3,839 MEERKAT978 Comments

  • De Havilland Comet 6.8 years ago

    It has the square Windows like the first-generation Comets. Hope the passengers like high altitude air ;) seriously sweet build though.

  • Anti warship plane 6.8 years ago

    @belugasub Hm... still resembles a kamikaze to me for some reason :p

  • 1935 Bomber challenge (CLOSED) 6.8 years ago

    @poopatron71 excellent stoof! Expect the design blueprints to be delivered in an hour. If SOE don't intercept them...

  • Anti warship plane 6.8 years ago

    What is it, a kamikaze?

  • Scout Return II 6.8 years ago

    @PlaneBuild0512 Not a problem.

  • P.1029 Super Provost 6.8 years ago

    @TheRussiansAreComing Thankoo, keep at it and you'll make silver as well mate

  • P.1029 Super Provost 6.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Indeed, but it's easily the best build I've done yet. I'll definitely look to building cockpit elements in the future too- as it turns out Overload is a godsend for that!

  • P.1029 Super Provost 6.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness this is the result when I use your designs (T-4 especially) as an inspiration. Whaddaya reckon?

  • M.Corp T-4 Broadsword 6.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Likewise, except it's tilted invariably to the "error" end of the spectrum.

  • What landing on the uss tiny feels like. 6.8 years ago

    @WaffleCakes Exactly! EVEN then they could make the challenge a tad easier by giving it arrestors. Tiny can either stay without or have less wires and no catapult

  • Grumman F-14 Tomcat 6.8 years ago

    Slam on the brakes he'll fly right by!

  • M.Corp T-4 Broadsword 6.8 years ago

    Any advice on building custom cockpits? Been considering it on various builds but I doubt I have the skill to make it happen :/ ...

  • Should I Make It A Sea Plane? 6.8 years ago

    Flying Boat seems more appropriate for the airframe you've got there.

  • What landing on the uss tiny feels like. 6.8 years ago

    It'd be nice to see them add arrestors and catapults. I know there's a mod for it but I find said mod is unreliable...

  • World War II Challenge 6.8 years ago

    @Datom Not a problem, took me a few million years to figure it out...

  • Waco CG 4A Glider 6.8 years ago

    Crude, but not bad.

  • World War II Challenge 6.8 years ago

    @Datom put the aircraft name in square brackets and the URL in normal brackets with no space between:
    [Link Text] (Link) but remove the space between the two

  • Sopwith Camel 6.8 years ago

    Not bad, though I'd use resizeable wheels to make the undercarriage at the front...

  • RAI RI-2 Flydo 6.8 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot Still a sweet design

  • RAI RI-2 Flydo 6.8 years ago

    Didn't even notice the third wing initially, nice looking build though!

  • Nilaya V-62 Bomber 6.8 years ago

    Download Overload XML, it'll allow the adjustment of rotators especially where input groups are concerned.
    From there, have a play about and learn it. Good fun once you master it.

  • Supermarine Vengeful B.1 6.8 years ago

    @GhostHTX You've seen my design, it looks like a blind man designed mine (thanks potato mouse and rig). Either way I give you good odds of waltzing out the door with the prize on this challenge.

  • NXB-42 Conquer Flying wing Project 4 6.8 years ago

    What's 'er payload?

  • Supermarine Vengeful B.1 6.8 years ago

    0.0 Blows my entry clean out of the water...

  • Mod Help Needed 6.8 years ago

    @IAmMyBoss You'll have to wait a few hours, I don't get home till about 2.30 UTC.

  • Battle fort 6.8 years ago

    Simple yet cool design. Be good to incorporate into a bigger design...

  • Mod Help Needed 6.8 years ago

    Those engines don't tend to connect to parts properly after you upsize them, tried it before...

  • Knight Industries 2000 6.8 years ago

    Aww... no Hoff. Nice build all the same, I bet K.I.T.T does a better job without him driving :p

  • 4th V-bomber Challenge [CLOSED] 6.8 years ago

    @Franticmatty my design decided to make itself no longer a successor, so I'll blue-link it. It easily wins the prize... for ugliest thing airborne.
    Milton-Stanford Vanquisher

  • Avro Lancaster mk.Ia Bomb Sight Version [ Heavy Bomber ] (UPDATED) 6.8 years ago

    Fooking awesome! Dambuster time.

  • Please help me fix this! 6.8 years ago

    @TankCommanderX The important question is whether it now works.

  • Please help me fix this! 6.8 years ago

    @TMR9001 Again, learn to be civilised or find a new past-time.
    Regards, MEER.

  • Please help me fix this! 6.8 years ago

    @TMR9001 doesn't mean you have to be arrogant.

  • JetProject-1 6.8 years ago

    @FENRIRpapapa No problem, this design really reminded me of the TSR-2

  • Please help me fix this! 6.8 years ago

    Shift the center of mass forward, by reducing the amount of field blocks far back and adding a tailplane unless it's a delta.

    @TMR9001 no need to be rude, just give him advice if you're unwilling to fix it...

  • Pigpen Stealth Ops 6.8 years ago

    Looks sweet...

  • T8flightcrafts “triple arrow” 6.8 years ago

    @T8flightcrafts Looks nice, so hopefully 'interesting' doesn't refer to near-chaotic handling...

  • T8flightcrafts “triple arrow” 6.8 years ago

    Quirky trimotor design...

  • Radar Station 6.8 years ago

    Those BUFFs are screwed now. Muahahahaha!

  • Leeman Incorporated "Scythe" XI 6.8 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot Yup. It took a little playing around with settings and removing the annoying postprocessing effects e.g. blur but she works a treat. Even in Vietnam on the Unsung mod. Hope Charlie likes the taste of napalm 3:)

  • Leeman Incorporated "Scythe" XI 6.8 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot My old laptop was barely able to run it, I've got my best mate's old rig and that just about works for me. On WT and A2...

  • Leeman Incorporated "Scythe" XI 6.8 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot Gotcha, I detest of J7Ws in War Thunder, they're cancer to bombers 😵

  • Leeman Incorporated "Scythe" XI 6.8 years ago

    @JohnnyBoythePilot Not a problem, in the 20 or so test runs I made today with both designs, it was quite tight in places. Sometimes mine would like into terra firm a within a few checkpoints, sometimes the Bullet would, sometimes they'd both make the finish.

    Might pan out different at times but that's the way today went. I ended up putting different versions of the earlier Scythes against each other which led to this- with a good deal of inspiration from the Bullet's jet canard design ;)

  • Silver Bullet 6.8 years ago

    Creds to you @JohnnyBoyThPilot: the Bullet flies so well, I used it as a benchmark for my latest entry to the Bandit Tournament. It's nowhere near as good-looking as this, but it may prove a worthy adversary- IF it survives the early knockout rounds.
    Leeman Incorporated Scythe XI

  • CANCELLED 6.8 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 I just hope I get entries Hahaha...

  • CANCELLED 6.8 years ago

    @asteroidbook345 Coincidence. I'm British and I completely forgot that December 7th is the Pearl Anniversary...

  • Alternative Tu-104 (based on tu-16 preliminary drawings) 6.8 years ago

    Da, comrade! This is the pride of mother Russia!

    Seriously nice build though.

  • GhostBusters car 6.8 years ago

    If there's something strange, in your neighbourhood...

  • Mini Cooper 1967 rally 6.8 years ago

    How the hell did you turn a Ford Ambulance into a Mini? Still not a bad job.

    This is the self preservation society, the self preservation society...

  • A dangerous plane 6.8 years ago

    @NFIGMT oh... I thought I meant dangerous for the pilot rather than anyone stodd beneath it...