405 JawaJuice17

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joined 7.4 years ago

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I’m JawaJuice17!

While I have been playing SimplePlanes for a while now, I really wasn’t aware of this website until around August of 2017. Now that I have discovered this place full of incredible talent, I strive to learn from other players and become a better and more productive member of the SimplePlanes community.

1) Have Fun
- this is a really important goal for me, if I fail to meet it, then this whole endeavor is all for not
- this also means that I may spend long periods of time away from SimplePlanes, and that uploads will be few and far between

2) Become a Better Builder
- I don’t want to come here just to show off my work, I want criticism and comments on my builds so that I can become progressively better at SimplePlanes. Don’t be afraid to bash my work! (Try to keep criticism reasonable though, and give specific reasons as to why something isn’t good.)

3) Help Others
- I also want to help other people in the community to become better, so they can enjoy this game as much as I do.