705 LightMindedJedi Comments

  • Messerschmitt P.1095 02 4.9 years ago

    looks like a variant of the Me-262. I do like how it looks.

  • Hughes H-4 Hercules (Spruce Goose) 5.0 years ago

    I modified your design so that it will fly with barely any corrections needed once it is in the air.

  • Hughes H-4 Hercules(Spruce Goose) 5.0 years ago

    @MobileFriendly That does complicate things. Did you use the overload and fine tuner mods? I use them all of the time, so I can have a stronger wing with control surfaces still being present. I did that on my new-ish C-119 cargo planes (I think I last made one almost a year ago but I always make sure my planes have great flight characteristics before I upload them, starting over from scratch if needed). I want to try to make a Boeing B-29 and a Boeing B-50 sometime (the main difference between the B-29 and the B-50 is that the B-50 has a taller tail fin and 1.5 times as much horsepower per engine (the B-29's engines have 200o horsepower each where the B-50's engines have 3800 horsepower each.) I may also try to make the Spruce Goose and see if I can make it fly properly.

  • Hughes H-4 Hercules(Spruce Goose) 5.0 years ago

    @MobileFriendly It does fly but to keep it level, I have to keep alternating ailerons. Any idea what might be causing it to bank back and forth constantly without any control input? even a bunch of gyros made no difference.

  • Hughes H-4 Hercules(Spruce Goose) 5.0 years ago

    The only thing I see that is different from the real plane is the number of blades on each propeller. the read one had 4 blades per propeller, while this has 3. at least that can be changed easily. I will try this out to see how it flies.

  • Has this ever happened to you? 6.0 years ago

    That weird graphics glitch has not happened to me yet. Also, I noticed that you upvoted and spotlighted my C-119 Flying Boxcar. When I make historical aircraft, I try my hardest to make them as realistic as possible and one thing I do with every aircraft I make I thoroughly test and modify parts as needed for at least decent flight characteristics. I do have trouble sometimes coming up with ideas for aircraft to make, however. Any ideas/challenges you would suggest? If I can find some form of 3-view schematics of any requests, I will likely be able to make any requested aircraft now that I have the overload and fine tuner mods working.

  • Britten-Norman Trislander 3.5 years ago

    looks like a decent attempt. only thing that I see wrong compared to the real one is the main wing is not as skinny from front to back
    other than that, looks great

  • Fuselage 6 new style!!! long range explorer (uses more powerful engines mod) 4.9 years ago

    @Nosthak123cze I don't know if the mod is available for mobile or not. Alternatively, I could edit it with and replace the engines with the engines that are vanilla and use a mod to massively boost the power of the vanilla engines to at least match the ones that are on the version that is up right now.

  • Fuselage 6 new style!!! long range explorer (uses more powerful engines mod) 4.9 years ago

    @Nosthak123cze This mod is on the steam workshop. Here is a link anyway: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=930875340

  • Luftwaffe Challenge (Closed) 4.9 years ago

    @NightmareCorporation Jet engines ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE CHALLENGE!

  • XB-19 4.9 years ago

    Looks very accurate.

  • MIG19P 5.0 years ago

    @Thieferyk I have confirmed that there are only 2 minor differences between this and the real MiG-19: the number of wheels under the nose, which is not really important, and the shape of the top of the fin, which would be very difficult to get correct no matter what mods you use. You did a great job. BTW, in real life, the MiG-19 was the first Soviet jet to break the sound barrier, at around the same time the F-100 Super Sabre did so in level flight (the F-86 could do so, but only in a dive)

  • MIG19P 5.0 years ago

    I would swear this looks just like the real MiG-19. I will promptly download it and fly it.

  • XF-11 Hughes Replica WIP 5.1 years ago

    Looks almost exactly like the real plane except the outward slant of the fins.

  • Hughes XF-11 5.1 years ago

    Not bad looking but the wingspan on the real plane was substantially greater and have even taper on the leading and trailing edges of the wings from central fuselage pod to wingtip. This more closely resembles a P-38 with the wing having slight sweepback.

  • Help 5.3 years ago

    the front wheel is off-center. I think that is likely to be the source of your trouble.

  • Fairchild C-119 "Flying Boxcar" 5.6 years ago

    @blodyblade my most recent C-119 upload looks almost exactly like the real plane no matter what angle it is viewed from. Still this is not bad, though the wings are too skinny compared to their span.

  • Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar painted 5.9 years ago

    Hmmm I will need to learn how to do so then. even so, this is my best c-119 upload. I used a newly released mod to be able to import images to use schematics for a more realistic look.

  • Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar 5.9 years ago

    @JamesBoA Yeah I kinda felt lazy as far as looks were concerned as I was primarily focuses on accurate looks. I am considering making a very accurate Beechcraft B200 Super King Air soon. I also want to try to make a Nord Noratlas and the Armstrong_Whitworth Argosy (the four engine twin boom one, not the biplane that shares the name). After that I do want to try to make the Hughes H-1 racer and F4U4 corsair.

  • 1.8 Mod Updates / Fixes 5.9 years ago

    seems to work great. Good Work on the updated version.

