6,698 Natedoge Comments

  • WORKING! Nuclear Bomb!!!! 4.9 years ago

    What do you mean? @AhzBestos

  • (project backup) 4.9 years ago

    You can just post this on unlisted.

  • WORKING! Nuclear Bomb!!!! 4.9 years ago

    Oof, I can’t even imagine trying to figure out how to do that. Hmmmm... @SupremeDorian

  • Confusuioun 4.9 years ago

    Lol. I guess public school ain’t so good after all @Love0police

  • Screens (Read Description) 4.9 years ago

    Oh it’s fine. I guess it’s not your fault because your kinda new here, but he pirates the game, and spammed. He was a cool guy, but just made mistakes. @Carroca

  • Realistic Nuclear Bombs are actually finally possible! 4.9 years ago

    Yeah true @MethaManAircraft

  • Realistic Nuclear Bombs are actually finally possible! 4.9 years ago

    Oh, you can check it out for yourself, I put a link in the description to my post, so if you want you can see how I did it. Sorry, but I don’t have the time now to add pictures, maybe later though. @ACEPILOT109

  • WORKING! Nuclear Bomb!!!! 4.9 years ago

    You can make it bigger by going xml modding the explosion scalar or damage scalar higher in the cannon tab in the inside. @RYAviation

  • WORKING! Nuclear Bomb!!!! 4.9 years ago

    Thx dude @EDOUARD19

  • SP needs more trees 4.9 years ago

    I would also like maybe rocks, or the small islands for mobile. Or All the islands for mobile. I would want more, but that’s impossible. I feel left out on mobile.

  • WORKING! Nuclear Bomb!!!! 4.9 years ago

    Yes, you can now bomb nukes with other nukes.
    Wait, wha- @Nuclearbomber36

  • WORKING! Nuclear Bomb!!!! 4.9 years ago

    Exactly bro! I used to make replica nukes, and I really wanted them back then. Now we actually have them. @Thecatbaron

  • Screens (Read Description) 4.9 years ago

    Lol Jim got banned @Carroca

  • WORKING! Nuclear Bomb!!!! 4.9 years ago

    Well, you can increase it, but it lags a lot. I guess this is just a small version. @asteroidbook345

  • WORKING! Nuclear Bomb!!!! 4.9 years ago

    Yeah sure go ahead, just credit me. And maybe mention me on the post to so I can check out your bomber too! @Carroca

  • Sound part? 4.9 years ago

    I requested this a while back. It’s a really good idea, like an alarm part, or siren that you can change the pitch and change the octave for more variety.

  • Life of an unpopular Builder 4.9 years ago

    Can’t relate. Stop flexing lol@BogdanX

  • WORKING! Nuclear Bomb!!!! 4.9 years ago

    Oh, I forgot to mention this, I stripped it up and the weird thing in the second picture is the concept. So, if there was any confusion or something, that’s the explanation. And for the cannon not to glitch out, if it is actually inside any fuselage parts, you have to disable aircraft collisions for the fuselage it is in.

  • Why I not too active 4.9 years ago

    School will probably not continue for me until next semester after summer.

  • F-16 Falcon Carrier Varient 4.9 years ago

    Did you credit the original?@Delusion

  • Bodies 4.9 years ago

    Let the bodies hit the- wait, what?

  • Hello 4.9 years ago

    Hey dude. I see you are bronze. No one ever said you have to be the highest rank to be the best though.

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.9 years ago

    Yeah np @sheepsblood

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.9 years ago

    Bro don’t smoke! Keep trying not to! My uncle who smoked had shriveled up lungs and spent hundreds of dollars on cigarette packets. I hope you win this fight against smoking! Even without COVID-19 skiing is still such a bad thing! @sheepsblood

  • Screens (Read Description) 4.9 years ago

    Yeah, even with its 2000+ parts it ran perfectly for my 6s @Sm10684

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.9 years ago

    Thank you both for saying thank you so much 👍 @ChallengerHellcat @sheepsblood

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.9 years ago

    Also, your first comment that I assumed you deleted, it was very stereotypical. You said something about making this political, this wasn’t in the least political. Some of you guys made it that way. @sheepsblood

