a correct one: Cleaver missile launcher launch protocoll:

  • NavalGunControl 6.6 years ago

    @CarnationRED idea for an upvote: parts that allow you to build your own turret systems (if tose parts arent included yet) in the shape of rotators that react to this mod and that can be combined with normal guns or mod guns.

  • RF-8 (GAZ-98) Aerosan 6.7 years ago

    uh oh pingu is invading.

  • 205 Gigantic Elephant 2.6 years ago

    what is that?

  • Battleship Kremlin 2.9 years ago

    boooo this is not a little fuzzy criter speaking russian! booooo! i want to se a kremlin!

    ok with the joke out: realy nice looking ship i spot here. upvote from me.

  • Type XXI U-boat (Elekroboot) 5.9 years ago

    @iwannabeelected the thing is: i only pointed out things that are easier to fix. sounds harsh but in the end its small but easy to fix stuff. i think his source was not the best.

  • Type XXI U-boat (Elekroboot) 5.9 years ago

    @agnanSatrio truth bw told: this is my favorite submarine ever. its not super well known but the ancestor to all modern submarines because it was so way ahaed of its competition. also i mentioned the little bump of the active sonar (the thing thats makes the ping): its there where on your model is the red stripe.

  • Brot class larger battlecruiser 5.9 years ago

    @Strikefighter04 you didnt know that brot is german for bread?

  • Sturmpz. VI "Sturmtiger" 6.1 years ago

    @BMilan jupp. and i think that even the millitary historians dont have a complete clue why the name and desigantions hapenned.

  • Sturmpz. VI "Sturmtiger" 6.1 years ago

    @BMilan and then comes the p1500 monster, battleship yamato, schwerer gustav and the big bertha mortars. all are grenade launching guns. and this is why the description of a rocket mortar is strange. ok on the other hand the v1 was declared a cruise missile after the end of the war.

  • Sturmpz. VI "Sturmtiger" 6.1 years ago

    @BMilan its still a rocket propelled grenade if you think about it. i dont even understand what makes the difference between a rpg and sturm mörser rocket. both are grenades witha rocket engine.

  • Sturmpz. VI "Sturmtiger" 6.1 years ago

    @BMilan and what do we have here children? here we have a fully grown panzerfaust rpg. the soviets cant have such nice and big rpgs because their breed of rpg is smaller than the original german breed (the rpg is based of the panzerfaust 150).

  • Avro Lancaster w/ Tallboy 6.3 years ago

    @Weaverfish some qeustions: is the bomb realy a tallboy or a grand slam (they look similar but the grand slam is bigger) also you wrote the name of the ship wrong (tirpez instead of tirpiz). but besides this it looks great.

  • Totally a truck 6.3 years ago

    they said that somewhere on this post is a tank. but i cant see anything that even remotely lookes like a tank.

  • Dunkers Du-87 6.4 years ago

    i am sitting here and think of all. should i shoot or get the ball. also you forget the extra big ball under the fuselage. without it the plane has a change of crashing after dropping the ball.

  • Japanese Tugboat UMEMARU 6.5 years ago

    @ThomasRoderick my descrition is so short because i didtn know it until yesterday too.
    the only thing that totaly beats this is the void-schneider engine (its the ship based version of a cyclorotor system and allows a ship with normal build characterisitcs to drive sideways).

  • WW2 british unguided rocket. 6.5 years ago

    @RamboJutter @LiamW sorry i got the name from the rocket wrong. the tiny tim is even bigger. this is the rp-3 and most likely on the warhead side close to the tiny tim (and the tiny tim is big). the only thing that could beat the tiny tim and the rp-3 is the V1 airborne launch version for the heinkel he111.

  • Blohm and Voss BV P.192 6.6 years ago

    @kaaraabiner germany invented the ejection seat for a plane with a similar proplem at hand. the heinkel uhu had very large propellers very close to the fuselage directly behind the cockpit so they invented ejection seats to save the pilots.

  • A shiny flying turd 6.6 years ago

    @Cynister @Fighterpilot91 and what did we learn from the mythbusters? you can polish turds and the best way to get current concrete put of a mixertruck is by blowing up the truck.

  • Dog fight challenge, results 6.7 years ago

    tell me when it is up.

  • Flies Like A Brick... 6.7 years ago

    @Chancey21 you essentialy buidl a TIE fighter without wings. see here: star wars aerodynamics

  • return to my memory bin of mysterious mysteries solved. 6.7 years ago

    @Countache27 in the comment section of the video is a feud if the diatlov solution he presents is viable but i side with him for a easy reason: they cannot claim what they say so his hypothesis is easy enough to be right until something changes every thing but i doubt that there will be new evidence in the future.

