Just a couple questions...
Are you naked right now
Are you male
Where do you live
What’s your user name and password
Can I steal your entire house
Can you upvote every single one of my builds?
How fast does it take for me to get cut in half by you
Are you actually a human
Do you exist
What is 0 divided by 0
Can you give me mental help
Can I take your bank account
Can I pickpocket you in public
How much hair is on your arm
What are you made of
Are you sad?
Are you violently crying?
Don’t answer 8% of the questions mentioned here
What percent is your device at for battery?
Apple or Android
Upvote or updoot
Gif of Jif
What the hell am I
what about your challenge
[locks onto target below the craft]
[fires missle]
Cockpit: oh shi- [blows up from missle]
But I thought you lived in Cali, the first result says Illinois
@WiiMini also for your address, what city lol
Whoops I tagged you 2 times anyways good idea
I didn’t expect that
Just a couple questions...
Are you naked right now
Are you male
Where do you live
What’s your user name and password
Can I steal your entire house
Can you upvote every single one of my builds?
How fast does it take for me to get cut in half by you
Are you actually a human
Do you exist
What is 0 divided by 0
Can you give me mental help
Can I take your bank account
Can I pickpocket you in public
How much hair is on your arm
What are you made of
Are you sad?
Are you violently crying?
Don’t answer 8% of the questions mentioned here
What percent is your device at for battery?
Apple or Android
Upvote or updoot
Gif of Jif
What the hell am I
“Stay TUNED for part 1”
Fine. I will tune my piano
“Train and friends” are you sure it’s a train? Because I am sure it’s Thomas the tank engine on drugs
god dammit. 2nd
I used to like it, then my brain decided that I didnt
@JeskoGoesVROOM you are now illegally allowed though
Make me happy again.
@WiiMini yea it’s fine you can disassemble my WW2 ship and take a look or something, well to be honest I’m not a great plane builder too
Also, I have been thinking, wanna build a ship together anytime soon?
Oh also I stole your physical attention
When a forum writer and a collaborative person make a tank
I apologize for you apologizing I don’t need apologizing
Yes. I have been here for
2 months.
A want to scream at myself for no reason
@QuitePossiblyMangled You messed up on the link in ur bio
I vote Soviet onion
Does this qualify for the special guest list? Or the other simpleplanes guide one?
I like “Interstate” from YourWife’s list, it brings back so many memories, sadly I can’t find it on Spotify :\
So... you uploaded a unlisted build... and I guess it actually uploaded...
And I guess you’re upset?
You changed your channel name. I can finally rest
Hmm... I also appear to live on the west coast. You mind if I...
[copies and pastes the image in your bio]
[stick it onto mine]
Without the people, this is what my study place looks like
Jokes on you I don’t know how to guess!
[other guy holds up uno reverse card]
I have reviewed all of your videos this is the final one you need to make private
@WiiMini Ah yes. It’s private. Imma help you remove all of the videos with your voice in it okay? Imma just tell u which
@WiiMini Hey man I found another video with your voice I found during class
@WiiMini Anyways uhh...
@WiiMini good luck sleeping tonight knowing that I know your voice lol
@WiiMini DANG IT
@WiiMini I am now the only person that knows your voice HAHAHAHAGAHGAGAWAHWHGWGFHFEFIUH
So WiiMini... I’m sorry but I found an older video that has your voice... I’m seirious, this is not a rickroll dude, just like preview the link
Trust me please.
So what does that other link have to do with that?
The website when you comment on the oldest plane:
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@tsampoy He attached it to him so kinda
@DADDADATHEDAD We accedently started role-playing and then the situation got weirder and weirder
@WiiMini @NormalPioneer Nevermind
@5Ewok Very good
@SuperRoto Yes now mine’s 30%
Should be enough for the next hour...