@EhtishamKhichi On the blueprint menu on the left theres a option to move the blueprint, justt move it away from the plane and zoom on the blueprint when taking screenshot
Operation Landfall
Aircrafts in operation: DN-1, X-6 and F/A-2 Arrow
Objective: Protect the DN-1 and deploy Orbital Weapon into orbit.
Time of operation: End of operation Snowstorm.
Current Status: Ready, may be halted if theres direct threats our territory
3 X-6 and 3 F/A-2 Arrow will escort and protect the DN-1 rocket from enemy aircrafts and SAMs. The rocket's course will be 352 NW and 70.000 ft. If this operation fails, a huge amount of resources will go to waste, but if succesfully accomplished will grants us a tremeduous advantage over the enemy.
@Morty Open your part's XML and go to fuselage tab, create a new code block, name it collider and set its value to ConvexMesh. Now your fuselage collider will shape like the fuselage corners.
There another called NonConvexMesh which is similar to ConvexMesh, read more here: Link
@NEWCOUNTVIA Well, there's two ways:
Detach the cockpit from your aircraft and them make your aircraft a subassembly, them download the challenge build and place down your aircraft from subassbly. However your aircraft wont retain its previous custom colors.
This can be fixed on teh second way:
Copy the challenge's page code, its just before the build's name to the right, them find the SimplePlanes folder (something like this: 0/android/data/com.jundroo.simpleplanes), find your planes file, them paste the code you copied into url="core here", make sure the code has " on both ends
Operation Landfall: Accomplished
Mission accomplished! Our X-6 and F/A-2 Arrow fighter jets where able to defend and the DN-1 was able to deploy its payload into orbit. There where 3 friendly jets downed and 4 enemy downed.
The 'Slingshooter' Orbital Weapon is now active and ready to carry out strikes anywhere! Link
I'm a little confused, why does half the entry planes not appear on the list in the description? are those planes the ones deployed in battle and other missing out are waiting for deployment? maybe im just being dum idk
@MitchellAviation Hmmm maybe you could have a ejection seat to release the pilot before impact while the plane flies towards the target like a rocket, given its has very big aoe accuracy wouldnt be a problem
@NobleMobileUser write it like this:  but with out the _, you'll need to upload it somewhere (ive used Discord, but other sites work aswell like imgur) them copy the link inside the ()
AURORA BOREALIS!? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
+9In fact all of his uploads seems to be from SP creations
+7@SamCentral May i see it?
+3Autoaim should be better now
+2@Yourlocalhuman Bruh i missed it
+2@Zhixunlin23 Tanki Online
+1Seems like a tank WoTB would add as battlepass reward
Very good build tho
+1Ive fixed that one elevator not trimming
+1Hey @BeconAircraft can you make this post successor of this post
+1@Bryan5 btw this was supposed to be successor for your challenge, so i contact a mod to make it a succesor right?
+1@EhtishamKhichi On the blueprint menu on the left theres a option to move the blueprint, justt move it away from the plane and zoom on the blueprint when taking screenshot
+1@ChamDel78 Accidently copied your planes id instead of the challenges id 😅 sorry for the misundrrstanding
+1@WinsWings is it ok to upload more than one plane? i'm gonna make a ww2 aircraft this time
+1My entry is ready!
+1Should probably disable collision on the gun...
+1Zamn this is awesome!
+1Ive made faction icon stickers for you guys to put on your planes!
+1Operation Landfall
Aircrafts in operation: DN-1, X-6 and F/A-2 Arrow
Objective: Protect the DN-1 and deploy Orbital Weapon into orbit.
Time of operation: End of operation Snowstorm.
Current Status: Ready, may be halted if theres direct threats our territory
3 X-6 and 3 F/A-2 Arrow will escort and protect the DN-1 rocket from enemy aircrafts and SAMs. The rocket's course will be 352 NW and 70.000 ft. If this operation fails, a huge amount of resources will go to waste, but if succesfully accomplished will grants us a tremeduous advantage over the enemy.
Build link: DN-1
+1@Foodtastegood4K Extra fuel for the steam engine
+1Bad Piggies ahh build
Woah this is cool
The bisexual jet engine!
@Morty Open your part's XML and go to fuselage tab, create a new code block, name it collider and set its value to ConvexMesh. Now your fuselage collider will shape like the fuselage corners.
There another called NonConvexMesh which is similar to ConvexMesh, read more here: Link
@Default4 Updated XML, now it won't desisntegrate anymore lol
@Yourlocalhuman Is autoaim turrets allow or manual aim only?
@EhtishamKhichi Check this video
@EhtishamKhichi You can do it by using the screenshot as blueprint them press take screenshot on the share menu
@WinsWing Ive uploaded a updated version
@spectre118 Eventually yes, i thinking of building the Raven Mk VI or the Viper Mk VIII
another weird creation of mine
@Yourlocalhuma i'm Berlingschon
@NEWCOUNTVIA Well, there's two ways:
Detach the cockpit from your aircraft and them make your aircraft a subassembly, them download the challenge build and place down your aircraft from subassbly. However your aircraft wont retain its previous custom colors.
This can be fixed on teh second way:
Copy the challenge's page code, its just before the build's name to the right, them find the SimplePlanes folder (something like this: 0/android/data/com.jundroo.simpleplanes), find your planes file, them paste the code you copied into url="core here", make sure the code has " on both ends
@flightdesigner What did he do wrong?
Operation Landfall: Accomplished
Mission accomplished! Our X-6 and F/A-2 Arrow fighter jets where able to defend and the DN-1 was able to deploy its payload into orbit. There where 3 friendly jets downed and 4 enemy downed.
The 'Slingshooter' Orbital Weapon is now active and ready to carry out strikes anywhere! Link
Also i have something that can help takeout the SAMs and important buildings, i'll post it soonish
Ooh Snowstone has a destroyer now? time for Ratchet to shine
We need a Spaag to counter Snowstone's CASs
Btw whats the sitation of the war? my Hatchet Ekranoplan could help take out those sam batteries and provide air firepower
The AGEV1 has finished its modernization, say hello to the AGEV2 Hatchet
We could become ally with the Krakabloans instead, nuking them seems like a waste of resources
Also i see some poeple uploading boats and subs now, i may make a warship to reinforce our fleets
I'm a little confused, why does half the entry planes not appear on the list in the description? are those planes the ones deployed in battle and other missing out are waiting for deployment?
maybe im just being dum idk
@MitchellAviation Hmmm maybe you could have a ejection seat to release the pilot before impact while the plane flies towards the target like a rocket, given its has very big aoe accuracy wouldnt be a problem
@Yourlocalhuman Finished my entry, the AAP-SB-1 is eager to sink some krakabloan ships!
Wait is this already going on? can i still join?
Bruh just noticed that all wheels' engine connection broke
@Tsuchiisan Ery noice
Tho, how does people make header text and other fancy text stuff
@NobleMobileUser write it like this:  but with out the _, you'll need to upload it somewhere (ive used Discord, but other sites work aswell like imgur) them copy the link inside the ()