  • RF-8 (GAZ-98) Aerosan 6.7 years ago

    @AdlerSteiner please no emojis. they fear this site and are afraid of being shot or bombed out by big birds with a kill streak of 1845 confirmed wins.

  • Functioning G Counter! 6.7 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii why isnt there a part for such things?

  • Circular Runway 7.2 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 @asteroidbook345 that is the biggest problem when you have to plan an runway. i think thunderf00t could be in in some time. the video would be great because he can acount for all problems of this concept. like in his hyperloop videos.

  • BS-99 2.1 years ago

    @SimplePilot28465 are you german as well? because enten are called canards in english. small thing to tell but a nice thing to state. also the build looks great.

  • 1A. Tigerwing P (25 Part Challenge) 2.3 years ago

    nice craft i see here. to bad that my joystick is broken rn.

  • NO UPVOTE (not for why you think) 2.3 years ago

    i feel a bit trolley rn! devilish gin flashes over my face.

  • 205 Gigantic Elephant 2.5 years ago

    @komadori1 nah i realy just wanted to know what this is. thats all. looks cool.

  • M-230 30mm Chain Gun 2.6 years ago

    looks great.

  • Me262 modernize 3.8 years ago

    @captainlevi820 well the first AA missiles where unguided ones but the ruhrstahl x4 (wich was the first guided air to air missile) required a two seater plane to work so there where many me262s that could fire guided rockets. if you wanted to know a specific version: me262 u-1 or b-1 models would be capable of firing the ruhrstahl x4 rocket.

  • Lautern Skyly J-2 'Teacher' 3.8 years ago

    @GuyFolk i once created a model of the rostock someaka (the big canard from the end of the movie. and also still likely the most detailed model of this plane on this site). but it looks bad in comparison to your plane.

  • Kampffahrzeug 14 (Gerat 311) 4.7 years ago

    gerät 311 please. or geraet 311. both would work. quite nice workthere. can it carry guns?

  • Focke Wulf Ta 183 4.7 years ago

    the only kurt tank jet that i know.

  • 1/700 ISEV 'Lighthouse' 4.7 years ago

    arsenal berd.

  • [Closed] Submarine Challenge 4.8 years ago

    @MintLynx that thing can fly? what did the devs smoke? where do you get this stuff? and can i get some too?

  • Wolframbulle 15 A 5.0 years ago

    @Pophead tungsten instead of tungstien and english instead of engilish. when the description is the only part that can realy be critizised.

  • Junkers EF126 5.0 years ago

    @kaaraabiner is that prop for the generator free spinin or a very small engine?

  • Space Elevator 5.4 years ago

    @Tarquez wow! some one understands why the elevator sucks.

  • ADF-04 ENTE 5.5 years ago

    @Thelegitpilot13 romania got some ducks to give tanks some fucks.

  • Fishing boat 5.8 years ago

    hey @dockyard can you please build the little private fishing boat of q from the world is not enough? yes hes clearly states that the boat bond uses to fight is intended as a fishing boat for his retirement. i would asume he build it for dinamite fishing.

  • Dive-bombing with the Stuka-SD, Part II 5.8 years ago

    @IanTheCuberGamer if he used scripts at all. divebobing isnt that hard because you do not much. the hardest part is not to crash when you have to drop the bombs.

  • Great Dragon 5.8 years ago

    when the design looks so stunning that no words are needed to tell what is good and what is not.

  • Type XXI U-boat (Elekroboot) 5.9 years ago

    so @agnanSatario i hope my little text below is enough help for your second try on the grandfather to all modern submarines. i hope you use the informations well.

  • Type XXI U-boat (Elekroboot) 5.9 years ago

    @PositivePlanes i agree but it still has enough flaws to point out. for instance the hygrophone array for the forward facing passive sonar is missing. the build also lacks the way easier to build mount of the active sonar (a little hump in on the front of the conning tower a bit below the first AA gun). the fins with the screw are way to high (they are only cm away from the total bottom side of the submarine) and it is lacking the tail depth fins.or with other words: a pretty good start but still not the best that is possible with this build quality shown here. also it lacks two torpedo tubes.

    also as a funfact: they never destroyed stuff because they didnt get torpedos.

    sincerely: your irobert55.