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.9 years ago

    The whole point of this was to shine light on the fact that the fear and panic will be what destroys the economy and society, not the virus. People are freaking out too much. Now I don’t know if you realized this or not, but coming out here and making dramas when there wasn’t any real drama before will just be like what happened with RU a couple of weeks/days ago.
    Chill man @sheepsblood

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.9 years ago

    Bro why are you here talking all this crap? I am a Christian, and that thing I said about the “gods playing plague inc.” was a joke that was just supposed to end the forum. Obviously I didn’t mean the gods were playing plague inc., well because plague inc is a game and if you believed in gods then you would know I wasn’t being serious. Even Tully was this as it was, a joke. Obviously since you take things so seriously we can’t have any jokes around here, so I guess this website will structly be for building airplanes and nothing else, no memes, no jokes, no funny comments, and most of all, no more funny posts like the worm.
    You need to get logic and realize that I wasn’t “poking fun” at any religion. @sheepsblood

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.9 years ago

    Idk but I think it’s somewhere near canyons @Warbirdnation

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.9 years ago

    Oh. Mine might be canceled for three months. @Nerfenthusiast

  • Another Post About The Thing We All Know About. 4.9 years ago

    Well I mean it’s not really politics at all. If people were complaining about how the gov. Dealt with it, then it would be politics, but the virus itself is t politics.

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.9 years ago

    How long? @Nerfenthusiast

  • Quiz Time! 4.9 years ago

    I got three. Tbh I expected less...

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.9 years ago

    That’s kinda stereotypical, i honestly haven’t heard of any Americans doing that specifically, I mean, in case society does collapse, I would do that, but I don’t need to since my dad already has stuff for self protection at our house. I mean, I understand why they would, in case everyone actually goes crazy, like in the movies, but reality. That is kinda stereotypical for you to say though. @vcharng

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.9 years ago

    All the toilet paper for all your cleanliness needs...

  • Society is on the brink of something bad. 4.9 years ago

    California. I do realize we have actually quite a lot of cases. @MrSilverWolf

  • MY SCHOOL IS CLOSED! 4.9 years ago

    Something that I have barely any of... @Sm10684

  • MY SCHOOL IS CLOSED! 4.9 years ago

    No! I don’t want to miss my friends, and the Corona isn’t even that bad. @Sm10684

  • MY SCHOOL IS CLOSED! 4.9 years ago

    My school is closing soon too, except I live in Cali, where there are a bunch of csaes

  • Leaving SimplePlanes until the dust settles. 4.9 years ago

    Stay safe man.

  • I’m two now 4.9 years ago

    I meant before the initial blast hit. It takes like 8 minutes or so for the suns light to reach earth, and if the sun exploded, the nuclear radiation would be multiplex a lot, so I was kinda joking saying before the explosion destroyed our devices, the radiation would disable them @firstTrislandianAlliance

  • I’m two now 4.9 years ago

    Yeah, expect the radiation from the blast would EMP all of our devices first... @Aarons123

  • If I Make It To Platinum I Will Make A Rap Video About SimplePlanes 4.9 years ago

    Says the one who’s “finna blow up.” Like I have no problem with people who listen to rap, but you sound the stereotypical type of person to just say they like the beat of the song, not knowing anything except some simple hi hats, and a couple of snares. @TransDadGaming

  • If I Make It To Platinum I Will Make A Rap Video About SimplePlanes 4.9 years ago

    I’m gonna fly my plane to the old town strip, I’m gonna, flyyyy, till I land it all.

  • Fortunate Son, But in the Middle East (PICTURES) 5.0 years ago

    But she is a good builder. @Aeromen

  • Fortunate Son, But in the Middle East (PICTURES) 5.0 years ago

    Nah, it’s just cause she’s a girl now she’s getting sooo much attention. I mean, look all the drama that was caused when she left and came back.@Aeromen

  • N95 MASKS DON'T PROTECT FROM COVID-19 5.0 years ago

    Welp, I guess doomsday preppers were right all along. Dang, I shoulda got that protection gas mask when I had the chance, before they sold out, or were over $1,150.