7,982 MooncageTheMoonbear Comments

  • GTA:SA-Nevada 10 months ago

    @GabeT 4 years ago. Had no recollection of how I made this mistake. The full fact is that Nevada is shadowed from its prototype Douglas DC-3, a twin-proped civillian passenger plane, which is also the plane C47 was redesigned from. Thank you for your warm correction, I'm going to not edit the description and let your reminder note explain the whole thing to those who detected this as well.

  • Dodge Challenger SRT 2015 one year ago

    @realSavageMan I just know the idea but really tired of devoting in for months and find no one even saw it after I finally published it with hope in mind. Might give it a try when I feel better, but the waiting already took years.
    Anyway here's the gist of it:
    A, the roar, the clutch. Use 2 seperate car engines, one to simulate the roar sound and the working status of the engine, and another controls the torque output of your drive axle (or tire directly) by programmed to response to the previous part. That funky program is your auto-clutch device. This could make it more realistic already, just mind that rpm and tire speed isn't the same thing.
    B, the gear shafting. It gears up while the rpm going higher you know, you can simply make a carry-counter in funky expression and make both the engine and indicator work just like in a real driving system. The higher the gear the lower the torque, but the higher the efficiency. The point is the rpm does not go all the way up from 1000, but jump back, jump back, jump back...and goes higher at the final gear. Gear L clamps the gearbox at gear 1 so it goes slow but powerful, and Gear S allows the rpm goes higher than it at D before the box gears up.
    C. I truly isn't in a fine stat so it's quite hard for me to make it systematized. Can talk on penguin or somethin' if you would be intrested in such junk advices xwx. But the tire-smoking and jump start could be easily done if you can make the motorized wheel spin at a position that is slightly lifted from the ground.
    After all, doing is much harder than sayin right...I got to give it a try myself some time, I guess.

  • Dodge Challenger SRT 2015 one year ago

    Com'on you have 5 given positions on the trim slider make it PRNDL/PRNDS and people do really need the tiresmoking or jump-start kinda shit(?)

    Is this parking brake electronic cuz the handbrake handle is a no-show :(

    Other than that great really great I would even try to build one of my own cars

  • Kerfus one year ago

    If you are a frequent customer of Café De Coral you'll smell your dinner here

  • Blasto BFE350 2.4 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming Those numbers are actually for 12 BFE engines and 2 extremely-heavy testing platforms, otherwise the whole thing could fly away during the maximum thrust test...

  • Jericho Missile STUCK® INDUSTRIES 2.6 years ago

    @Kearnel That' because the remaining 2 missiles are only models. Although they are in the weapon list, I didn't have my vim to edit the Stand-Alone Guiding function.

    But I might add it later, in the new version of this post or other posts after.

  • PBD-88 World Airlines 2.6 years ago

    @Rcbye4260199 A backup link is added at the head of the introduction, I hope it works. Sorry for that error.

  • Hey... 2.6 years ago

    @Gameboi17 Actually there's nothing you really have to catch up on. The world is changing all along, but what truly valued is taking a walk in your own garden, only with the mate you want, rather than getting yourself exhausted chasing the footsteps of others. After all, comparing getting into a storm, that's where the fun at.
    And yes I AM looking forward to be your Simple Mate!

  • Hey... 2.6 years ago

    @Gameboi17 18y and 4 months already. I won't die. I'm just VERY ANGRY blahblahblah. Best wishes for you, go ahead and fight!

  • Hey... 2.6 years ago

    Hey, you're back, you really are!

    I missed you when you came back, because at that time I got disappeared just like you did. And now I really miss you.

    Coincidently, you and I seemed to be very similar, the only differences are that you have a more unlucky family, and I had absolutely less things that I can do. In the last year and months I was in extreme depression, at the hardest time, before I went to the hospital and took heavy medicines, I almost forgot how to spell or speak normally.

    I am recovering now, but as same as before, I got no other friends, no one to play or talk with, and I dont even dare to have contact with people, online or offline, because I can only see how fantastic people did, yet nothing I've done.

    I mean, welcome back.
    I'm few months past 18 right now, I can see you climbing up from here!

  • Victini(s)!! 2.6 years ago

    Good to see you back
    Like, really good.

  • Ilyushin IL-76 MD 2.9 years ago

    @FatPilotOne Appreciate your praise >w<

  • Ilyushin IL-76 MD 2.9 years ago

    @FatPilotOne And here's a different KJ-2000, if you don't mind...

  • FURRY 3.3 years ago

    @CenturyAerospace transfur them if they're not√

  • FURRY 3.3 years ago

    Alright from now on we're comrades (pawshake)

  • Simple, or Complex? 3.3 years ago

    @X99STRIKER my bad…im just out of control in the emotional blast…

    Thx anyway, i will try to get understand things, it takes time, it takes time…

  • Simple, or Complex? 3.3 years ago

    @X99STRIKER This world is strange... sometimes simple things, like memes, always get more attention and praises, you can see a simple cube with texts gained more than a hundred ups, and complex creations got even no upvotes or any discussion. Sometimes inverted. Whenever it is, I'm always one of the "less guys".
    It's like a mute competition and I don't know why I am always losing.
    I'm bored and tired of this, had to make some decisions, or I'll never feel well.
    Chances are, I may come back here and upload something amazing, but now I can really not take it anymore...idk if anything could push me back to normal, im done......

  • Ankha Zone~ 3.3 years ago

    I'm not a furry...

