@Farscyt its rotator controlled, you attach a rotator, then the wing, then nudge away the rotator, then nudge the wing into place. You cant mirror this, gotta do manually each side, but no xml editing for it.
@Absolarix yea I know, it's really a bit of a design flaw. It performs fantastic when you use it as a gunship in hover mode, but if you take a look at the wing load, its basically 3x what would give it good smooth response.. in other words, It would need a lot more lift to fly well. What I tend to do is put the engines a bit less than all the way forward for flight. Seems to help a little.
@Liquidfox Theres already a lot of eagles out there. I like to try and make things that haven't been done, or at least things I feel I can make better. @Jettison Same. It was a good game. I loved the old ace combats, guess that's why i'm trying to do justice for some of the cool planes ^^
@MEGANOOB Its really meant to be used as a gunship, not a plane, so don't expect much from the flight, its more of a fast travel feature. Its best flown at about 50% thrust with the nozzles angled only about 15 degrees or so.
I'm not normally a fan of custom swashplate helis, as they seem to usually feel a bit clunky and weird to me, but this surprised me. Very stable and controllable. Great work
@SUPERSAMROCK yea i kinda figured that with the midsection looking like a shell protecting the main components, and the head being the long nose. Still, its ironic XD
well, it starts out slow, but after a while it gets up to 2000mph XD Not much of a tortoise at that point. Good looking plane btw, I like the clean stealthy style
@Yottabyte1024 Glad you like it ^^ I spent a fair amount of time making sure it was stable for hover maneuvering and firing. @MisterMasada Just following the naming convention :P I found named attack aircraft all the way up to the cancelled A-12 project, so I went with the next number that seemed empty, 13, and I added the V desigation for vtol, like the harrier.
@Oicraftian Thanks ^^ I used a lot of reference to try to get it right. @MisterMasada AC4 was one of my favourite games years ago. Couldn't forget about the classic dogfight with the yellows. I had to make it
@Beastly look up an xml editing guide for simpleplanes. Basically you can save the part you want to edit, then open its xml file and adjust its maximum thrust value.
Thank you all for the positive feedback and upvotes! Glad to see so so many people enjoying my work :D @Authros @Misha1004 @ChaMikey @Thehtmguy @sareme157 @AndrewGarrison @grizzlitn @Halphas @SpiritusRaptor @Russkiy98 @FlOu @yzl160 @Rattler + all other upvoters (got lazy copying names, too many lol)
Wow, wings that are removable in flight? Think of the possibilities! They even angled the tail and intake to compensate for the minor imbalances of the original design. And the paint job, too, the natural rust color will blend perfectly with the dirt after the wreckage embeds itself in the ground. Naturally, this is perfect camouflage to allow the pilot to escape unnoticed after being shot down by F-22's, F-16's, F-18's. F-35's, pea shooters, and airsoft guns!. This is truly space age tech.
@Beastly people have made jets do over mach 30. All you need is an xml edited engine, a lot of fuel, and a design thats aerodynamically stable at insane speeds
(Fixed a small symmetry issue. sry for the reupload) Here it is! Hope you all like it :D @Viper28 @TehDuck @Noman0rumeral @MrSilverWolf @bobthetitan @amazingperson124 @Skua @SUPERSAMROCK
@FrogmasterAereonautics simply raising and lowering the gear. since the rear gear crosses over the missiles, it bends them and either crushes them against the fuselage or pulls them outwards, causing them to explode. so either you can move the rear gear or remove back missiles. im also not sure if this is a physics setting thing. I play on high though, maybe it causes more issues with the better collision
Its pretty cute :D Not entirely sure why you made it a swing wing though
Wow, this is a pretty damn good offroader. Looks great too
@thealban The Morgan is an unmarked plane
Love the weapons bay on this, with the extending weapon racks. Cool design
Haven't flown anything like this. Great work! Love the detail on the cabin and the authentic looking hindenburg text
very clean design, and flies great
I could swear I almost felt lift from those wings.. It just needs a bit of tweaking. Maybe making them a bit smaller will work
Something to go against my Morgan..... Ah, this will do nicely. Time for an epic showdown :D
@Farscyt its rotator controlled, you attach a rotator, then the wing, then nudge away the rotator, then nudge the wing into place. You cant mirror this, gotta do manually each side, but no xml editing for it.
@Farscyt dont drink and fly :P
@Absolarix yea I know, it's really a bit of a design flaw. It performs fantastic when you use it as a gunship in hover mode, but if you take a look at the wing load, its basically 3x what would give it good smooth response.. in other words, It would need a lot more lift to fly well. What I tend to do is put the engines a bit less than all the way forward for flight. Seems to help a little.
