@HuYuFei "WARHEAD" is attached to MGB Hellspear as the main warhead, so in 1 Hellspear Bomb there are 2 weapons, namely missiles that are used as guidance that can lock targets, while the bomb functions as the main warhead with a blast radius that is larger than the missile.
@L3FT2R1GHT Actually I had 2 more designs, but I canceled both because I wasn't satisfied with the design. If you want I can give it to you.
@Lerkov1991 idk, my friend using mods
@Kerbango https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2Fthumb%2Ff%2Ffa%2FFIAWECLogo2019.svg%2F1200px-FIAWECLogo2019.svg.png&tbnid=w-361r01TqXLqM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fid.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FKejuaraanKetahananDuniaFIA&docid=R1DFtXXmPBIzM&w=1200&h=514&hl=in-ID&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm6%2F4
Can you make WEC Hypercar label?
@TheStupidTrabantGuy1001 I modified your sport car
@L3FT2R1GHT why?
@MobileBuilder21 thank you
@KSB24 thank you
@Bozorgi thank you
Thanks to @PUMPKINSIDD for the screenshot
@sovieticaz no problem, take it easy
@SanyaPAM12 you mean CT-CV?
@ShocK69 maybe, i'm busy now
@SanyaPAM12 I just asked my friend who uses a laptop/PC for screenshots
@WorldsGreatestOperator of course
@Gadyyyy why other people complain about failed smoke grenades. I've never had a problem with smoke grenades.
@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore 🤣🤣
@M4riusTh34ViationFan idk, my friend take this screenshot
@LoneSpaceGaming i have air to air missile pack
@TrapjawGRAH for what?
@Infinitystorm great, thanks
@AdmiralGelvain iya
Many lag
Can you make Cessna Citation X pls
@NEOCORP iyakah?
@UmbrellaCorporation what help you need?
@UmbrellaCorporation what?
@alexJgameYTukraine000000 how?
Meriam ganti
@indonesiaUmur16Th males
@ETOPZ hahaha 🤣🤣
@Infinitystorm thank you
@indonesiaUmur16Th gak, udah cukup
@Infinitystorm thanks
@HuYuFei "WARHEAD" is attached to MGB Hellspear as the main warhead, so in 1 Hellspear Bomb there are 2 weapons, namely missiles that are used as guidance that can lock targets, while the bomb functions as the main warhead with a blast radius that is larger than the missile.
Ubah regulasi dong, drone gw kalo nukik bisa sampe 450 km/h. Dan jumlah part gw lebih dari 500 karena pake truk
@WinsWings thank you 😀
This is not a 5th generation aircraft
@QOUEIUUR untuk sekarang gaada, tapi ada rencana buat kedepannya, gatau kapan, males soalnya
Kokpit yang depan punya gw tuh
@EasternPatrick thanks
@Lake what do you mean?
@TalonPotato thanks
@UmbrellaCorporation uhh okey
@UmbrellaCorporation i need all planes, Rafale, Tornado, and Mirage
@Ansei make the detacher face up and ignitionDelay