  • Gleipnir 3.6 years ago

    It reminds me the Z1...

  • Mobile Multiplayer 4.0 years ago

    Only works on April first.
    What a pity, that's yesterday to me......

  • Player Power 4.0 years ago

    Let's generate electricity with love, fellas

  • N83WS Bumble Bee 4.0 years ago

    @Dmitryukov I'm terribly sorry for that, but just as it's said, Robert is the only one who knows how to control this plane......

  • N83WS Bumble Bee 4.0 years ago

    @Destroyerz117 Thanks for your helpful advice, but I'm using an old version of SP, so...XD

  • multiple use vehicle challenge (closed) 4.1 years ago

    Try this: https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/1vLS03/GTAV-Cuban-400
    About 430 parts, might be a little much.

  • AIRBUS A319 SICHUAN AIRLINES 4.1 years ago

    7 7 0 0

  • Need help fixing 4.1 years ago

    Can you make a glass-free version……(SP ver1.8)

  • boeing 747 help me stabilize it more 4.1 years ago

    My suggestion: rebuild it.
    It's too heavy in this game. (I mean, come on, at most 50,000lbs?)
    What's more, structral panels DO NOT produce lifting power, so use more WINGS(those with "airfoil" property) instead.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 4.3 years ago

    @PjotrCZE I did. The same problem on Windows7 and I just dont know how to handle it.

  • About Taliedo Caproni 4.5 years ago

    @Mustang51 Emm, I didn't think about that in fact, this is a 3rd build of the original. I just wanted to show the pictures, and re-upgrade the plane by the way……

    Thanks anyway.

  • Genproni-Stipa "New Flying Barrel" 4.5 years ago

    @tsampoy Fantastic sentence buddy!

  • Come on Huawei 4.5 years ago


  • Girov Airship 4.6 years ago

    @WarshipDude Oh thanks,how kind.

  • Girov Airship 4.6 years ago

    @WarshipDude I'll just simply (and not unfriendly) list my views here: A,I don't think it worth to compare the sizes and the number of propellers of airships. B,as I know,an airship shouldn't depend on jet engines to float. I think,if I may,airships could float and fly because they're light and full of gas lighter than air,not because they have some vertical jet engines and full of fuel. C,weight balancing is a quintessence of aircraft designing&building,using gyroscope to skip this step will make your aircraft less-real……that's what I think,airships are not just toys.

  • Bomb in Plane No.1A 4.6 years ago

    Wait wait wait, LiangFen? Seriously?Would you mind if I add DouHua[/xyx]

  • Girov Airship 4.6 years ago

    @NavalBlaze "Are those Girov Airships going to land? They're so tiny!" "Nah, The big one is Girov."

  • Look at the front wheels 4.6 years ago

    @Gameboi15 Certainly I didn't, I'm just ran out of juice……

  • Look at the front wheels 4.6 years ago

    @Charris969 This's what happened: few months ago Gameboi15 tried to make a copy of the hotwheels toy, but he had a hiccup on making custom wheels. Those "circular" fuselage blocks were with cubic hitboxes(collision boxes?), so he can't make a wheel with them. I found his asking for help, then we have done plenty of wheel tests on some unlisted pages in the after few weeks, and now the final answer to it("how do I make a custom wheel?") is here. I'm just excited and can't wait to let him know after all these, so I quickly made a funny body for the wheels and published it immediately. I still believe that he'll be happy to see this.

  • Look at the front wheels 4.6 years ago

    @Charris969 Just for testing the wheel. You can call it "dung", doesn't matter.

  • Look at the front wheels 4.6 years ago

    @XAircraftManufacturer Oh f**k, I didn't know that (`⌒´) Thanks anyway.

  • Year Hare Affair-Bunny 4.7 years ago

    @mailgirl U need a ladder

  • Year Hare Affair-Bunny 4.7 years ago

    @mailgirl Have you seen dark♂VIP in YouTube? /xyx

  • Cute Rabbit 4.7 years ago

    @SmartBear Here: view profile-manage account-gravatar.com 在那上面注册并设置头像,然后你的SP社区头像会在一段时间内同步。

  • X-Liner 8 need help 4.7 years ago


  • Simple Chassis 4.7 years ago

    @TheEpicMOONHAWK And I'm glad to know you like this~

  • SimpleMemes That Have To Do With My Absence 4.8 years ago

    I'm confused, seems that ins was blocked in my here : (

  • HB-1 Peregrine Falcon 4.9 years ago

    @Oofsomeplanes For Android, you can use the mod Designer Suite by WNP78, then take screenshots in blueprint mode……

  • HB-1 Peregrine Falcon 4.9 years ago

    @Gbhole Good eye, a part of inspire is from Lightning.

  • Fuselage Wheel 4.9 years ago

    @Starlight And, DO NOT believe those "circular" fuselage blocks, their collision boxes are cubic! For more information, you could take a look at here and this.
    Additionally, the problem when you using normal wheels may caused by the distance between wheels and the floor. They're too close, a "disable aircraft collision" was happened.

  • Fuselage Wheel 4.9 years ago

    @Gameboi14 thought about this. If you need hollow wheels, you have to do like this, but the number of part increases as well. That's why I didn't choose this way first: Mobile Friendly, I mustn't lost it……

  • Simple Chassis 4.9 years ago

    @RcAddict I tried before publishing this. "Damper" is to control the friction between the two ends of a shock, any friction of this kind could cause the shock to fail to respond the uneven terrain quickly.
    Thanks, still.
