9,642 Mixx Comments

  • Gun guban gun 2.7 years ago

    I dig it

  • Frame for SPVR 2.7 years ago

    @HTTPCREATION1O2 most chilled, I'll get it to work somehow... once I finish updating my mechs using all the 'new' features like cutting and cockpit parts

  • Frame for SPVR 2.7 years ago

    @HTTPCREATION1O2 well once you get the arms working, link me, I don't really need the legs, I'll Hava that on a separate system

  • Frame for SPVR 2.7 years ago

    @HTTPCREATION1O2 could I perhaps play with that?... i mainly want it to make controlling the arms in VR a little easier even thou I don't have a VR set so no way of testing in but hey😅

  • Frame for SPVR 2.7 years ago

    @HTTPCREATION1O2 yesssssssss, jeager battles

  • Frame for SPVR 2.7 years ago

    Say now I wanted to... implement this into... let's say... a massive titan, or mech, how difficult would the rerigging be?

  • Arm tracking test 2.7 years ago

    I need this

  • Mech dog... 2.7 years ago

    @Axartar ummm... my phone starts chugging at like 400 parts... so unless you have a basic ass skeleton with only the moving parts... imma struggle till I get a PC again... but I'll try with this one

  • Mech dog... 2.7 years ago

    First thought[oh I'll upgrade the programming a bit]
    looks at part count
    [Nah ya know what... it's OK....]

  • RIFT DROCKET 2.7 years ago

    @Fadepug sure.... I'll try... might take a lil bit of time, college exams😅


    @MobileGamer21 I know... totally bombed out on this....

  • RIFT DROCKET 2.8 years ago

    @Fadepug yeah the glitchyness is a pain, it goes away with higher physics settings...
    But slow? I mean it moves at a Max of 120kmh/74.5mph, that's more than you need really, like 4th gear is best for drifting smooth, but if you wanna go faster you can always tap the boost that's close to the base of the shifter...

  • RIFT DROCKET 2.8 years ago

    @Fadepug thank you so much for this, I don't have vr so I really wanted to know how this this actually felt in vr, so like, is it easy to use and understand, anything I need to adjust?

  • 1969 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 427 2.9 years ago

    @Soll but it's a good system, gave me this idea of using the fire weapons button as a Throttle so that when you hit high revs you get backfire

  • Nissan R-32 Skyline 2.9 years ago

    @HelloX I'm gonna "finish" this for you, suspension rig, lil drift magic, the works

  • Help this girl walk. 3.0 years ago

    I'll give it a shot

  • hello 3.0 years ago

    Sah dude

  • 1988 Chevy S10 Lowest Rider 3.0 years ago

    I'm gonna make this driiiiift

  • Thunado car /Gamerauto Puntex 3.0 years ago

    This build is severely underrated.

  • RIFT DROCKET 3.0 years ago

    @Johnnyynf thanks, it was hellish trying to figure the body out before the cut tool and all the new toys got added

  • RIFT DROCKET 3.0 years ago

    @destroyerterminator you can use it on mobile, it's just that the unassisted steering is super steep, your need two fingers for the H shifter and the part counted is kinda high... so you phone chugs a lil... OK kinda a lot...

  • RIFT DROCKET 3.0 years ago

    @AETHEN please do explain.... I mean yeah they are kinda... big... but the small (normal size) ones just didn't feel right, made it feel empty... ya know?

  • 1969 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray 427 3.0 years ago

    The way you did the exhaust pops.... bruh....

  • 1970 AM Catamount 3.0 years ago

    Would you mind if I drift this Beautiful thing?
    (Basically mod the engine and controls and repost)

  • Redline | Trans-Am "APG Desing" 3.1 years ago

    Dude..... this is actually so sick looking

  • VR DRIFTER TEST 3.1 years ago

    @Roadtrainbuilder ngl... I forgot that I ripped off the fuel tank when I took the body panels off... soz

  • manual gears concept 3.1 years ago

    Thanks @IceCraftGaming

  • The most relatable SP .gif you've ever seen 3.1 years ago

    Stop it sir... please stop it sir..... I need to breath🤣💀

  • Whizzing Arrow 3.0 3.1 years ago

    @Formula350 OK so I've been messing around with some of the new toys we have.... that triangulation of AltitudeAgl you asked about before..... I'm close to a break through

  • VR DRIFTER TEST 3.1 years ago

    @ShootsPlanes yeah yeah, I mean I built it on mobile
    Trim to go
    Roll to turn
    AG1 if you trust your steering abilities

