I have some criticisms (don't take this as malicious or aggressive, take it as constructive)
First one regards the lackage of instructions, i can live without a cool backstory but I would like to know what button does what (this plane is a exception due to the advent of labled switches)
Second is the planes sudden urge to yaw left while taking off, i have also encountered this with the earl and would appreciate it if you would add maybe a antiskid on future builds, That and sometimes the suspension is abit stiff
Other than that your planes are wonderful and I hope you make more
(I also like all the early-mid 20th century aircraft, it's a nice contrast to all the new stuff being built today)
@overlord5453 KSP, juno and war thunder players
@overlord5453 you read Me right.
@Boeing727200F cat dog aerospace
@HuskyDynamics01 they are my studies
@Dragoranos chaos theory
@Husky12345 alright
Well uh, sorry about the trouble I caused
Man this day has been confusing
@CatdogAerospace probably yeah
@CatdogAerospace confirmed? The comment is true
@Michiganstatepolicethe2nd this appears to make more sense?
Sorry bout that
I'm trying to figure out what exactly i ment
@CatdogAerospace I was honestly surprised, I don't see it often on something that isn't a first plane
I need to touch up the paint though
good job aussie
@Neruneten21 man I didn't realize I made the perfect PEA aircraft
Pretty nice but
I have some criticisms (don't take this as malicious or aggressive, take it as constructive)
First one regards the lackage of instructions, i can live without a cool backstory but I would like to know what button does what (this plane is a exception due to the advent of labled switches)
Second is the planes sudden urge to yaw left while taking off, i have also encountered this with the earl and would appreciate it if you would add maybe a antiskid on future builds, That and sometimes the suspension is abit stiff
Other than that your planes are wonderful and I hope you make more
(I also like all the early-mid 20th century aircraft, it's a nice contrast to all the new stuff being built today)
Deadlines rather short so i might not be able to deliver
@KPLBall personally i might do the XF-103
@Imbadatbuildingplens i am everyones police
Saw it 3.2 year ago on the store when i got intrested in planes
Then i went "woah ok"
@AndrewGarrison you can see unlisted builds through the search, didnt know if you knew
@TheUltimatePlaneLover alright, will submit my 2nd? (3rd?) Generation fighter for the multiverse
@DOYOUMIND android is the bestadroid.
It made me vomit apon takeoff with TVC, 10.12/-40149×93
@TheUltimatePlaneLover csv
Please make your canopies more than 3 parts
Release date is currently unknown for the time being, will be in under a month though
https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/7N4wIg/H4U-1A have fun
@L1nus I'm seizing this car, no questions asked i am not gonna upload anything related to it, but I will do some as the punks may say
@FlirBlitz indeed
@Boeing727200F oh yeah ok
@Boeing727200F yes
@Graingy yeah alright
Not a legal document
@Graingy maybe I will once i make a proper teaser
@YarisSedan yeah, i might remake some
I might make the fbw
@YarisSedan the death of a password
You are aware your profile picture is a f-15C right?
Ever heard of the Fermi paradox?
I like thinking about ways to weaponize a particle accelerator, A+
@Apollo018362 no problem
This definitely is a 50's plane though
@APersonLol no, half a piece