180 Jack2838 Comments

  • A blast from the past 5.1 years ago

    Man this is nostalgic! The era of the game where all of the “good looking” aircraft were unholy abominations of nosecones and wings with worse areodynamics than a brick

  • Naval Attack Challenge 5.2 years ago

    At what distance from their target would the ASM's be launched at their targets?

  • need help 5.2 years ago

    If you are having trouble with the aircraft doing loop-de-loops the problem lies with the center of mass being to far backwards compared to the center of lift, making it unstable

    To remedy this remove some if not all of the fuel in tanks behind the main wings, and if it dosent affect your design concept all that mutch, removing the 3 turbofans on the tail would be optimal.

    Otherwise the plane should fly well if you also kinda shrunk down the winglets and it slso wouldn’t hurt to turn down the capacity on all of your tanks because those engines, as long as only the 2 wing mounted ones are producing power, should be effecient enough for a long flight time

  • XA-6 (wip) 5.3 years ago

    @Tarquez @Aarons123 the control scheme has been updated. Thanks for letting me know

  • The wingless plane challenge 5.3 years ago

    @757simmer thank you for clarifying

  • The wingless plane challenge 5.3 years ago

    So we can use the specified structural wings with no control surfaces?

  • Missile Challenge - M-1 bolt (old submission) 5.3 years ago

    @Jim1the1Squid I will make needed modifications to it

  • Missile Challenge (CLOSED) 5.4 years ago

    Welp im in

  • NATF A-5 Base 5.4 years ago

    @HarryBen47 will do