Isn’t there also a mother way to upvote if you have less than 30 points? I thought if you had a follower or something you could also upvote. @asteroidbook345
The t-6a NTA the at-6b and the t-6c were the ones that had weapons and the T-6a NTA was used by the haf and this is in the usaf trainer livery and the at-6b and t-6c were painted in camo.
Welcome back
It generally indicates that the person wishes to be tagged when the post is released. @WaffleCakes
It looks like a brush apparatus so it would be “brush station number”. Also t @Strikefighter04
What station number will be on it?
I have, it only shows 1.9.0@XxMegamonsterxX
Yes. @XxMegamonsterxX
I’m not sure about that as I have tested it before and it has yet to show up for me. @XxMegamonsterxX
"F-16 inferior to F-15" to be tagged.
The f-22 is superior though
Ok, I just know random uses airbrakes as propulsion on almost every build so I was simply asking. @Chancey21 @randomusername
+1Was this your doing? @randomusername
This is awesome.
+2UH-60 with the 160th emblem on it
Looks a bit like a 104 with two engines
Tad bit laggy at low altitudes but works great at high altitudes but the lag could be from thermal throttling
I can’t remember either as it has been almost a year since I was at bronze even. @asteroidbook345
Isn’t there also a mother way to upvote if you have less than 30 points? I thought if you had a follower or something you could also upvote. @asteroidbook345
If you do another fire truck is there a chance you do the NSW RFS livery?@Strikefighter04
I think we all were a lot more childish back then @thefalkenreich
While not that era counter strike might fit the bill.
I have made an 8 part glider before@Armyguy1534
I’ve seen the blues the red and the thunderbirds a few times and the breitlings once @Griffinthedragon
Reds all the way. They are the more elegant of them. I'm not even British, I’m in America but I have European lineage.
You need to go it is amazing. @Burtcrusher
Can I use XML to add weight? @Armyguy1534
+1The in game one has the lead indicator and that is generally what you would want to use for those @CruzerBlade
Please tell me the AI that will be used is as stupid as the AI on mobile
I see it as a loss as I want to see the ads so that I can support the devs @WarHawk95
+1They don’t seem to be working. I did log out but they didn’t show.
I will periodically log out just to support the devs.
You will face the wrath of the duck army @PointlessWhyshouldi
The t-6a NTA the at-6b and the t-6c were the ones that had weapons and the T-6a NTA was used by the haf and this is in the usaf trainer livery and the at-6b and t-6c were painted in camo.
I just noticed the Purple Heart in the display case @Strikefighter04
+1Ok @EternalDarkness
What happened to tully? @EternalDarkness
And I already am fairly good with it too @Thelegitpilot13
Np it is fun to fly around @ACEPILOT109
I managed to get it to fly by hitting an island
Here it is @ACEPILOT109
Someone made one using the helicopter rotors for the ground effect
Any feedback is appreciated.
We cant download without the mod installed meaning mobile cant download it @Strikefighter04
Upload everything saved unlisted then buy it on yours and download it all and it should work @HarrisCraft
It was done at one point @Leehopard
+1Make an armored train with the new cannon parts @RailfanEthan
I thought that first pic was an actual car taken from a window before I read that they were models
Or when you have hundreds saved and know what one you want to use @TropicalCrow
+2Ok ;) @Thorne
+1Can we use 1.9 parts?
+1My build is only possible because of the 1.9 update as I am building it on my iPhone @Minecraftpoweer