@ThomasRoderick thw change is the ability to salvo fire the turrets individually, the original just made it to where they were all set to 0.5 fire delay
@LunarEclipseSP I think I might just do a late special, take some time off and then come back with a big project. Like, my current Normandie Redux is already almost 600 parts and I ain't even did the top deck.
@MrCOPTY yes! sorta- Deutschland was renamed Lutzow fairly early on in her career because the idea of losing a ship named the Deutschland was too embarressing for Kriegsmarine officials to stomach.
@Alternation But is also accurate because this is a G4M1, specifically a mid to late production model, and is more than likely based on the G4M1 carrying Isoroku Yamamoto.
@TemporaryReplacement felt, don't worry
+1It's like a super beefy Hampden
+1@TemporaryReplacement Ye, keep me in
+1@ThomasRoderick Ouchhh, I felt that.
+1@ThomasRoderick Ah, I didn't know. Thank you for educating me.
+1@ThomasRoderick Considering the multiple 20mm defensive gunners on board, its not surprising
+1@TemporaryReplacement Yessir-y! Sadly, I forgot the flaps, but, womp womp
+1Hii, I just wanted to congratulate you on getting to gold in less than Three months!
+1E, for Enzo's Eppleton
+1Not gonna lie, the sail's interior is really cute! Would love to see another sub, like a Soviet S-Class or Kilo Class with the same feature!
+1Its cool and all, but, I think it might need to be a little wider. Quad-Turrets, historically, were very chunky lookin
+1Its Official, we're in Blyatnov's Cold War arc
+1@LunarEclipseSP K-150 Tomsk, an Oscar II class submarine
+1@Blyatnov OH, thank you! Ngl, Cameral Control should have been advertised in the description or the instructions haha.
+1I really like the selection of aircraft here, especially the Ki-49!
+1@ChaseRacliot Yep! The easiest way to distinguish them is the dorsal gun: if its in a turret, G4M2, A casemate, G4M1
+1@ThomasRoderick thw change is the ability to salvo fire the turrets individually, the original just made it to where they were all set to 0.5 fire delay
+1nice! also, first
+1Is this a Wildcat?
+1May we get a standard Pz.III Ausf J? Like, no Koromormine commander and roundel?
+1@LunarEclipseSP I think I might just do a late special, take some time off and then come back with a big project. Like, my current Normandie Redux is already almost 600 parts and I ain't even did the top deck.
+1@Superliner350 THANK YOU!!
+1Is this Blyatnov's Soviet Helicopter arc??
+1@TemporaryReplacement Thank you! I assume you'll wanna be tagged on all subsequent SU/ISU series SPGs?
+1@Superliner350 thank you!
+1@MrCOPTY yes! sorta- Deutschland was renamed Lutzow fairly early on in her career because the idea of losing a ship named the Deutschland was too embarressing for Kriegsmarine officials to stomach.
+1Very cute hot air balloon :3
+1There's been a major uptick in MiG-15s, I like it!
+1Here before Die Maus
+1@Graingy It was entirely by chance lmfao
+1@Graingy also, I found you in the wild on r/curatedtumblr, that mewtwo stylus was CRAZYY bro
+1Neat! Even the photos lag my tablet!
+1@DLAERODYNAMIC I never said I was the exception, its just, its my turn with the braincells
+1@Graingy lol, you say that like a majority of the SP player base doesn't share 2 braincells that are both fighting for 3rd place.
+1Boooo, Nuclear energy better
+1@TemporaryReplacement Thank you! Also, I was first, here 2 minutes after the post was uploaded
+1@Wolfy26 Added
+1@Wolfy26 Add me, jaspy0354_1943
+1@Wolfy26 You're welcome ûwû
+1I like your pfp :3
+1@Alternation But is also accurate because this is a G4M1, specifically a mid to late production model, and is more than likely based on the G4M1 carrying Isoroku Yamamoto.
+1@TemporaryReplacement Thank youu, I love it
+1@OkaNieba Oh, sorry, yea, but, I was tired, please forgive
+1@OkaNieba Just tag Monarchii???
+1Here before lǎoshǔ
+1Here before the Nezumi
+1Will it be able to be swarmable?
+1Bro's been on the grind, and released 9* absolute bangers in under 15 days
edit: I just checked, it's actually 10 bangers, I forgot about Toothbrush Mustache Having Austrian Man 's Bunker
+1Bro made the push for plat and didn't even know it