3,839 MEERKAT978 Comments

  • SdKfz. 171 Panther 'M10' Ersatz 6.1 years ago

    The difference between Operation Fortitude and the Ersatz M10 is that the Geneva Convention stipulates SPECIFICALLY that posing as a member of an opposing force to mislead the enemy (e.g. Germans posing as Americans) is illegal.

    Nothing wrong with deception tactics, until you're posing as the enemy.

  • Dornier Do.735 : 5.0 years ago

    Nope nope nope nope nope.

    Stay AWAY from my Lancaster and don't tell Gaijin! :P

    Looks awesome bud!

  • Abusing Simple Planes Physics 7.2 years ago

    Gaijin WarThunder 1.8 update leak?

  • Corvega Atomic Air V8 6.1 years ago

    @JonTKocz Moreover, does the warranty cover the thermonuclear wrath of Red China being visited on my home town?

    Awesome build.

  • Supermarine Seafang F.MK.32 5.2 6.7 years ago

    Nasty looking bit of business, isn't she? That woulda made Jerry's day significantly worse had we had them in '41. Awesome job.

  • Dart 5.7 years ago

    Best of luck in the Tournament. Me and Baldovino are watching live right now and both of us are terrified of facing you!

  • Can you guess what it is yet? 6.3 years ago

    In Ace Ventura voice...


  • Lancaster B.II 4.9 years ago

    @Tang0five correction, my friend.

    The B.II was built at a time when the Merlin was in shorter supply and before Packard were making them under license.

    If memory serves, the B.II was a stopgap that used radial engines.

    From wiki: "The Lancaster B.II was a stopgap design that used Bristol Hercules engines..."

  • BELL BOEING MV-22b Osprey Updated 5.6 years ago

    Just flicked back through the predecessors to this build. Very cool to see where your design has developed from to here, it honestly looks brilliant!

  • Dart 5.7 years ago

    Well deserved win mate. That thing was bloody unbelievable to watch!

  • Daredevil 5.7 years ago

    @Jim1the1Squid the rules stipulate no weapons. And given the number of submissions, the Mod team don't have time to vet every last submission.

    Simple, honestly.

    EDIT- also, if it's the build from 11 days ago, it has been XML modded as well and as a result is ineligible for Unlimited Class races.

    Find the Tournament Validator mod and run it if you want to check before you upload :)

  • 1.8 Beta now available 6.0 years ago

    I have one real point from 1.8.2: the arrestor wires on USS Beast seem a little too stiff. Even with an aircraft weighing >20,000lbs I often find it gets thrown around as the cable snaps back. I know that's the aim of the cable but ideally it could use being a tiny bit less violent?

    Also, would it be possible to add (even just one) arrestor wire to USS Tiny? I know that would likely be seen as removing the challenge from landing on it but my logic there is for designing WW2-esque aircraft e.g. F4F-3 Wildcats. They would operate from something resembling the Tiny and used arrestor wire recovery. Would that be a possible consideration?

  • The big plane small engine challenge 6.2 years ago

    @stig27 you' be better off making the post and then tagging Robo in its comments.

  • Avro Vulcan 6.2 years ago

    Someone missing...
    I believe you mean the HP.83 Victor, now that beauty would be a challenge to built. Nice work once more! Now just to get the tactical camo done and make a map of Stanley Airport... 3;)

  • LVT-4 Water Buffalo (with Jeep) 6.3 years ago

    Holy mother of God!
    This thing looks absolutely amazing, and that MB's articulation (driver/gunner) is awesome. The Buffalo itself is a triumph too, I wish my phone could take it so I could figure out how to make an Amphi.

    Outstanding work!

  • Gloster Gladiator(close to reality scale and performance) 6.9 years ago

    @Jetpackturtle Most pilots did.
    My favourites are 'Faith', 'Hope' and 'Charity'. The trio that helped defend Malta.
    Biplanes versus Modern Regia AND Luftwaffe aircraft. What wins?

  • Lawn-Dart-That-Is-Not-A-Dart (trademark needed) 7.2 years ago

    Okay then...
    LOOKS: Not too bad but not exactly a flying artwork. 5/10
    HANDLING: I understand why the ailerons are as big as they are, but especially on high physics they make the aircraft almost suicidally difficult to fly, couple that with very little pitch authority and... 6/20

    SURVIVABILITY: The aforementioned handling, coupled with a lack of C/Meas, would probably earn this aircraft a nickname like "Lawn Dart". At least its offensive A-A and A-S weapons are powerful enough to hit back. 4/10

    FUNCTIONALITY: Nothing much to write home about, other than the aircraft working and being (barely) flyable. 3/10

    WEAPONS DELIVERY No issues. 45/50.

    TOTAL: 63/100
    Simplistic, but capable of the job at hand. A little less aileron responsiveness and a little more onus on surviving would be nice too, though.

  • 1929 dodge 6 truck “the Kaesler van” 7.2 years ago

    The original Mobile Home...

  • linear actuators: landing gear 2.4 years ago

    Okay, this is pretty awesome. Definitely gonna have to try and use these on a build...

  • F-8E crusader 3.9 years ago

    Not a bad build. I do have to query the use of miniguns rather than cannon but other than that, it's quite a nice, clean, simple build. :)

  • Iron Man 5.4 years ago

    *An unfortunate accident during a routine training mission. Isn't the the usual BS you use?