  • DesignerSuite 5.9 years ago

    This is a cool looking mod. This will make creating historical aircraft a lot easier.

  • SimpleWings 5.9 years ago

    I was wondering if you could either make a tutorial for making simpleplanes mods or make a specific mod to add several widely used radial piston engines and turboprop engines. I wanted to be able to have the Pratt & Whitney Wasp Major engine with customizable cowlings which can produce 3000 to 3800 horsepower. I would try to make the mod myself if I knew how to, but I know nothing about coding.

  • Fairchild C-82 Packet long range best 5.9 years ago

    @RCS10 I had the schematics pulled up on one of my laptops while I was building it in SimplePlanes using the other laptop. I managed to make it almost exactly like the schematics, the only major difference being the undercarriage.

  • 1965 Flight of the Phoenix 5.9 years ago

    @JamesBoA It is the remains of the crashed plane that "The Phoenix" was once part of. (all of its parts were once part on a larger plane, and the wreckage of larger plane is what is on the right, and in fact this download is made from the predecessor which is auto-linked.)

  • Fairchild C-82A Packet Phoenix conversion 5.9 years ago

    @MaxB17 I redid the C-82 packet and made the Phoenix from it (I will upload the Phoenix once I put the colors on it)

  • Copycat 5.9 years ago

    @RCS10 Other people have made the C-82 but I want to try to make the best one yet. I will pull up the schematics on one of my two laptops and build the plane on the other laptop.

  • The new Boeying BFL.790 5.9 years ago

    @BoeyingOfficial yeah I do want to try to make the Argosy and the Noratlas sometime.

  • Copycat 5.9 years ago

    yeah I tried it out and liked it. I am going to try to make a really good C-82 Packet and some other historic airplanes.

  • Copycat 5.9 years ago

    This is what I would expect if the Russians decided to make their own version of the F-14 Tomcat. Not gonna lie it looks cool, and I will try it out to see how well it flies. I always make sure my aircraft fly reasonably well before uploading the.

  • Spitfire mk ia 5.9 years ago

    Nice, but I have an interesting idea to make a better-looking version involving two fuselage nose cones to faithfully make the eliptical wings far more accurately in looks. I would use the overload and fine tuner mods to position them correctly after scaling them.

  • The new Boeying BFL.790 5.9 years ago

    This resembles the Armstrong-Whitworth Argosy.

  • New Phoenix Thicker Wing 6.0 years ago

    @MegaFox Also, I found some forum showing a project somebody did for the remake's version of the Phoenix: http://www.partworkmodels.co.uk/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=172&t=6926&sid=8a0c4012f78169e28d79e36c2d28a975

  • New Phoenix Thicker Wing 6.0 years ago

    @MegaFox here are some pictures that I found so you can see for yourself the design of the plane in the remake:

  • New Phoenix Thicker Wing 6.0 years ago

    @MegaFox in the remake, I think they were getting it away from the dunes (especially the ones that were created during a sandstorm that while had gusts powerful enough to make the phoenix briefly leave the ground, also buried it) and positioning it in the best possible spot to have as straight shot for taking off without taxiing to conserve the fuel a little bit. here is a link if you want to watch the remake: https://movie9.club/movies/flight-of-the-phoenix/
    It is shorter than the original but has more action in it.

  • New Phoenix Thicker Wing 6.0 years ago

    @MegaFox No, I made it that way on purpose to replicate the newer version of FLight of the Phoenix; in the movie they made the left wing funny. I will make the Tallmantz P-1 Phoenix next; this differs from it in that the original had skids, whereas this version has wheels. Once this is airborne it actually flies reasonably well. Here is link showing the remake version of the Phoenix: https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-release-date-december-17-2004-movie-title-flight-of-the-phoenix-studio-90155349.html?pv=1&stamp=2&imageid=688E16AC-A80F-47F4-8A69-0B206A7AE62D&p=372758&n=130&orientation=0&pn=1&searchtype=0&IsFromSearch=1&srch=foo%3Dbar%26st%3D0%26sortby%3D2%26qt%3Dflight%2520of%2520the%2520phoenix%26qtraw%3Dflight%2520of%2520the%2520phoenix%26qn%3D%26lic%3D3%26edrf%3D0%26mr%3D0%26pr%3D0%26aoa%3D1%26creative%3D%26videos%3D%26nu%3D%26ccc%3D%26bespoke%3D%26apalib%3D%26ag%3D0%26hc%3D0%26et%3D0x000000000000000000000%26vp%3D0%26loc%3D0%26ot%3D0%26imgt%3D0%26dtfr%3D%26dtto%3D%26size%3D0xFF%26blackwhite%3D%26cutout%3D%26archive%3D1%26name%3D%26groupid%3D%26pseudoid%3D%26userid%3D%26id%3D%26a%3D%26xstx%3D0%26cbstore%3D0%26resultview%3DsortbyPopular%26lightbox%3D%26gname%3D%26gtype%3D%26apalic%3D%26tbar%3D1%26pc%3D%26simid%3D%26cap%3D1%26customgeoip%3D%26vd%3D0%26cid%3D%26pe%3D%26so%3D%26lb%3D%26pl%3D0%26plno%3D%26fi%3D0%26langcode%3Den%26upl%3D0%26cufr%3D%26cuto%3D%26howler%3D%26cvrem%3D0%26cvtype%3D0%26cvloc%3D0%26cl%3D0%26upfr%3D%26upto%3D%26primcat%3D%26seccat%3D%26cvcategory%3D*%26restriction%3D%26random%3D%26ispremium%3D1%26flip%3D0%26contributorqt%3D%26plgalleryno%3D%26plpublic%3D0%26viewaspublic%3D0%26isplcurate%3D0%26saveQry%3D%26editorial%3D1%26t%3D0%26edoptin%3D
    This is the original:https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fvillage.photos%2Fimages%2Fuser%2F8e5b56a4-6960-4fc2-8eff-a417e69ac90b%2Fresized

  • Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar redo tweaked 6.0 years ago

    @TheOwlAce I did already before I decided to redo the C-119. I got the fin the shape that the C-119 had, then made the end product of the remake of the Phoenix (after using the parts from the C-82 Packet to make the original Phoenix and then making the new Phoenix from that) and make the C-119 fuselage. I may redo the Phoenix from this version of the C-119 anyway just so it will have flaps that work using VTOL.

  • Fueling Mod Updated 6.1 years ago

    One thing that bothers me is that sometime the More Powerful Engines mod for some unknown reason disappears from SImpleplanes, forcing me to reinstall it. I wish I could have a spmod file with custom real life engines such as the P&W R4360 Wasp Major, the Twin Wasp, the Double Wasp, and some of the afterburning engines of today's military fighter jets. If I knew how to mod, I would already be working on such a mod, but unfortunately, I don't know the first thing about creating mods. Any ideas on how to proceed, so as to avoid this problem completely in the future?

  • stealth plane 6.2 years ago

    I like how this resembles the F-117 Nighthawk yet is clearly a different design.

  • revised C-119 Flying Boxcar. 6.2 years ago

    @kgv23 yeah I found that out when I was experimenting with the mod at least a week ago.

  • bombardier dhc-8 402 Q400 6.2 years ago

    @kgv23 That is not needed now, as I found a mod that lets me do a lot of things to parts such as changing the scale, changing the behavior of hinge and rotating block functions, and making the structural wings support control surfaces. The mod I found is called Overload.

  • AVRO Manchester-Mk.1 6.2 years ago

    @BlueWhiskySP You are confusing it with its ultimate development/successor, the Lancaster.

  • AVRO Manchester-Mk.1 6.2 years ago

    Fun Fact: the Manchester served as the foundation for the design of the Lancaster. The unreliable Rolls-Royce Vulture engines were replaced by Rolls-Royce Merlin engines and the engine number was doubled for good measure. The only other thing to change from the Manchester was all of the flying surfaces were enlarged. The result, the Avro Lancaster, had none of the Manchester's faults.

  • Mod suggestions. 6.3 years ago

    I have an idea for a mod that could be very helpful: something that will warn you if your design is too nose heavy or too tail heavy.

  • Fairchild C-119 my version 6.3 years ago

    @T8flightcrafts You may also to to factory reset your computer and reinstall the programs you use and Steam and change your password that way.

  • Fairchild C-119 my version 6.3 years ago

    @T8flightcrafts have you tried both the steam app and logging into steam on a browser? If you are able to log into steam on a browser that may be enough, but if not, manually type a code that it sends you to try to change your password. if that fails, I don't know what else to suggest other than trying to log in on a different computer and use that for SimplePlanes and Steam.

  • Fairchild C-119 my version 6.3 years ago

    @T8flightcrafts the engine mod is quite easy to install, if that is what you are worried about. all you have to do is go on the steam workshop, go the the mods, sleect parts, and find the more powerful engines mod and subscribe to it to install it. The installation is automatic and can be turned on in the mods option in the menu. Also, I just made a revision of the plane to mess with the fine tuner and the enlarged single historic cockpit looks somewhat like the real cockpit of the C-119.

  • Fairchild C-119 my version 6.3 years ago

    @T8flightcrafts I need to learn more about how the Overload mod works, apparently. I think the wing is not shaped quite right. I believe the span, proportion-wise, is too long, unless you want to think this is the C-119 H. I will experiment some more on how I can reshape parts using the overload mod for things such as the cockpit and perhaps the engines (the whole engine, not just the propeller which is what I did here to make the propellers more in porportion with the rest of the plane.)

  • Overload 6.3 years ago

    I really like this mod. Now I can make my custom landing gear for larger airplanes without needing to worry about how to make the included landing gear parts work.

  • Hughes H-4 Hercules 6.3 years ago

    looks pretty close. The only issue I have with it is that if I were to try to load it my computer would very likely lag very heavily (the lag starts with around 180-ish parts, at least on my computer.)

  • bombardier dhc-8 402 Q400 6.3 years ago

    how did you manage to customize the gear? If I could do that I would be doing it all the time on planes like the Short Stirling and C-119.