2,101 Khanhlam Comments

  • Sukhoi Su-27 2.0 years ago

    Uh i reject to that, this one is fairly not enough nor realistic to fight with, the maneuvers is slower than the real Sukhoi.

  • ArtiElf Type I 2.0 years ago

    Not an anime fan but i love your build but idk if the gun can actually damage anything beside itself...

  • X-002 2.0 years ago

    @ValkyrieXB71 Looks more like a Rafale Hornet more than a T50 lol.

  • Halcon but no strange tail 2.0 years ago


  • X-002 2.0 years ago

    Is that a Rafale Hornet?

  • Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum 2.0 years ago

    "Well, See Ya'll, and be accurate in dogfight!"

    Used Wing-3 for primary wings that makes the jet struggle to climb. :/

    The performance? Meh! The design? Yes! This will be perfect for my testbed.

    Good build!

  • F-35B WIP showcase 2.0 years ago

    Depends on how sharp and knowledge you are!

  • PLAAF J-7D 2.0 years ago

    If you've made any project then you should have a description with it.

  • some codes I made 2.0 years ago

    I can't describe it well but technically it's about controlling something using codes, in here it's our jet using advanced coding called Funky Trees.
    In order to use it you must know about coding, math and physics.

  • Unstable but Stable 2 2.0 years ago

    On normal flight, this isn't fly nice but rather unstable and feel glitchy:P
    Maybe i've gone a bit improved but there are a bunch of things to learn more.

  • Unstable but Stable 2 2.0 years ago

    Simple ones, i think i can understand it.
    It's not like a bunch of advanced funky with your modern aircraft, seems friendly to me:P

  • Cy-30MK2 Template 2.0 years ago

    Ông có tính làm detailed cockpit không?

  • Z's SU-30 Teaser 2 2.0 years ago

    I'll be looking forward to your advanced customized Su-30.

  • Unstable but Stable 2 2.0 years ago

    "When I was 13, I was taught only basic logic like true&true=true"

    Bruh, what country do you come from man? Algebra started in my country around 6th grade.
    As you know, a failure like me wasn't paying much attention to it and became an idiot myself.

    Anyways, this seems to be a perfect plane for FT starters lol.

  • Cy-30MK2 Template 2.0 years ago

    Tìm trên web đầy engine có afterburner ngon mà man, giờ chỉ cần simulate cái Fly By Wire+ cơ động Su-30 là ngon.

  • Fly By Wire WASP??? 2.0 years ago

    This thing is easy to get a spin, i love it!
    Man this is straight raw codes.

  • Z's SU-30 Teaser 2 2.0 years ago


    Is that the my friend's Su-30 frame that i tagged you on lol? Just curious :)

  • Thank you everyone for 100k ! 2.0 years ago

    Guyfolk is the original King of PSM

    We all knew about it, that was a meme which makes this man get to 100k.

    Don't get too serious about it man.

  • Thank you everyone for 100k ! 2.0 years ago

    Uh i might be a bit rude but what's wrong with that nickname?

  • Cy-30MK2 Template 2.0 years ago

    Hello, progress thế nào rồi man.

  • Thank you everyone for 100k ! 2.1 years ago

    No problem! And that list is really gets longer with your progress, congrats man.

  • Thank you everyone for 100k ! 2.1 years ago

    All hail the king of PSM for archiving 100k!

  • Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E 2.1 years ago

    They do actually, as far as i knew to be able to get super maneuverability you'd need to set the CoL and CoM nearer but that causes instability so in order to control it we limit the AoA, use FBW to not get uncontrollable.
    Your Sukhoi would be super great if the CoM is near the CoL.

  • Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E 2.1 years ago

    Your Felon is quite good ngl but you might want to make CoM near the CoL more.
    More unstable but more maneuverability, and does the arco mode is the AoA limit remover?

  • Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E 2.1 years ago

    Also you can try my cursed Su-27 , i didn't knew about Fly By Wire and complex coding in that time but the performance is semi-realistic, it acts like how a psm plane flies.

  • Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E 2.1 years ago

    Of course i did, i read before trying it and no the pitch was too slow to be considered a Cobra and i think it does have to do with CoM, it's too far from CoL.
    But i don't judge you that much because psm is kinda hard, needing a complicated Funky Trees, thus Fly By Wire simulation.
    Also, i have a desire to tune it and gets better flight performance if you don't mind.

  • Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E 2.1 years ago

    It's not a Sukhoi if it can't do a Cobra, apparently you didn't make the real deal Sukhoi with agility.
    But smooth build.

  • LAS project (closed) (A different kind of challenge) 2.1 years ago

    "(neither can weight)"

    If soneone wanted to do a PSM one then it'll be a tough challenge, also can we edit drag? Low drag but ≠ 0?

  • Stingray V-5 2.1 years ago

    T H I N B O I !!!

  • Turn left to go right - Nordschleife Drift 2.1 years ago

    How about drifting with psm plane? Lol!

  • FA-10 Thundercat 2.1 years ago

    You've seen this before, right?
    This is way too cursed.

  • F-35B WIP showcase 2.1 years ago

    By looking at this simple testing i can assume there are PSM that is hiding somewhere lol.


  • RSF spider 2.1 years ago

    Idk if you're into cars but this is fantastic!
    It looks complicated like making a psm jet fighter with bunch of Funky Trees and still it looks nice, drives nice and especially it's SOOO clean.

  • Funky Trees! 2.1 years ago

    @F14FANATIC Is that an F-14? Yeah flat spin is normal in that plane.

  • MIG-31 Foxhound 2.1 years ago

    @GuyFolk I wasted more time to play Lock On:FC2 than learning Funky Trees in SP, that's why i still suck lol.
    That's why i knew maybe.

  • Me-326 2.1 years ago

    Nah, i still suck at tuning, guess it was too simple.
    I still haven't made any aircraft that has actual well-placed mass, perhaps soon and i'd learn and use it to learn with the god of PSM itself.

  • MIG-31 Foxhound 2.1 years ago

    @GuyFolk R-77 is passive radar (aka FOX3), it's not a super long range so i don't think they'd use it on MiG-31.

  • Me-326 2.1 years ago

    Same to me, differences is that i suck at Funky Trees, lazy to make a good one lol.

  • MIG-31 Foxhound 2.1 years ago

    As i remembered they can install heavy ass long range Air to Air/Ground missiles in wings too.
    I don't think they would install R-77 on this particular slow maneuvering jet like this one.

  • Me-326 2.1 years ago

    Lol i knew it!
    I knew you loved PSM so much that everyone calls you a Saint of PSM aircraft, and in fact people came and ask you questions everyday about PSM.
    I uploaded the unlisted one just to show you the WWII unstable aircraft which has incredible performance but not any computers to control those unstable. :)

  • Me-326 2.1 years ago

    @Rjenteissussy 🤨
    Insert Zaineman with his psm and yeet cannons

  • Me-326 2.1 years ago

    Have fun lol!

  • Me-326 2.1 years ago

    @BaconAircraft Can you change my predecessor to this challenge?

  • The mixed challenge [closed] 2.1 years ago

    Can you spotlight this challenge please? Thanks if you do lol.
    @FirstFish83828 Can we expand some times?

  • YF-23 'Black Widow II' 2.2 years ago

    "That was smooth by the way " - Some dudes on YouTube.
    YF-23 when lol.

  • Su 30 Coming soon ! 2.2 years ago

    Very cool!!


  • Fat Amy? No. Battle Penguin? Yes. 2.2 years ago

    I think you'll need more realistic afterburner colors or maybe shade lol, as realistic it can get.
    And you wouldn't make it psm right? 🤨


  • F-5a 2.2 years ago

    You shouldn't use the same paint on your missiles.

  • Su-5 / I-107 mixed-power fighter 2.2 years ago

    Nice build mate!!

  • The mixed challenge [closed] 2.2 years ago

    Hm will you join this challenge?

    I hope this challenge is done - since the deadline was 10 days ago?

    Since when we've reached February 1st lol.