53 LegendaryPilot Comments

  • AirBus A380 Lufthansa 2.7 years ago

    You're welcome! I specifically like the exterior details and the cockpit HUD! @KendJello

  • FI-4(Ace Combat HUD) 2.7 years ago

    This is a great new HUD! It looks very cool! However, it does remind me of BF 2042's HUD in a few aspects...

  • AirBus A380 Lufthansa 2.7 years ago

    I LOVE the new Lufthansa livery tbh! I believe it looks well on the A380.
    Nicely modeled plane, too!

  • Infantry Tank "Churchill" Mark IV/A-22 (St. Gloriana Team) 2.7 years ago

    Why do i feel like ive seen this before...
    Of course i did! This is the tank in bf v!!

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk Vb 2.7 years ago


  • Backward Land 2.7 years ago

    Awesome! Now do a land on the tanker plane backwards!

  • Supermarine Spitfire Mk VB 2.7 years ago

    Very realistic and somewhat super smooth!

  • Boeing 747-100 "City of Everett" Prototype 2.7 years ago

    Very smoothened, well modeled, excellent wing flutter, phenomenal feeling/physics, a very well done plane!

  • GERMAN "A-7" CORSAIR 2.7 years ago

    I know right? It's coming back to all of us, one by one.. @Botfinder

  • GERMAN "A-7" CORSAIR 2.7 years ago

    I never thought of how far a german corsair could go, but now I guess I know. Kühl!

  • The Real Ghost of Kyiv 2.7 years ago

    Advanced warfare of the 7th generation.. @asteroidbook345

  • The Real Ghost of Kyiv 2.7 years ago

    I'm sorry but...
    What would I be wrong on? @HorizonsTechnologies

  • Karl's Flug Inline4 Vf.DF. 2.8 years ago

    Haha! Der lustige Teil und die Sache ist, dass ich (meistens) ein mobiler Benutzer bin und mein iPad diesen Build irgendwie überlebt hat und flüssig durch die höchsten Grafiken in diesem Spiel gearbeitet hat. Welche Kraft hält mein Gerät!

  • M1A2 Abrams (TUSK II) 2.8 years ago

    I have a tip that could help you;
    Download the build, and when a notification says you require a mod to download it, select the only option available and then press undo along with redo, and then you will receive the tank, but with the mods removed. @BoeingFan88183

  • Luft-Waffle 2.8 years ago

    Don't forget the Stukaffle-87 with its SC-SYRUP 500lb bombs and intimidation Eggo waffle ad sirens! @FyerGamerGuy

  • Luft-Waffle 2.8 years ago

    Sometimes I do, too. @PostalDude

  • Luft-Waffle 2.8 years ago

    No! You did it wrong! You meant the Stukaffle-87!
    Hahah.... Get it?@Wywtt080

  • WW2 Cutter under Attack Diorama 2.8 years ago

    You are very welcome! @xNotDumb

  • Pionier Heavy 1A1 ''Reynard'' 2.8 years ago

    No problem! @PionierDynamics

  • MG-42 2.8 years ago

    Actually, it is all based off of the MG-34... @switdog08

  • Sturmgeschutz (StuG E-100S) 2.8 years ago

    Ahahahah! A very well done build!
    Ich habe Respekt vor dir, Schöpfer!

  • Pionier Heavy 1A1 ''Reynard'' 2.8 years ago

    So... It's an M1A2 but thicc? Because that's pretty much what I'm getting from this...
    Well anyways, it's a nice build!

  • WW2 Cutter under Attack Diorama 2.8 years ago

    What a one-of-a-kind extraordinary build!

  • crazy man with minigun 2.8 years ago

    Broo its the heavy from tf2 but on a budget!
    Nice minigun!

  • U-505 - Type IX Submarine Remake 2.8 years ago

    Ah! Ja, die Macht der Marine! Das ist jetzt wirklich beeindruckend und gut gemacht.
    Nice build.

