@Squirrel How could you be so rude to VTOL engine,removing the VTOL components will make it like ∞times worse,just think about it for some time , I hope your nut storage burn and turn into ashes, and you're not getting any exotic nuts from me,this could have been you,but you choose not. You will regret this Mr. squirrel, the next winter will be your last.
"Will be out within the next few days" Will be out for WHO? huh, you little...........Corn smelling ice cream that is melting under the sun of the summer.
The high council has decided your fate "Guilty The Ducc which didn't make OUR jet top performing plane, Death is his fate" said the Council .
The ducc escaped them only to realise his mistakes and the poor Ducc reuploaded the jet with the best handling he can ever achieve. and the USSR fed him a lot of seeds when he did so until he Exploded,The USSR never forgot his betrayal,This was a very cruel lesson to all of the Duccs to never post a USSR jet with bad performance. >:(
@Thelegitpilot13 READ the third comment, please .
@Armyguy1534 NOICE!
Make your own concept of a VTOL train! or a Train transformer.
14877 drag points / 8.4lbs/ft2 ..................... .........hmmmmmm... .
Yes, but it still have ∞respawns left, so don't worry.
@Sm10684 Ummmmmmm, does landing a VTOL consider worrying about Upvotes? anyway go land one.
@Sm10684 Ummmmm, SimplePLANES ?
@Squirrel How could you be so rude to VTOL engine,removing the VTOL components will make it like ∞times worse,just think about it for some time , I hope your nut storage burn and turn into ashes, and you're not getting any exotic nuts from me,this could have been you,but you choose not. You will regret this Mr. squirrel, the next winter will be your last.
Your definition of "having fun" is bad, Have you ever tried landing a VTOL? try to land one at the top of the control tower in snowtown.
Make the next post about VTOL engines and I'll give you some exotic nuts,I'm not going to make this offer again if you refused.
I love the fact that you can take off from the uss tiny.
@Falken I use steam too, just edit the description once you uploaded it here.
@AZAMGAMING just forget about it, it's a cool drawing after all , try to draw smooth lines next time.
"Will be out within the next few days" Will be out for WHO? huh, you little...........Corn smelling ice cream that is melting under the sun of the summer.
you typed the Arabian letters wrong, it's "الإمارات"Not "الامارات" that little thing that looks like a dot gave the word a whole new meaning.
I'm not sure how is this going to kill me But............ "Epigenetics in stem-cell differentiation"
The high council has decided your fate "Guilty The Ducc which didn't make OUR jet top performing plane, Death is his fate" said the Council .
The ducc escaped them only to realise his mistakes and the poor Ducc reuploaded the jet with the best handling he can ever achieve. and the USSR fed him a lot of seeds when he did so until he Exploded,The USSR never forgot his betrayal,This was a very cruel lesson to all of the Duccs to never post a USSR jet with bad performance. >:(
The best racer I've seen doing the yeti scramble, good luck in the tournament!
@AstleyIndustries Nice, it loads!
it's just a machine, just remake it.................... .
Doesn't work on Pc :(
Make a scrap Super racing car, something like this maybe?
Good luck mate!
Totally the cleanest win. :)
الجناح صغير جداًو الحمولة عليه كبيرةو من الأفضل تقليل الحمولة وتكبير الجناح للحصول على طيران أفضل
@MOPCKOEDNISHE Well done!this is one of the best mods here.
Why are you still using the X in front of your creations, haven't we discussed it?Haven't I said that you need to pay me 1.45$ to use it?
@Strucker So, you did you post this unnecessary post then?
-based on a real plane: 10 points, if not 5 points - ,Dude making a GOOD fictional build is way harder than making a good replica...that's just rude.
Anything that can takeoff and land vertically.
@Loopy200 Non,je ne sais l'anglais! عن ماذا تتحدث؟ /Я не знаю.
@SimpleEric :)
"Be patient".....Thanks now I'm ill.
WHy does it go to warp speed when you go higher than 300mph?
Welcome to the shiny gang!
I'm a simple man I see VTOL I upvote.
@thefalkenreich didn't strike fighter post multiple photos in one big post?,you know what, Forget about it.
@AWESOMENESS360 BUT I SAID "Cool,tag me" >:(
And where did your screenshots challenge go?
"Runways? Who Needs Runways?" -the VTOL gang,
also please put a VTOL/STOL tag on it.
@ACEPILOT109 I had Upvoted it before you tagged me , Get reckt.
1/10 because you forgot to tag me >:(
@YourWife You nailed the description.
Wow, dude, now tell me how long have you been playing the game?
Aeroman had a plane that was featured almost immediately.