4,663 JABH Comments

  • Grumman F6F Hellcat one month ago

    @Christiant2 ?

  • Grumman F6F Hellcat one month ago

    @Christiant2 Ok, está bien. Yo quería hacer las alas, pero bueno 👍

  • Grumman F6F Hellcat one month ago

    @Christiant2 bueno, Entonces... Hago el modelo, tu las alas, armas, cabina...?

  • Grumman F6F Hellcat one month ago

    @Christiant2 Las alas vienen en el modelo, no?

  • Grumman F6F Hellcat one month ago

    @Christiant2 Mejor yo :)

  • Grumman F6F Hellcat one month ago

    @JABH y tú te encargas de la cabina, bombas, acabado, etc...

  • Grumman F6F Hellcat one month ago

    Yo hago la estructura, el modelo

  • Grumman F6F Hellcat one month ago

    @Christiant2 Va, Cómo empezamos?

  • Grumman F6F Hellcat one month ago

    @Christiant2 literal este es el avion que menos apoyo creí que tendría xd porque es para un amigo

  • CT-70 Regional Airliner (FTU) one month ago

    @Christiant2 JAJAJA

  • (DWARF) TBF-2 Avenger one month ago

    @Christiant2 I'll be honest, pitching doesn't lift the plane well, but it can keep it in the air. The rear gunner does not work properly, as it destroys the tail. I recommend putting an AG along with a mechanism to move the weapon to the sides. If you want I can help you. :3

  • 1930-1940s Challenge [CLOSED] one month ago

    @Christiant2 Apenas te conocí hoy, 1 de Agosto

  • CT-70 Regional Airliner (FTU) one month ago

    @Christiant2 Qué cosa? 😏

  • CT-70 Regional Airliner (FTU) one month ago

    @Christiant2 I assume that the center of mass is well in front of the center of lift, and both must be close, usually the center of mass a little further forward.

  • Soda 6 Pack one month ago

    @Christiant2 Una coca pa la presion

  • MA-4570 "Guardian" one month ago

    It's so cool! Its finish, its design, multipurpose, it's great! It is fascinating.

  • MA-4570 "Guardian" one month ago

    Oh, the friendship. ;)

  • 1930-1940s Challenge [CLOSED] one month ago

    Chale raza hubiera venido antes 😢

  • X-3 one month ago

    Jet Missile?

  • CT-70 Regional Airliner (FTU) one month ago

    This is very well done! I like the airframe and design, but the pitch agility is very questionable.

  • North American B-25 Mitchell one month ago

    @Christiant2 Gracias, hago lo que se puede 😸

  • North American B-25 Mitchell one month ago

    @Christiant2 Tu también? 😯 Eres la tercera persona mexicano/a que conozco, o dos

  • North American B-25 Mitchell one month ago

    @Christiant2 CLARO BEIBE!!!

  • North American B-25 Mitchell one month ago

    @Christiant2 Thank you so much!

  • North American B-25 Mitchell AI one month ago

    In a few moments I will upload the version that is not for AI, but so that it is directly for the player. By the way, if you see spelling mistakes or mistakes in English grammar, sorry, I don't know much about English. 😭 (This emoji in my country is used for everything except crying)

  • Grumman F6F Hellcat one month ago

    Thank you very much for the Spotlight! I never thought I had so much support. Thank you so much!

  • The Items one month ago

    My device is not compatible... But my vote is for you, because your work looks wonderful and I will support you.

  • XML automatic turret and 20mm Hispanic cannon one month ago

    I put it in a Twin Prop xd

  • IF-36 Hazakura T1 fixed one month ago

    Hey! I liked this! The structure of the plane is similar to the British Hurricane from WWII. It has a common speed, but what I liked the most is the cabin and its different functions. Keep it up! You have a lot of potential.


    I want to join! Just... I don't know if my cell phone can hold up. 😭

  • Mitsubishi A6M Zero Kamikaze 2 months ago

    @Anoyingperson Bro, literalmente MAPA me dio un voto positivo 😻😻

  • CAB-R380 2 months ago

    @MA2211c Oh, I understand! It's okay, the truth is I'm not new, I already know several things in this video game. I just don't usually upload content. What do you think if one day we collaborate?