  • SS Edmund Fitzgerald [Push to Platinum?] 2.9 years ago

    Nice! Just a question; could you make the MV Derbyshire sometime in the future?

  • RMS Olympic Teaser - The Old Reliable, Out on the ocean 3.0 years ago

    Eh, that's okay! @BMilan

  • Antonov AN-225 Mriya 3.0 years ago

    As a matter of fact, there is a 225 that is being built as of now. So there is a positive to this situation...

  • B-17 Flying Fortress 3.0 years ago

    Well, firstly, one of the things I have noticed on the Avro Lancaster is the interior color, pure, plain and clean white. In reality the Avro Lancaster's interior color was a light green-ish color. I know the reason behind this is to increase visibility on the inside but might as well dirty the color a bit, right? I mean like, it's not like the Lancaster is this luxurious plane or something, eh? @RC1138Boss

  • LH7 locomotive 3.0 years ago

    I was scrolling through posts when I found this post.
    I know that what I will type next is weird and a suggestion but I found your naval posts and I have trust and potential from you.
    So, my suggestion is for you to build and post either Carnival Legend or Carnival Panorama. They are both cruise ships and are quite popular. I strongly hope you take the time to read this and consider building and posting either one of these. I will be greatly pleased if you succeed. @Feanor

  • ANTONOV AN-225 3.0 years ago

    An Antonov sandwiched.
    A Mryia banished..
    Another legend vanished...
    до побачення and до свидания, 225....

  • Antonov An-225 Mriya 3.0 years ago

    Goodbye 225, we'll miss you greatly...

  • Antonov An-225 Mriya Antonov Airlines 3.0 years ago

    May the 225 rest in pieces... @AllAmericanB17

  • Prototype 3.1 years ago

    You know...
    I do remember this game only when I pretty much bought all the main caliber guns in the game...

    But then when I began the starting missions my quote-on-quote 'Prototype' still sunk because I had to use my fat fingers tapping on my small iPad back then to shoot, and because of my fat fingers I couldn't get a single hit...

    Man, those were the yesteryears indeed....

  • B-17 G Flying Fortress 3.1 years ago

    By heavens, this is an exemplary (best of its kind) build.
    Hands down, this is truly the best (and funniest) B-17 on this site!
    I throw off my hat to you, Joshua999!

  • Prototype 3.1 years ago

    (All of a sudden gets flashbacks from the win to build game)

  • Normandy 3.1 years ago

    That is a truly cursed game, lol. @ShawnJohn20

  • T-34 model 1940 (Bday Special) 3.2 years ago

    Ah, yes, the legendary Soviet tank that we will never forget, T-34!

    Outstanding build!

  • iplane III 3.3 years ago

    No problem! @T8flightcrafts

  • Concorde Air France [Full Interior] 3.3 years ago

    I placed mini guns on the left wing engines, then I decreased the size of the mini guns to be unseen, 0.001, and then, once I dropped the droop nose, and was at the takeoff speed, I would fire the mini guns, the engines would burst in flames, and stop working, causing a tilt, then I would set the flaps all the way down, so the Concorde stalls, with the tilt and the fire, and then, KABOOM! @realSavageMan

  • Airbus A350-941 Japan Airlines(Flight 516) 1.2 years ago

    People already making flight 516 builds 💀

  • Boeing 757-200. 1.2 years ago

    This is absolutely beautiful!
    Love the 757!

  • Boeing 777-9x 1.2 years ago

    A pencil with bendy pencil wings.

  • T34 vs. Tiger II 1.2 years ago

    👌 Didn't even know someone would ever see it after a year lol

  • Cartoon image of SimplePlanes (Sample) 1.6 years ago


  • SimpleBleach 1.6 years ago


  • Cartoon image of SimplePlanes (Sample) 1.6 years ago

    uh oh.

  • SimpleBleach 1.6 years ago

    Maybe a mix of lamb sauce too? no?

  • North American F-100A Super Sabre 1.6 years ago

    One of my most favourite fighter jets!
    Nice one.