Now, remember, the plane likes to roll and Jaw. At anytime it may become a rabid shark. Thank you, Lockheed -Lockheed in a letter to fighter pilots (sorry if that was offensive, it was a joke on the misspelled Yaw as Jaw)
Amazing. Its fast but not extremley fast. Its also maneuverable. The only thing bad isnt even about it. Its the fricking camera. It basically says "hey, a fast plane! Lets disorientate the player by going into chase view!"
Amazing. The engine bay is cool, as its fun to see the inside. It also affectivley works as a brake if used properly, apparently. anyway, 5/5 for a great replica, and fast and fun-to-drive boat.
@ahappyape Hey, congrats on a score of 1,000!
@Authros The best thing just happened
Worked fine for me and apparently Authtos @TheDocHoliday
I really don't feel like typing on my phone. Will remove and redo on computer
@Nassassin My phone is on fire! "I think we have bigger problems" *SNAP* My phone is drowning!
5/4 for: Not murdering my phone. Looking freeding amazing, and performing great.
Is this behemoth mobile friendly?
This looks so cool....... DAMN YOU, BETA
True and hilarious, @AndrewGarrison
@Teus We could tag them and ask them, tho they usally don't respond.
@Teus the devs do that a lot by not releasing the BETA to everyone.
@Bravon this is me, but i screwed up and din't sign in
@Teus Did the BETA screw you over too?
How badly would my iPhone die if I got this?
Now, remember, the plane likes to roll and Jaw. At anytime it may become a rabid shark. Thank you, Lockheed -Lockheed in a letter to fighter pilots (sorry if that was offensive, it was a joke on the misspelled Yaw as Jaw)
Wait... Your know a biplane has two sets of wings, right?
It's good, but the wings come off easily and it made my game crash.
@Bravon I'll download when I get my phone. your not bad at making planes, actually.
@Authros Ok, thanks!
Motherflying BETA save
@Authros For the 1 billionthith time, limitiations suck.
Another BETA? We're balloon blocks added?
It's enormous and I can't download. @Hyperion6
Would this work on iPhone 5S?
@ahappyape I got it! your spell check is Hal-9000!
@ahappyape Also, your phone e? Is it the Model E Phone? Like the Model T Ford?
@ahappyape I'll try it.
Would these graphics work? All low except medium physics. Because thatswhat I use.
@ahappyape I'll try when my lazy self fumbles away from this desk to get my phone. Also your resident spell checker? How does "resident" fit there?
1500 0mph? Did you mean 1500 mph or 15000 mph? @ahappyape
Also, I got first rate!
Looks cool. It looks fun to fly when I try (#rhymes) but my frame rate hates it.
@Authros Now i have a computer. Its fast and agile, it also looks cool and is great for stunts, apparently. Might try this for SAM.
I'm too lazy to write everything I liked about this.
I would read the description, but i'm not wearing glasses and can't...
Amazing. Its fast but not extremley fast. Its also maneuverable. The only thing bad isnt even about it. Its the fricking camera. It basically says "hey, a fast plane! Lets disorientate the player by going into chase view!"
Amazing. The engine bay is cool, as its fun to see the inside. It also affectivley works as a brake if used properly, apparently. anyway, 5/5 for a great replica, and fast and fun-to-drive boat.
A B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber. I'll be sure to download this when I'm active enough to go get my phone.
@Rohan No. I only have sucsessesfully built 3 none-bomber planes from scratch. Long story short I cant build planes.
I ask this to everyone, so I'm getting tired of typing, but is this mobile friendly?
I have a giant bomb, does that count?
Is this behemoth mobile friendly?
Some more random info: It was used by the British RAF (Royal Air Force) during, as said WWII, as its most known role.
@Bravon If it cant turn at all I can take a look at it.
Does anyone know what time this is due in EST
Downloading now! @Authros
Is this mobile friendly?
Sorry if I'm late, but congrats on 6000!
Dat hand tho. This is amazing. I wish I had had this as the child. "Hey friends, look at my rocket powered paper plane!"