16.3k KerbalVehiclesCompany Comments

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 9.1 years ago

    I can't believe this is the most popular plane in SP when there's already a P-51 in game.

  • spspzaixiazai 7.2 years ago

    You literally just slammed your face on the keyboard like shxgurkdjfxew

  • BTR 2 M3 7.4 years ago

    By the looks of it, it should've gotten more upvoted.. IMMA support you :D (idk why IMMA is always auto caps)

  • Boeing 707-200 PAN AM 7.5 years ago

    10/10 i love planes like this that can fly well but has an full interior AND with simple controls!

  • Michael Bay Movie Simulator 2017 (Platinum Special) 7.8 years ago

    @bjac0 i hope I'm not too late but I want to request 50 more of these movies!

  • I found Kraken + Unusual occurrences 7.8 years ago

    @Thefrenchdude22 the plane following me too was red, but it's name was "Twin Prop". I like to live dangerously and have AI Traffic to dense.

  • I found Kraken + Unusual occurrences 7.8 years ago

    @Thefrenchdude22 That is the sound of the Kraken, with those whispering noises and grumbling nosies. Lol i bet it was filmed when Andrew Garrison had indigestion and was whispering :p. But did you see any planes following you?

  • famliy car 7.8 years ago

    This looks epic, but this SUCKS because i cannot download it due to the mod, so please remove this minimap mod in a successor of this truck?

  • Samsung-KOR AM-20 8.5 years ago

    The phone company Samsung makes guns too?

  • The Pope Mobile 8.9 years ago

    i tried to replicate it. Are you saying this doesn't look like it or..

  • [TSAD] A318 British Airways (With Emergency Slides) 7.1 years ago

    Hell yeah emergency slides boi! I need these badly in this game

  • It is october!!! 7.2 years ago

    In sorry to break it to you but you are 24 days late.

  • Could you featurers please stop featuring so many P-51s???? 7.2 years ago

    I don't like the all time featured one the noob tutorial p51 is the best

  • A old man was driving down the freeway when his wife called his cell phone. 7.2 years ago

    Oh no. (Guys he is the one driving the wrong way xD)

  • Daimler Benz Project F 7.2 years ago

    The Mercedes Benz F-Class looks cool

  • KVC Truck Chassis MK2 l / Build Update 7.2 years ago

    @Stormtrooper61 okay, I would love to enter your competition. I am gonna update the chassis and in mk3 I'll remove the propellor.

  • KVC Truck Chassis Mk1 7.2 years ago

    @WOOPTYWOOP212 and now that you mention it, it does look like a golf cart

  • KVC Truck Chassis Mk1 7.2 years ago

    @WOOPTYWOOP212 lol thanks, I simply fitted it with a larger V6 engine instead of a small electric powered engine, and slightly made the golf cart itself longer than the original gold cart.

  • Block 7.2 years ago

    Props to the 9 people who actually took their time and effort to download this "plane"

  • mianpaoc67 7.2 years ago

    I see a lot of these in the phillipines too along with a lot of jeepneys and tricycles

  • ferrari GTO 7.2 years ago

    6 upvotes. Featured. Nice design. Seems legit.

  • Mini Ballistic Missile Sub 7.2 years ago

    I was gonna say there's a minimap mod judging by some thumbnails but no, I CAN DOWNLOAD IT!! :D nice sub

  • FA - 1c 7.2 years ago



    In conculsion, please make a version without these mods? Nonethless, I upvoted, very good job, i love the design. But idk how it handles because I cannot download it. :p

  • 1.7 Beta now available 7.3 years ago

    Imma do some car crashing once this comes out.

  • Hot Dog. 7.3 years ago

    I'm done with the internet for today. Good night.

  • Tombstone 7.4 years ago

    I challenge you to a battle bot fight ... If I decide to build a battle not and If I had simple planes multiplayer mode in which is mods are not supported on AppStore and my dad doesn't trusts downloading from steam ONLY AppStore

  • Mk.1 Ejection Seat 7.4 years ago

    this looks like that cockpit mesh mod......what a pitty. Im gonna leave....OH WAIT A SECOND! THIS IS NOT! THIS IS A PRETTY AWESOME EJECTING PILOT MAN.

  • (EXPIRED) Crash Test Challenge! 7.4 years ago


    WINNERS of the challenge! Even though you didn't submit anything.. Welp, read the description.

  • CUSTOM BOAT 7.4 years ago

    Nice boat hull. Can I make a successor out of it? The hull of it looks perfect for the boat I might make.

  • KCC Super-Attack-Hovercar MK 2 7.4 years ago

    Wish I can download this. But I got simple planes from AppStore and it doesn't support mods. Can you make a variation without these 2 mods

  • THE F-16 , AS PROMISED! 7.4 years ago

    @Sauce excellent job yo.

  • THE F-16 , AS PROMISED! 7.4 years ago

    This a mod mesh or an actual built plane

  • Wall of pepe 7.4 years ago


  • Simpleplanes Interstate Highway System 7.5 years ago

    damit! whenevr i try to download mods, it says "there is no applicatiion to open it" BUT I HAVE SIMPLE PLANES! this macbook pro (noob) should be able to recognise that. i am so upset. i there any apps or websits out there to open mods?

    EDIT later: welp.....after seraching forums......apple doesnt support mods. im steve jobs curse you. i have to save up money to buy my own computer other than a mac, and my dad doesnt trust other websites (like steam) and he only trusts app store for apps. so i cant get steam simple planes. he wont buy me a new computer either since this computer he thinks is already good.

  • Simpleplanes but its in simpleplanes 7.5 years ago

    @Mymessage okay :D

  • Simpleplanes but its in simpleplanes 7.5 years ago

    Do you mind if I use the keyboard for one of my builds? I'm going to make a computer as well, but a different kind of computer, like an old Mac or Windows.

  • (EXPIRED) Crash Test Challenge! 7.5 years ago

    Time extended for the challnge due to no entries yet

  • (EXPIRED) Crash Test Challenge! 7.5 years ago

    @pushthelimits Sure

  • (EXPIRED) Crash Test Challenge! 7.5 years ago

    This chalenge ends this weekend, Saturday. I forgot to mention that.

  • Wheelchair creature 7.5 years ago

    This is literally me when I badly deform myself in a plane crash with multiple explosions

  • (EXPIRED) Crash Test Challenge! 7.5 years ago

    @BACconcordepilot 😂

  • (EXPIRED) Crash Test Challenge! 7.5 years ago

    *if it drives good.

    Not glod

  • Fidget Spinner (working) 7.5 years ago

    @jackattack4554 All you had to do was follow the damn train CJ.

  • Chevrolet Silverado 7.5 years ago

    can you make a 2016 Nissan Frontier Pro-4X edition? Also a Dodge Ram Big Horn Iimites crew cab. After you make the Nissan

  • AE 86 drift build 7.6 years ago

    Possibly a successor of a successor of a successor of a successor :p. Anyways, good job!

  • Bobcat 7.6 years ago

    Yes, this vehicle is a 2001(?) Bobcat. It was featured in GTA iii.

  • AndyCar Mk.IV 7.6 years ago

    Pretty excellent, Andy.

  • Hyundai Elantra 7.7 years ago

    @FasterThanLight okay, for your Ford Taurus SHO, what color should you want me to make it, and what year is this this Taurus SHO?

  • Hyundai Elantra 7.7 years ago

    @FasterThanLight My future projects:

    A Ford Tarus SHO

    A ricer civic

    Open to suggestions

  • Bobcat 7.7 years ago

    I guess you can say I pushed my iPhone to the limit.