    It's not like that this time, Tony...*

  • BAE Hawk 127 5.7 years ago

    Me likey. Think I'll ditch the weapons and paint it red at some point ;)

  • Bristol Type 192 ‘Belvedere’ 5.7 years ago

    I never got why the British helo designs like the Belvedere looked like something out of a Gerry Anderson program. Awesome looking helicopter, gotta say!

  • Butler Retriever 5.7 years ago

    It looks like it came from a Gerry Anderson cartoon, like Thunderbirds or Captain Scarlet.


  • Paintjob contest 5.7 years ago

    @Baldovino Happy to report that it works on my phone, even in flight mode! Count me in!

  • Paintjob contest 5.7 years ago

    @Baldovino Not yet, I'll do that tomorrow and report back. Just saw the 1200+ count and thought "eek!" Then again it doesn't have to fly so I guess if I can load it in studio...

  • Making Custom Carrier Aircraft Landing Gear 6.0 years ago

    @Minecraftpoweer Thanks for that fix, it no longer explodes on Cat launch. Now, it's deciding to explode/shatter the assembly on arrested landing, so I'm adjusting deceleration rates as I think that could be the issue.

  • Making Custom Carrier Aircraft Landing Gear 6.0 years ago

    @AchuTMM CATOBAR- Catapult Take Off Barrier Assisted Recovery

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 6.0 years ago

    @Zott Thank you!

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 6.0 years ago

    @AerialFighterSnakes I actually tested it by fitting it with 2 bomb racks and 4 Bullpup missiles and going after the convoy with it. Lives up to the Corsair's prestige as a great attack aircraft then :)

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 6.0 years ago

    @Thecatbaron Thank You!

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 6.0 years ago

    @Blue0Bull thank you!

  • Simple LTV A-7 Corsair II 6.0 years ago

    Thank you all!

  • S.S. Helwick 6.0 years ago

    @Tang0five I can think of more derogatory ways to refer to the Welsh "XD.

    However they aren't overly fond of where I work anyway. It's a vicious cycle.

  • Westland Wessex Royal Navy 6.1 years ago

    That is a spiffing job! I'm really wanting to build a Sea King HAS.5 in RAF Rescue colours but I can't make helos work particularly well...

  • VW 1963 Beetle 6.1 years ago

    Now what we need is this in the iconic red and white of Herbie (and I'm talking about his original 60s style...)
    EDIT: Here's his actual paint scheme

  • Quad cannon Iraq AA 6.2 years ago

    ZSU 23-4 'Shilka'. Radar guided, 23mm SPAA system. Russia replaced them with the Tunguska if memory serves.

  • BR Class 444 | Siemens Desiro | SWT 6.2 years ago

    Haven't travelled on a 444 but I bet it's a damnsight better than those horrible Pacers.
    They still haunt the Carlisle-Newcastle Line!
    Then again I do like my Class 37/Mk2 service that takes me to work down the Cumbrian Coast. When it ain't pitch black it's an awesome view.

    Nice build indeed. Now, where's the webpage with exorbitant train fares at?

  • Can you guess what it is yet? 6.3 years ago

    It's something Warhammer related I'm going to guess, not sure beyond that and it being Space Marines?
    EDIT: AHA! It's a Stormtalon, isn't it? Just had a shifty on Google Images and it's the only tjing with cockpit and fuselage similarities...

  • BAE Liza 2 6.3 years ago

    For a fighter/trainer she looks mighty feisty. Awesome work as always mate.

  • Boeing 737 6.5 years ago

    @Smilohypo oh god, Scousers.
    Sure they didn't nick something and were terrified for that reason? 😜😜

  • Boeing 737 6.5 years ago

    But did you terrify an acrophobic young kid this time?

  • Pusher-1 6.5 years ago

    @CDRxavier Tried that already, makes it virtually impossible to land safely due to a lack of a forward nosewheel and a dangerously high ground clearance due to gear position. This may look a little ugly but I can assure you it flies safley and still had good flight characteristics.

  • Vought F4U Corsair MKII 6.5 years ago

    Now that is some fine work. Gonna test fly it before company time starts.

  • Spitfire IIB *Final* 6.5 years ago

    Looks great, handling is fine now as it doesn't sabredance on landing and it only tipstalls below about 85mph which is respectable.

    One tiny detail for a Spitfire though: the direction the landing gear retract in.

    A Spitfire's gear retracts outward ie wheels pointing the wingtips.

    A Hurricane's gear retracts inwards ie what the plane's gear does at the moment.

    Tiniest detail, but other than that awesome work. And nice job finding Fred to put in the cockpit.

  • Spitfire IIB 6.6 years ago

    Performance is not bad. Stall speed of 97mph and the airframe is controllable pretty much right down to that. Accelerates in the vertical up to around 10,000 feet once the engine spools up.

    However, the sabredance issue feels somewhat worse with this variant and the landing gear is prone to bouncing, generally resulting in a noseover on the runway. Other than that nothing serious.

  • (WIP) M577 Colonial Marines APC 6.6 years ago

    Game over man, game over!

  • Antonov Izdeliye 181 6.6 years ago

    Very nice looking design, better than a lot of my builds and I'm a silver!

  • F-35B 6.6 years ago

    Not a bad look, however I think I know how to fix the nose-heaviness in STOVL mode.

    The real 35B has a ducted fan behind the cockpit, which is uncovered when in STOVL mode. Maybe try fitting that and it should put the thrust balance closer to the CoM.

  • Hawker P.1027 Cyclone 6.7 years ago

