@NBTamata then I should have your help bc I'm not that good a detail but I'm still good apples I'm will try to make a crank when you turn it cranks and Up it cranks then have a camera so player can get pretty real experience
@NBTamata my plan is to op this but this is going to be in order first this then dat and try to make a little better, but how do you do the egg ships also make more artillery and naval guns
@BMilan I now I'm not trying to copy you I'm only 11, ok what I'm trying to edit your build but first I need to show them the original then I post my version ok I'm sorry you think that
@Seeras sory i was trying to make a op gun sry can i repost if i change it and give good name plz give me another chance
I'm getting
Nooooo I have best idea we put small naval gun on a battleship main gun😕
@NBTamata can you add some people in the gun in a chair I can't you can add plz
@NBTamata then I should have your help bc I'm not that good a detail but I'm still good apples I'm will try to make a crank when you turn it cranks and Up it cranks then have a camera so player can get pretty real experience
@NBTamata that's my plan I'm going to get some dummes saved from a car an try to make a good seat
@NBTamata my plan is to op this but this is going to be in order first this then dat and try to make a little better, but how do you do the egg ships also make more artillery and naval guns
@NBTamata sry I'm a m being rude I am sorry I can change it would you like me to oh I do like your giant big callaber
@NBTamata what it's not a shame , do you wan t me to change so I can prove you wrong
@NBTamata try and see
@NBTamata no your wrong have u used it
@SmallyRocket what
Hey should I sub to your channal
Can u like make a mobile friendly zepplen
Hey my Amazon sp says it's out of date
great i upvote cooooool do more cooll buildsssssssssssssss plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
@MobileFriendly if you do plz do gato class thanks and I follow
Can you do a ww2 sub submarine if you wonder why your build are awesome builds and the deatale on your builds so plz
@HawaiiRanger thanks
ok i got your sub
Love it
It's me😉😉
Gotta go
Good but I upvote
@BMilan yes
@BMilan of course I asked and what's wrong with simple planes
@BMilan ok I get your reason but yessssssssss uss Oklahoma
That's my state on could you make a mobile friendly version
@OPaiTaOn a gold trophie and your build will get a lot a upovotes
To it it's good and a good size also you get a new follower
@Hg1yt cool
@BMilan then can you build the uss Oklahoma
@BMilan I now I'm not trying to copy you I'm only 11, ok what I'm trying to edit your build but first I need to show them the original then I post my version ok I'm sorry you think that
I got some big and small plane wings
@BMilan by the way could you do a gato class sub from WW2
@BMilan I posted it so people now what it looked liked before I edit it
@BMilan love your builds
@BMilan made a secret
I made a secret
Make a mobile friend ly one plz
I'm a supporter to
Plz do gato class sub i upvote