1,050 MisterSpitfire Comments

  • [Adjustable AI][Tanker] KC-130J-30 "Super Hercules" 1.5 years ago

    @MAPA ¿What do you think about the way I made this with Funky Trees?


    I made this AI from zero

  • [Spark1645] C-130J-30 "Super Hercules" 1.5 years ago

    @Majakalona I have a slightly older version of the game

  • [Spark1645] C-130J-30 "Super Hercules" 1.5 years ago

    @ATR105 I am trying to help to improve the details of the C-130J-30.

  • B737-800[SW] 1.5 years ago

    @GalacticaAsia if You want, I can make liveries for your aircrafts
    Link for the Southwest livery: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/OHgynT/Boeing-737-800-Southwest

  • Boeing 737-800 Southwest 1.5 years ago

    @GalacticaAsia Thanks for the 737

  • B737-800[SW] 1.5 years ago

    Can I make a Southwest livery for this aircraft?

  • (Working Tail Turret) Rework for FatPilotOne's Antonov An-12 1.1 years ago

    Modifications & new things:

    ·Working Semiautomatic tail turret (FT code by @WIZARD2017)
    ·Modeled landing gear doors
    ·Landing Gear code:
    Controller: smooth(clamp01(LandingGear),0.1)
    Gear Doors: inverselerp(0,0.25,Controller) - inverselerp(0.75,1,Controller)
    The Gear Itself: inverselerp(0.3,0.7,Controller)
    ·The doors inside the plane are actually opened (now)
    ·The RPM dials now show the RPM of each engine by 6000
    ·APU & Auto Startup procedure

  • (Working Tail Turret) Rework for FatPilotOne's Antonov An-12 1.1 years ago

    The only thing that it can't do while controlled by AI is defend Itself. I even put a camera with a gun reticle in the tail turret and it didn't work

  • DC-10-30 KLM 1.1 years ago

    @Graingy This post is outdated and it has downloads

  • [Spark1645] C-130J-30 "Super Hercules" 1.3 years ago

    @PeterMuller Yes

  • DC-10-30 Air Tanker 1.3 years ago

    @JuliarrombaBR In my case the plane can takeoff

  • (Airliner) ATR-72 KLM 1.4 years ago

    Future aircrafts:

    Boeing 777 KLM (Done)

    E190 KLM (Canceled)(I will put another livery)

    DC-10-30 KLM (Done)

  • Boeing 747-400 KLM (no mods) 1.4 years ago

    Future aircrafts:

    Airbus A340 Lufthansa (Done)

    ATR-72 KLM (Done)

    Boeing 777 KLM (Done, Tomorrow)

    Boeing 757 Icelandair (Done)

    E190 KLM (Canceled)(I will put another livery)

  • Boeing 747-400 KLM (no mods) 1.4 years ago

    @Sense2 I don't make the planes, I make the liveries & detailing for the planes.
    @GalacticaAsia is the one who makes the planes.

  • (Airliner) 737-800 Southwest 1.4 years ago

    @BeechcraftA35 I don't know what happened to SP Plus, I think it is now called SP Extra.

  • [WWII] Messerschmitt Me 262 (No mods) 1.4 years ago

    Future Upload:

    Boeing 747 KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

  • [Adjustable AI][Tanker] KC-130J-30 "Super Hercules" 1.5 years ago

    Tanker controls:

    Roll: RollAngle/35 + (((WorkHeading - Heading)/35) * inverselerp(20,60,AltitudeAgl))

    Pitch: (inverselerp((WorkAltitudeFt/3.28084)*1.3,(WorkAltitudeFt/3.28084)*0.7,Altitude) - PitchAngle/35) + ((((WorkHeading - Heading)/17.5) * inverselerp(20,60,AltitudeAgl)) * abs(RollAngle/35))

    Yaw: (((WorkHeading - Heading)/17.5) * inverselerp(20,60,AltitudeAgl)) * (1-abs(RollAngle/35))

    Refuel Probe: Altitude>((WorkAltitudeFt/1.94385)*0.5) & Altitude<((WorkAltitudeFt/1.94385)*1.4)

    Engines: inverselerp((WorkSpeedKts/1.94385)*1.3,(WorkSpeedKts/1.94385)*0.7,TAS)

  • [Ai] C-130J-30 Super Hercules 1.5 years ago

    @llDeadboyll go with @KSB24 beacuse he made the ft code

  • [Ai] C-130J-30 Super Hercules 1.5 years ago

    The engines coding is from the upgrade I made to the [Spark1645] C-130J-30 "Super Hercules" of @ATR105

  • [Ai] C-130J-30 Super Hercules 1.5 years ago

    @Transair56 Don't worry about that

  • [Ai] C-130J-30 Super Hercules 1.5 years ago

    Is a little bit diferent beacuse it can fly faster

  • [Ai] C-130J-30 Super Hercules 1.5 years ago

    @Transair56 And the autocredit what?

  • [Spark1645] C-130J-30 "Super Hercules" 1.5 years ago

    Future Aircrafts:

    • [AI] C-130J
    • [Tanker] KC-130J

  • [Spark1645] Lockheed C-130J-30 "Super Hercules" 1.5 years ago

    Future feature:

    Side refuel probe

    Hollow Body (Not for the next update)

    Future Aircrafts:

    [AI] C-130J
    [Tanker] KC-130J

  • [Spark1645] Lockheed C-130J-30 "Super Hercules" 1.5 years ago

    To have the nose the same color as the fuselage, select in paint job 0 (first color in the interface)
    To make the nose black again, select in paint job 1 (second color in the interface)

    That's why every time I updated the post the nose color changed

  • [Spark1645] C-130J-30 "Super Hercules" 1.5 years ago

    Future features:
    -Auto startup procedure (All engines are ignited one by one)
    -The blades will be set at 90 degrees tilt when they are below 30 RPM (realism because when the blades are in that position they make less drag)
    -Radome detail (with radar), it will open when Group 6 is activated
    -Original Aircraft color (The parts that are color red)
    -A new suspension
    -Coutermeasures (Flares)

  • [Spark1645] Lockheed C-130J-30 Super Hercules 1.5 years ago

    @ATR105 I'm trying to help and I modified the aircraft and added details to it, such as:
    -Landing gear doors
    -Improved engine coding and automatic air brake (to make landings easier)
    -More powerful engines (I added a maximum speed so the aircraft does not exceed 350 knots).
    -And some other things
    -I will keep the name of [Spark1645] in the post title.

  • [Spark1645] C-130J-30 "Super Hercules" 1.5 years ago

    so, today I entered the publication and it no longer appears that it is "Publishing".

  • B737-800[SW] 1.5 years ago

    @GalacticaAsia to make easier the pushback, put instead of the code "Activate7 * clamp01(GS<2)" put the code "inverselerp(2,0,(FRW - FLW)/40)". put a variable for each of the front wheels (FRW and FLW) and change their turning rate to 1 and you have a pushback that can be used on the USS Beast (While wheel are 0 speed but the aircraft ir up to 16 kts).

  • B737-800[SW] 1.5 years ago

    @GalacticaAsia So I made the livery and coding improvements for the 737, but the game will need mods to make it downloadable. Can I put the livery link in this post? I only have 2 followers and I don't post continuously (it takes me time to modify or make aircraft liveries)

  • Boeing 737-800 Southwest 1.5 years ago

    @GalacticaAsia I don't know if you will see this but, thanks for the model