120 JFUB Comments

  • So I want to write lore around my builds but I’m not good at storytelling… any advice, tips, or tricks? 1.5 years ago

    1- Set a fictional world in which your builds will take role.

    2- Set eras, like a previous war that happened, an important event that sets a background for your build, so your build has a reason to exist.

    3- Develop a situation i which your build was useful and work on this, telling people how the event was set, the place, people involved and such

    Random Example:

    RNS Ferdinand Nolan DDG-110

    Nemesis, a country from northern lands always faced hostilities from a foreign superpower. In The Nemesis conflict, 1974, Nemesis navy lost most of its naval power due to an underarming of its ships, the technological gap compared to the enemy forces and the unrivaled air superiority of its rival, Corellia. Many lives lost in that vonflict prooved Nemesis needed a vessel that could fight on its own, while supporting fleets with anti air power to repel waves of missiles, drones and aircraft.

    Strategists and naval engineers came to the conclusion that the destroyers in service for the navy couldn't be modernised to compete with the current international standards, so a new class of destroyers were built. RNS Ferdinand Nolan was the first of its class. Currently, 35 ships are in service with the navy, with 10 more beong built and other 5 planned, expected to enter in service in 1990.

    Known events:

    In 1986, RNS Paul Tate Junior DDG-129 Engaged in the battle of the Galian strait. A group of 6 destroyers engaged 6 other enemy destroyers in a battle that was to be known as the bravest ever fought by Nemesis sailors. Supported by air forces, the enemy coalition was strong, but the air defence of the Nolan class proved its worth. In the end, 23 enemy aircraft were shot down, and all ships were sunk, but the battle wasn't soft for Nemesis ships. 4 were sunk, 1 badly damaged (abandoned and sunk by the crew 3 hours later that day) and 1 with sailing capacity. The only ship that survived was RNS Paul Tate Junior, a ship which namesake rewinds the previous conflict, The Nemesis-Corellia war. Paul Tate Junior was the captain of RNS Lolipop CVN-1, sunk by torpedo damage. The captain didn't left its ship until the very last survivor was safe and out of the burning pile of steel. Brave and unbeatable, the captain got trapped on the bridge while the ship was slowly slipping to the bottom of the Aurus sea. All of the crew report that the last moment they saw him, he was standing stoic on the window while saluting his brothers in arms.

  • Black Widow II 1.5 years ago

    Perfection nothing else to be said.

  • STB/R EDGE 1.7 years ago

    @LunarEclipseSP No, Cessna 172


    Good advertising strategy you got there

  • Why is making replicas so easy? 1.6 years ago

    Thing is, if you try making a fictional aircraft WITHOUT inspiration from pre existing designs, it will look ass most of the time unless you are very creative, wich adds a whole level in the building process. Making a replica is still hard tho, you can avoid certain shapes with fictional builds, for replicas, it will be hell. Take for example the F-22. Those wings will be hell to replicate accurately, as well as the nose shape. If i tried to build a fictional 5th gen (i did it in the past) i could avoid those and nobody would notice. Eeach has its drawbacks.