  • Boeing 707-330B Lufthansa 2 months ago

    My poor cell phone is going to explode

  • XPelican180 2 months ago


  • first plane 2 months ago

    ¡Hola! Oye, tu avión sirve de IA. aparece automáticamente, parece que has hecho un mejor trabajo del esperado. ¡Felicidades! Aquí te dejo los requisitos si quieres que la IA te apruebe:

    • El límite de piezas es 96. Según el creador MAPA, el límite de piezas es 96. Toma en cuenta eso.

    • El límite de alas es 7. Muchos cometen el error de poner en sus aviones el ala estructural, pero esto es un gran error. Mejor utiliza fuselajes y haz una estructura igual. Cuesta un poco más, ¡Pero es por el bien de tu avión!

    • Revisa que tu avión tenga buena maniobrabilidad. Si el avión es sofisticado y tiene muy baja maniobrabilidad, no lo aprobará la IA.

    • Revisa ESTRICTAMENTE los puntos de arrastre. Aunque en este avión se la pela un poco con esto, es recomendado revisarlo. NOTA: NO QUITAR AL MOTOR/ES NI A LAS ALAS.

    ¿Cómo quito los puntos de arrastre? Te recomiendo que desde el primer fuselaje lo hagas, así será menos difícil. Ya estoy acostumbrado.

    Así se quita: Vas a XML, y encontrarás algo que dice "calculateDrag", y estará en "true". Cambiarás "true" por "false", y así se quitará. En el fuselaje, hay una opción "Add section", es importante que recuerdes eso, pues si le das por ahí, se genera otro fuselaje a su lado con la misma validez que le metiste al fuselaje original. Osea, sin punto de arrastre. Recuerda, cuando vayas a añadir un nuevo objeto, recuerda quitarle el punto de arrastre. Menos a los motores y alas.

    Espero te haya ayudado y bastante. Los requisitos los dió MAPA, pero yo te los dejo aquí. Con mis propias palabras, claro. Por cierto, yo hablo español, pero notarás como si estuviera traducido, pero es que hablo así para que se entienda.

    Desactiva la traducción automática de página, sino verás una traducción tan fina que ni yo puedo con eso.

  • (RTF) Kazhrokina K-32 Superfortress Bomber 2 months ago

    Hey! Nothing bad. I liked it quite a bit for it being your first plane. When I tried it, his plane had approximately 466 kilometers per hour (289 miles per hour) maximum speed, more or less agility, and I liked the detail of the gunners, it is a very good detail. Although, one idea is that they can also move with the Roll and Pitch, and thus have better precision. You can also implement a flying Flak gunner, as there is a "Flak" gunner, but he does not hit the targets. This is done with the following command: You grab a cannon, you grab its XML. You go to canyon, click on the "+" below and Name and Value will appear. This is how you will fill it: Name-Value: fuseInput - TargetSelected ? TargetDistance / (1000 - rate(TargetDistance)) : 60 This will ensure that when the projectile arrives near the target plane, it will burst without going to the afterlife. You can also raise the gauge and burst Scala to 3. This is what I was referring to as "Flying Flak". I hope it helps you and future plans, partner. :)

  • Airbus A321-200[IAE] (Wizzair) 2 months ago

    I felt things 👄

  • [VR] Milles M.57 Aerovan 2 months ago

    What about Cyberpunk Chicken?

  • F4U Corsair AI 2 months ago

    I was inspired by the MAPA miniatures, HAHAHA

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk VB 2 months ago

    It bounces a lot on the ground, don't you think?

  • Messerschmitt Me-262 2 months ago

    This plane is ideal for making it appear automatically. I know the requirements, and since there are only 72 pieces, one has already been met. Great job, friend! <3

  • Boeing 737 MAX 8 AEROMEXICO 2 months ago

    @AverageAirplanesFan ¡Hola! ¿En serio? ¿Que nacionalidad eres? Yo soy Mexicano

  • TERRANATOR(beta 1.1 2 months ago

    ¡¿Hablas español?! :0

  • Boeing 737 MAX 8 AEROMEXICO 2 months ago

    @AverageAirplanesFan ¿Ustedes hablan Español? - I know a little English: Do you speak Spanish? or are they gringos?

  • P-51 Mustang (Simple) 2 months ago

    It looks very good for being simple!

  • Dusty carrier version 2 months ago


  • “DUSTY CROPHOPPER” (IL-2) 2 months ago


  • P-51 Mustang Hydrant 2 months ago

    @Anoyingperson Sí, así es. ¿Que tal? ¿De que país sos vos?

  • boing 737 2 months ago

    @crazymanny 🤭

  • first plane 2 months ago

    I love it. 😺