@SPsidearm I knew it those MFs from TER would nearly perpetrate such a terrorist attack. Glad we stopped them in time (I'm still working on that post).
@SPsidearm Well guess what, their goals are somewhat coming true. They recently failed a terrorist attack at a resort on Jungle Island. (Catch you up once that's posted) EDIT: It was a major terrorist attack foiled.
@SPsidearm Haven't seen a single T-72 yet. In fact, the distance between CIM and the Veridisian territories is way too far. And second, the CIM's army would be decimated if ever faced by the Veridisian military. Hence, an invasion would not be possible. Remember, invading us would mean the total obliteration of the CIM. You're facing the territory of a country governing a whole entire supercontinent in another universe (that is this universe).
Okay, what's happening, did somebody got shot or something?
@SPsidearm Nevermind. Might as well post the assassination attempt that was made on Governor Wyatt instead. Call the VAF (Verdisian Air Force) anytime if you urgently need us once Starlight Incursion commences.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 We may possibly do it without the need of Sidearm or those aircraft you mentioned. The aircraft of choice for our mission is the KF-5, capable of carrying twenty bombs. We plan to send 25 of them; 500 bombs may be enough to render that airfield irreparable for a long duration of time or even permanently.
@SPsidearm We don't retire (or put out of service) good stuff here in the Veridisian Armed Forces.
@SPsidearm I knew it those MFs from TER would nearly perpetrate such a terrorist attack. Glad we stopped them in time (I'm still working on that post).
@SPsidearm Is Agent 15 sarin or does it have a composition similar to sarin? And what is the CIM faction?
"GhT Yeneerrdo. Pyy-yeneerr, Bhaa!*
What about nerve agents? Can they produce it or buy it from an unknown source?
@SPsidearm One more thing, are they capable of producing chemical weapons?
Welcome to the Gold Zone Layer my guy!
+2@SPsidearm Well guess what, their goals are somewhat coming true. They recently failed a terrorist attack at a resort on Jungle Island. (Catch you up once that's posted)
EDIT: It was a major terrorist attack foiled.
+1@SPsidearm It's actually more likely base off of this. They need to claim more lives if they want to get bombed again.
That airbase is super dead and smoked. So satisfying to see the CIM burn in flames and humiliate themselves right in front of us.
+2@Graingy Okay it is 2016. Definitely the year we're living in is not 2024.
+3Oh well, time to fry my phone with this good-looking F-15J. Seriously though, it looks great!
@SPsidearm How about yes. Hope you recover soon.
Sounds like you've developed a full-fledged army already at this point.
When are you going to use those F/A-18s?
@Graingy What year do you think we are living right now?
It actually looks good!
Realization of what has happened:
@SPsidearm Haven't seen a single T-72 yet. In fact, the distance between CIM and the Veridisian territories is way too far. And second, the CIM's army would be decimated if ever faced by the Veridisian military. Hence, an invasion would not be possible. Remember, invading us would mean the total obliteration of the CIM. You're facing the territory of a country governing a whole entire supercontinent in another universe (that is this universe).
Okay, what's happening, did somebody got shot or something?
@SPsidearm anticipating for Zho to hijack the account by now
In case if Zho ever sees this:
Hello Zho the Terrorist, why would you hire a guy from the RLA to kill a Veridisian governor?
Look who's plat'. Congrats!
@Graingy 2016 is 8 years ago.
@SPsidearm What the? Why would the CIM hire a guy from the RLA?
@Khichi2866 nvm
Have a nice day ;)
@Khichi2866 Why's that?
@Khichi2866 It's a roleplay.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Never considered the true scale of the armament, but thanks for taking note of their capabilities.
Chief of CIM Navy:
MDA Allies:
MDA 3:
MDA 2:
@SPsidearm Sorry to announce this, but we have just bombed that CIM airfield. The flight group returned hours ago. Catch you up once it's posted.
Looks great!
“I believe I can touch the sky.”
That caption killed me lol.
+1This maybe a second, but if not, the first in the site's history. It's just terribly messed up.
Thanks for the advice.
@SPsidearm Wait, how about I should do the airstrike all by myself instead? Civilians were killed in the attack and we must avenge them.
@SPsidearm Nevermind. Might as well post the assassination attempt that was made on Governor Wyatt instead. Call the VAF (Verdisian Air Force) anytime if you urgently need us once Starlight Incursion commences.
@SPsidearm When? And do we still have time for the retaliatory strike?
+1@SPsidearm How's the purchase going?
At least you got those B-27s smoked which we deeply appreciate.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 Whatever the case, will include them anyway. We're still waiting for Sidearm for their approval to join our airstrike.
@MIGFOXHOUND31BSM26 We may possibly do it without the need of Sidearm or those aircraft you mentioned. The aircraft of choice for our mission is the KF-5, capable of carrying twenty bombs. We plan to send 25 of them; 500 bombs may be enough to render that airfield irreparable for a long duration of time or even permanently.
How about you bomb that CIM airfield first, then we will follow two days later?