Can you make something like this that will let you choose your music?
Let's have a moment of silence for the tournaments 🫡😔
Time to play world of warships on SP
It doesn't work on android
I meant to upvote with this account
When is the next tournament?
I want the favorite star back but other than that I like it
Please bring mods back to mobile
NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! The in game version of this doesn't work on Android (at least not for me) and I was hopin the website version would but no......
@HellFireKoder is there any possible way to make android? Even if it has lots of lag
@sexylips35 what is that thing?
@sexylips35 what is? Upvoteing stuff with a second account?
stop doing this
I will kill you
Wait what..... Wireless power? Maybe I'm stupid and misunderstood something but if i didn't then we could use this technology to make planes with infinite range...
Sliding Thingy?
Tired of making images like this?
Or even this:
shows absolutely nothing
The fuselage looks great but the wings..... custom wings would have made this look so much better tbh
What even is this picture....... I need to bleach my eyes
THIS IS NOT MAGNET POWERED!!! I removed all the fuel and it didn't work there for you have a hidden engine somewhere in there
Oh hay
@Spacedoge12345plane maybe...... I hope
I don't like valentines day
@destroyerP if I had money I would probably do that lol but I don't have money
I'm not interested in SR2 but I want SP on pc is there a way to reserve it for when I get pc?
@communisticbanana lol
@SodiumChloride yes
Android please!!! Android please!!! Android please!!!
Android plz
@Flameslinger I meant share the link not create a whole new post
@KidKromosone thanks for the up-vote
@Franticmatty do you know how to send hyperlinks in the description? And the part content is way too high for my device :(
@AeroSultanV2 ok buddy lol
@Kerbango I'll probably make some of my delicious jalapeño cheddar bread for my birthday instead of a cake
@Kerbango wait a second.... I was almost 11 when I made the original comment 💀
@Kerbango I had an accident last year, it wasn't reported though so I'm good 😎
For those of you wondering about the Penguin
@Kerbango lmao, almost 7 years
@DatFiat126Fan19 thanks lol. I still won't be very active though, I'll mainly just be doing multiplayer stuff
Textures are broken, it's so over 😔💔
Stop doing this
Hot tog
I saw this in port sp! I didn't realize you uploaded it... absolutely incredible
@Bryan5 thanks
@UnderScore ok
@PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI i hope you are joking or else I'm gonna cry
I remember this... I made a plane for it lol
Can you make something like this that will let you choose your music?
+27Let's have a moment of silence for the tournaments 🫡😔
+12Time to play world of warships on SP
+7It doesn't work on android
+6I meant to upvote with this account
+6When is the next tournament?
+5I want the favorite star back but other than that I like it
+5Please bring mods back to mobile
+4NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! The in game version of this doesn't work on Android (at least not for me) and I was hopin the website version would but no......
+4@HellFireKoder is there any possible way to make android? Even if it has lots of lag
+4@sexylips35 what is that thing?
+4@sexylips35 what is? Upvoteing stuff with a second account?
+4stop doing this
+3I will kill you
+3Wait what..... Wireless power? Maybe I'm stupid and misunderstood something but if i didn't then we could use this technology to make planes with infinite range...
+3Sliding Thingy?
+3Tired of making images like this?
Or even this:
shows absolutely nothing
+2The fuselage looks great but the wings..... custom wings would have made this look so much better tbh
+2What even is this picture....... I need to bleach my eyes
+2It doesn't work on android
+2THIS IS NOT MAGNET POWERED!!! I removed all the fuel and it didn't work there for you have a hidden engine somewhere in there
+2Oh hay
+2@Spacedoge12345plane maybe...... I hope
+2I don't like valentines day
+2@destroyerP if I had money I would probably do that lol
+2but I don't have money
I'm not interested in SR2 but I want SP on pc is there a way to reserve it for when I get pc?
+2@communisticbanana lol
@SodiumChloride yes
+2Android please!!! Android please!!! Android please!!!
+2When is the next tournament?
+2Android plz
+2@Flameslinger I meant share the link not create a whole new post
+2@KidKromosone thanks for the up-vote
+2@Franticmatty do you know how to send hyperlinks in the description?
+2And the part content is way too high for my device :(
@AeroSultanV2 ok buddy lol
+1@Kerbango I'll probably make some of my delicious jalapeño cheddar bread for my birthday instead of a cake
+1@Kerbango wait a second.... I was almost 11 when I made the original comment 💀
+1@Kerbango I had an accident last year, it wasn't reported though so I'm good 😎
+1For those of you wondering about the Penguin
+1@Kerbango lmao, almost 7 years
+1@DatFiat126Fan19 thanks lol. I still won't be very active though, I'll mainly just be doing multiplayer stuff
+1Textures are broken, it's so over 😔💔
+1Stop doing this
+1Hot tog
+1I saw this in port sp! I didn't realize you uploaded it... absolutely incredible
+1@Bryan5 thanks
+1@UnderScore ok
+1@PoinX25tlessWhyShouldI i hope you are joking or else I'm gonna cry
+1I remember this... I made a plane for it lol