  • Cormorant II TEST 3.2 years ago

    @JustWingIt link me to an unlisted post and I'll have a look at it, cuz explaining it is.... impossible

  • Cormorant II TEST 3.2 years ago

    @Lancelot1230 ok I've taken a look at this thing, and it almost feels as if the legs are unnecessarily over programmed, imma mess around with it and link you to an unlisted post when I'm done

  • BT-7274 3.2 years ago

    @Tsuchiisan pfffft, he's close.... but sadly only the mortal cr1tikal

  • CAMERA AIM Phalanx CIWS 3.2 years ago

    @SmokeyNagato many thanks

  • CAMERA AIM Phalanx CIWS 3.2 years ago

    How did you add the variable outputs the the camera....?
    Cuz I'm busy building mechs and this'll help so much for a lot of things...

  • SPVR Orca III teaser 3.2 years ago

    @V that is so sick, if you'd like, try out my X Racer base and tell me if its ergonomic and feels natural to drive

  • Dragstar 3.2 years ago

    @ChadRod thanks
    It was just a lil 5 min build so it's not great but yeah it's fast

  • Cormorant II TEST 3.3 years ago

    This is beautiful... superb... and massive...
    Damn I wish I could pick this apart and tweak some things, like the walking control... but it would kill my phone.... any PC suggestions?

  • RIFT DROCKET 3.3 years ago

    @LordKillMePLZ oh lol I've used this since funky trees happened but thank you so much
    PS. You should take a look at my hover or mech builds if you wanna see programming

  • First Person SHooter?????? 3.3 years ago

    You could actually place this inside a larger aircraft and use it like a player and control the plane with the new beta parts....

  • Mechanical Steering Roadster 3.4 years ago

    Your poor phone....

  • Wind Spirit - Silver Dragon 3.4 years ago

    How do you get custom thumbnails with mobile @Wilsonhua because it makes your posts amazing and I'd love to also be able to do this

  • 1.11 Beta is now available 3.4 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison if I may add a request....
    45° fuselage corner types... plz....

  • Mini-z chasis Drifter 3.5 years ago

    @LittleJerry yes....I'm still working on that....

  • Rally race car 3.5 years ago

    @jacephysicsboss sick

  • Mini-z chasis Drifter 3.5 years ago

    @P7VDS ok well the most important part is the counter steering, it's what makes it handle so well. (AngleOfSlip/[steering angle]), with that, if you look at the input of of the steering you'll also see the min and max are ever so slightly different, this is so that when you drift the wheels make a slight arch which makes you turn while drifting instead of just going sideways, this helps keep you in the drift and prevents the car from flicking back and losing control and tho that might seem unrealistic, its actually not, because when a car drifts and you let go of the steering wheel, the wheels will flick into the turn. (it's just how cars work)
    Next you want a fixed throttle input like VTOL or Trim because you have better control over getting that perfect power level, with that you want to reduce the maxAngularVelocity of the back wheels to cap your top speed to a certain level (you'll have to play with this and find your desired speed)
    In conjunction with that you also want to reduce the brake torque of the back wheels to 0 and the front wheels to almost nothing, so that when you're drifting and you want just a little more swing, you just need to tap the brakes a little (a lot like reel drifting)
    Next you want your center of mass around the center of your vehicle to have an even spread of weight on your wheels, and as for grip, you'll see that the front wheels are set to 90 or below and the back are set to 50 for the side and about 120 forward, this is so that when you slap into a turn, your car doesn't just yank into it and spin out (you want a little slip when you turn)
    Lastly as for the engine, with the capped maxAngularVelocity you won't be able to use the full speed of the engine, but you will have all the power, but you don't want to set it too high because it makes taking off a little... squirrelly... (again you'll have to play with this)
    that's about everything I can think of now but once I do an actual post I'll put more detail into everything and I'll remember to tag you

  • Mini-z chasis Drifter 3.5 years ago

    @P7VDS I could do a whole post on just drifters

  • project mech ss 3.5 years ago

    Not bad for a first post, I look forward to seeing more

  • Rally Race #1 3.5 years ago

    @jacephysicsboss and thrusters?

  • Rally Race #1 3.5 years ago

    @jacephysicsboss is XML editing of parts allowed
    And define turbos
    Also explain 2.5L... like how does one define that in this game
    And how do we submit our track times