@Farscyt don't forget to hit that upvote button if u like it :3
Thanks! @NumzNumz @DethFromAbove
Cool Plane. Interesting design, its like a cut up delta, and it handles great. Only thing is the engine power is a little overkill for my tastes
Best lawnmower i've ever flown
Well, tried to land it, and ended up slowly drifting off course into a mountainside XD Cool banana ship tho, and grats on gold ^^
Cool idea, but I find its just way too nose heavy to feel like a racer. I added some front canards and it flies like a dream now
@Liquidfox Theres already a lot of eagles out there. I like to try and make things that haven't been done, or at least things I feel I can make better. @Jettison Same. It was a good game. I loved the old ace combats, guess that's why i'm trying to do justice for some of the cool planes ^^
4 upvotes within 12 minutes? Thanks guys :D @Liquidfox @DeezDucks @DestinyAviation @MisterMasada
@MEGANOOB Its really meant to be used as a gunship, not a plane, so don't expect much from the flight, its more of a fast travel feature. Its best flown at about 50% thrust with the nozzles angled only about 15 degrees or so.
This thing's pretty awesome.
@AceOfSpades Alright, thanks, its no problem then
brilliant XD
@AndrewGarrison Thanks! and yea, I have a tendency to make everything in plain old military grey XD
I'm not normally a fan of custom swashplate helis, as they seem to usually feel a bit clunky and weird to me, but this surprised me. Very stable and controllable. Great work
@SUPERSAMROCK yea i kinda figured that with the midsection looking like a shell protecting the main components, and the head being the long nose. Still, its ironic XD
well, it starts out slow, but after a while it gets up to 2000mph XD Not much of a tortoise at that point. Good looking plane btw, I like the clean stealthy style
Great plane, looks good and has responsive handling, yet it's smooth, not twitchy at all. Good job!
Flies very well for something that is basically one big wing
Very stable, I like it
@Yottabyte1024 Glad you like it ^^ I spent a fair amount of time making sure it was stable for hover maneuvering and firing. @MisterMasada Just following the naming convention :P I found named attack aircraft all the way up to the cancelled A-12 project, so I went with the next number that seemed empty, 13, and I added the V desigation for vtol, like the harrier.
@Noman0rumeral Thanks ^^
This totally reminds me of la-z rider lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZu5iDTtNg0
@Oicraftian Thanks ^^ I used a lot of reference to try to get it right. @MisterMasada AC4 was one of my favourite games years ago. Couldn't forget about the classic dogfight with the yellows. I had to make it
nice recreation
Fantastic build
@Beastly look up an xml editing guide for simpleplanes. Basically you can save the part you want to edit, then open its xml file and adjust its maximum thrust value.
geh... Kill it with fire. This thing scares me. o_o
Thank you all for the positive feedback and upvotes! Glad to see so so many people enjoying my work :D @Authros @Misha1004 @ChaMikey @Thehtmguy @sareme157 @AndrewGarrison @grizzlitn @Halphas @SpiritusRaptor @Russkiy98 @FlOu @yzl160 @Rattler + all other upvoters (got lazy copying names, too many lol)
@@Supercraft888 yea something changed. they must be working on the site. Maybe they'll fix the slowness too
Wow, wings that are removable in flight? Think of the possibilities! They even angled the tail and intake to compensate for the minor imbalances of the original design. And the paint job, too, the natural rust color will blend perfectly with the dirt after the wreckage embeds itself in the ground. Naturally, this is perfect camouflage to allow the pilot to escape unnoticed after being shot down by F-22's, F-16's, F-18's. F-35's, pea shooters, and airsoft guns!. This is truly space age tech.
@@Supercraft888 they sure are
@@goboygo1 Thanks! :D
@goboygo1 you can try it out now ^^ https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/6kYk2p/SU-37-Terminator-Yellow-Squadron
@@bobthetitan @@Peridorito87 @@Noman0rumeral Thanks! Glad you like it
@Beastly people have made jets do over mach 30. All you need is an xml edited engine, a lot of fuel, and a design thats aerodynamically stable at insane speeds
(Fixed a small symmetry issue. sry for the reupload) Here it is! Hope you all like it :D @Viper28 @TehDuck @Noman0rumeral @MrSilverWolf @bobthetitan @amazingperson124 @Skua @SUPERSAMROCK
@FrogmasterAereonautics simply raising and lowering the gear. since the rear gear crosses over the missiles, it bends them and either crushes them against the fuselage or pulls them outwards, causing them to explode. so either you can move the rear gear or remove back missiles. im also not sure if this is a physics setting thing. I play on high though, maybe it causes more issues with the better collision
+1@Skua its the 156th squadron, Aquila from ace combat 4
@Skua yup, su-37 Yellow squadron colors. Will probably post it tomorrow